Hi there. I've been browsing the forums for a while and found nothing like this, so I decided to submit it.
what I would like this tread to be, is a place where people can post their missions, and ask for suggestions/flaws etc.
So how it should work is that anyone can post their mission here, name, where to find it etc, and that should be the only posts on the tread. (so people don't get lost in the posts).
It would also be nice if they state what type of advice they are after (if applicable).
The suggestions/advice etc should then be sent in a PM or left after the mission, depending how the person asks to be contacted I guess.
So hopefully this will work, and it will help a lot of people find their way around the foundry.
Finally, I'm posting this tread not as a cry for attention, but rather as a tool for people that really like building quests, that get lost in the sea of Ez XP, Test, AMG I CAN MAKE A QUEST, type of quests that are flooding the foundry page.
My first quest's called Restoring Balance (NW-DUCJV5WYB), found in the NEW tab atm. It is sort of story driven, even though I didn't really put too much work into the conversations themselves, it's rather just an introduction to what it can be if it works, there are choices you make that change things in the world, so choose carefully.
What I would like to hear is any type of feedback you can think of (as long as it's constructive).
Hope I hear from you guys soon.
Short code is:NW-DOVTSEIKQ
This is my first map, so I hope it is enjoyable. I would like to know how people feel about the enconters and atmosphere. I tested the mission on my lv22 mage and it's solo-able, but I don't know about the lower and higher levels. About the atmosphere, I want to know if the story and map design are attractive enough for players to try the upcoming quests.
Thanks everyone! Hope you enjoy!
Quest Tread
"Flesh Forge Prelude: The Death of A Nasher" NW-DOVTSEIKQ