A few things I think could use some tweaking or any workarounds you other DMs have.
1: Encounter actors: They always attack NPCs. This is difficult if you need NPCs near enemies, such as prisoners. It would be nice if there were a way to keep them close without being attacked and changing their animation.
2: NPCs always glow blue: It be nice to have bad NPCs. Those that glow red and arnt afraid of encounter groups, but are there simply for story, not to attack or be attacked.
3: Types of Encounters: I have seen that there are guard "friendly" encounters. It might be good to have an encounter type button. Like "enemy" " friendly" and even "neutral" for creatures that don't attack unless attacked or player meets a condition that forces it to attack.
4: Appearing and Dissapearing: Many details have a great way of appearing but not Dissapearing. Take skyfade to black. Slowly the screen dips to black but just turns off like a light when dissapearing. Having animations that dissapear as well as they appear would look nicer.
5: Interact with Contact on object: Objects such as skyfade have worked nice to separate scenes. But if you use dialog on an object, it just says "press f to interact". Changing "interact" to something else like " look around" under the interact portion of the pop-up does nothing. Nore does the name of the object show up. It would be nice to be able to show the name and change the "f to" portion. Like if I use a skyfade that goes into dialog since I can't do a cutscene, it would be good to see "that's strange(name of object) press f to investigate(interact text" then go into the contact dialog. Or seeing "talk to" instead of interact when it's a non quest NPC, or even a talking object.
6: Timed fx: Having timed options for effects would help for explosions, NPCs teleporting, stuff where your looking for a quick flash.
7: Dropped item text: First, it be nice to have any type of encounter or NPC droop an item you make. But when it's a needed quest item, or a character gives you an item, it would be good to see some pop-up saying "you have received " or something of the sort. I have one NPC that hands me something but there is no indication that he does so unless I put it in dialog I suppose.