Alright guys, we all know The Foundry is awesome. You can change the look of darn near anything, you can't change ANYTHING ELSE. Why? Why can't I choose what spells each encounter has? Why can't we make NPC's (or single encounter mobs) boss's? Why can't we place encounters on an individual basis? Why is there ANY limit on what we can place? I understand that the mobs have to be ready for any level to run through, but surely we should be able to alter say a % of a stat. Or even change the spell/item list of the mob so they attack differently. Let us actually FULLY control the encounter. Don't taunt us with the idea of freedom then rip away the best part! Don't get me wrong, The Foundry is an AMAZING innovation, and a lot of the content is really fun to run though. But if you gave us actual control over the entire encounter, they could be so much more! I hope this doesn't sound too negative or QQ'y. I just feel like this opportunity you have with this software is spectacular, and the possibility's could be endless! We just don't have the tools to truly customize an adventure yet.
TL:DR- While changing the ascetic and map is nice in The Foundry, we need more control over the actual gameplay and encounter structure to truly let our creative juices flow and unlock the full potential of this community!

P.S. To all those that say "Oh we can't take off the restrictions because people will abuse the system." News flash, that will happen anyway. If they want to power level all the way up to cap, let them. It's a side effect of letting your players make quests.
Just some thoughts.

- Jeff
The Ties that Bind Us Foundry Campaign
It is a bit limited at the moment, even the big popular foundry authors have no problem admitting that. The most popular foundry missions, and the most challenging, they've found little tricks to make their content more interesting. There's even a ventrillo server where foundry authors will help you learn how to do certain things.. a quote from them sums it up "Until they add more, the foundry is about deceiving those that play your quest." Slight of hand can be very effective.
Here's to hoping they can get more added soon, as I see Foundry Quests being the backbone of this game.
The Ties that Bind Us Foundry Campaign
and there is a hell of a lot in the editor, its just figuring out how to use it and figuring out tricks to work around any limitations.
My Flash Games ->
Indeed. Hope they fix it soon. Also, anyone have any ideas on how to find quests you've published when playing as a regular, non-foundry character? I've searched for mine numerous times and been unable to find it, which is discouraging since it makes it seem as though no one will ever see anything I publish.
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