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When does the trinity (Tank/Heal/DPS) kick in?

borgukborguk Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hi guys,

Enjoying the game so far but I'm wondering if the trinity (Tank/Heal/DPS) actually kicks in? At the moment I'm a level 20 Cleric and so far every Dungeon run has just been a mad rush to finish. No one's needed healing and the tank might just as well of been another pure DPS class.

Does this change? I was hoping that this game would be a return to the Healing/Tanking roles but so far I'm not seeing it.

Post edited by borguk on


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    kittledorfkittledorf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Around lvl60 after the first epic dungeons the trinity kicks in :D.

    Na there is some harder dungeons in the end, before 60 that needs healing and such. However it's just a few dungeons that really needs it.
    Rest can be handled with alot of CC and just kiting the boss and deal with adds.
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    silvertiger2772silvertiger2772 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you want tactics and skill in MMO combat, you're five or so years too late to the genre.
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    imbauser123imbauser123 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So neither tanks or healers are truly needed in dungeons until the last few before 60?

    That seems like a very sad misstep if it's true =/ MMO's are all about class roles and these should be 100% displayed in dungeons imo...
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    kittledorfkittledorf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It's a bit sad ya, however at'least with a tank and healer you dont have to spampot as much (and some fights like Mad Dragon and those in the end are harder). Only tried the first two epic dungeons and so far it's been done without any healer or tank. It's harder yes but doable for sure, and makes the grinding for purple very easy.
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So neither tanks or healers are truly needed in dungeons until the last few before 60?

    That seems like a very sad misstep if it's true =/ MMO's are all about class roles and these should be 100% displayed in dungeons imo...

    Well this is a arpg so it's kinda different than your avarage mmo :) Adapt ?
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    xsmilingbanditxxsmilingbanditx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you want tactics and skill in MMO combat, you're five or so years too late to the genre.

    Play WoW or maybe TERA. Problem solved!;)
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    borgukborguk Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Such a shame :(
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    MMO's are all about class roles

    What a limited view.
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    infi321infi321 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    What a limited view.

    Alright, enlighten us with your vast pool of knowledge then.

    So far no developer has managed to get outside the trinity/class role, with success.
    "Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
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    pulsar85pulsar85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    this game is just bad
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    chaelkchaelk Member Posts: 5,727 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    infi321 wrote: »
    Alright, enlighten us with your vast pool of knowledge then.

    So far no developer has managed to get outside the trinity/class role, with success.

    Try Champions, most of its soleoable. Teams only needed for a few things, healers tanks not always needed for them.
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    infi321infi321 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    chaelk wrote: »
    Try Champions, most of its soleoable. Teams only needed for a few things, healers tanks not always needed for them.
    Alerts are all PUGS. You learn to adapt

    We have quite different views on what "success" is defined by.

    Just ebcause Champions was "your game", doesnt make it successful.
    "Your story may not last forever; but it will exist forever"
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    qioxqiox Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    infi321 wrote: »
    Alright, enlighten us with your vast pool of knowledge then.

    So far no developer has managed to get outside the trinity/class role, with success.

    How about the only other D&D MMO, namely DDO which most certainly does not have any fixed class roles at any level. Fixed class roles makes for less options on how an encounter can be defeated. Which means the game is less interesting.
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    zentucknorzentucknor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    borguk wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    Enjoying the game so far but I'm wondering if the trinity (Tank/Heal/DPS) actually kicks in? At the moment I'm a level 20 Cleric and so far every Dungeon run has just been a mad rush to finish. No one's needed healing and the tank might just as well of been another pure DPS class.

    Does this change? I was hoping that this game would be a return to the Healing/Tanking roles but so far I'm not seeing it.


    This is an issue with the people you play with and not the game. It has always been possible for players to get potions to make a healer not a big issue for a party and the same is true here. However in my group of friends when we run dungeons they never have to use potions if my healer is along. Our tank grabs agro, our thieves sneak to the other side for attacks and I use my healing skills to keep the party intact and we have a lot of fun doing it.
    Ever ask a halfling to watch over your stuff while you visit the privy? Was it there when you returned?
    Friar Kalien of Torm
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    sinmuballitsinmuballit Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    qiox wrote: »
    How about the only other D&D MMO, namely DDO which most certainly does not have any fixed class roles at any level. Fixed class roles makes for less options on how an encounter can be defeated. Which means the game is less interesting.

    I don't see how having 3 different class roles means you have less options. I didn't play DDO (enough to comment on it) but GW2 had the same promise. Getting rid of the trinity - equal share of the responsibility - more variety of gameplay, and all that. In the end everyone just basically zerged things down.

    That said, I actually didn't feel all that useless as a dedicated healer in the few lowbie dungeons I did in Neverwinter. Certainly wasn't needed for most of it but I felt that I contributed in boss fights plenty. And that's also true for about the first 20-30 levels of WoW, arguably more.
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    deahamletdeahamlet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I don't see how having 3 different class roles means you have less options. I didn't play DDO (enough to comment on it) but GW2 had the same promise. Getting rid of the trinity - equal share of the responsibility - more variety of gameplay, and all that. In the end everyone just basically zerged things down.

    That said, I actually didn't feel all that useless as a dedicated healer in the few lowbie dungeons I did in Neverwinter. Certainly wasn't needed for most of it but I felt that I contributed in boss fights plenty. And that's also true for about the first 20-30 levels of WoW, arguably more.

    Trinity actually decreases variety rather than increase it. GW2's problem was definitely NOT the classes but simply bad bad HORRID dungeon design and prices. Everyone wanted their gear and they farmed the heck out of every glitch which ended up at times you only got parties that did 2 bosses, reset. Both because they wanted the 100s of points faster and because some of the bosses were stupid throw yourself at the boss and run around like headless chickens because you could not take a hit... and in that game being in melee range of bosses just meant lots and lots of deaths. Some of the bosses were ridiculous spams of red circles everywhere, you could stack hundreds of deaths in a dungeon if you bothered going all the way to the end...

    In general it was bad boss fight designs where your gear didn't really matter to be honest... The classes were fun and the synergies were amazing. If they had made bosses that took some tactics rather than cheesing it and also made it so your bloody defensive stats did anything ... might have been something. Then you had the fact that people got bored of never feeling OP because you're always downleveled... Never farming lower difficulty anything because you're always at par with content... and then you had the fact that just because you can go in at level 1 to PVP doesn't mean you know enough about your class or other classes not to get owned... etc etc etc

    Don't blame the lack of trinity. The lack of trinity is about the only thing that made those dungeons remotely fun with how badly they were designed.
    Trinity is for plebs who cannot be bothered to keep an eye on their own health bar and placement. Be responsible for yourselves.

    A tank at epics is still nice to have if they play well. GWFs laughably think they can hold the boss, but it's always chasing me and my rock golem dude holds better aggro than them except he starts chasing ads if I'm focusing hard on ads. If DPS plays smartly, GF is not needed. A cleric is always nice because it means way fewer pots. AOE and CC on ads and ability to dodge trumps need for a cleric. You just have to be a lot more on it.
    It's very nice. I don't quite like the amount of ad aggro we get and how it's nigh impossible to get rid of it... but this game makes healing thrilling something that has gone away from Tera even, and that, when undergeared, is quite the thrill to heal.
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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    borguk wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    Enjoying the game so far but I'm wondering if the trinity (Tank/Heal/DPS) actually kicks in? At the moment I'm a level 20 Cleric and so far every Dungeon run has just been a mad rush to finish. No one's needed healing and the tank might just as well of been another pure DPS class.

    Does this change? I was hoping that this game would be a return to the Healing/Tanking roles but so far I'm not seeing it.


    Bad news.. it just gets worse at 60. MUCH WORSE. I haven't been in a single group that resembled anything remotely close to tanks tanking and healers healing.. Let alone rogues disarming traps. The only time I see clerics healing is during boss fights.
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    grekthorangrekthoran Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    I like the trinity. It got stale and so some games tried to move away from it. I love that they had the courage to do this, but it also pointed out to me just how good the trinity system is. If all games had been made without it, then someone came along and made a game with the trinity system, we would all be praising that as the best idea ever. Sometimes, when something works it just works. No need to try to re invent the wheel.

    Having said that, the system in this game isn't that bad. I do feel that tanks and healers have a role in this game, even if it is reduced. The biggest thing is those stupid pets. Making pets not allowed in a full group would make things a bit more challenging and would make tanking much more fun. Great solo mechanic, but it sucks in a group. Now, if they made a pet class, that would be different, but they would have to have more control over the pet and be expected to control it correctly in a group.
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    courtseecourtsee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    borguk wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    Enjoying the game so far but I'm wondering if the trinity (Tank/Heal/DPS) actually kicks in? At the moment I'm a level 20 Cleric and so far every Dungeon run has just been a mad rush to finish. No one's needed healing and the tank might just as well of been another pure DPS class.

    Does this change? I was hoping that this game would be a return to the Healing/Tanking roles but so far I'm not seeing it.

    I'm almost level 40 and I've seen a couple dungeons where the tanking/healing aspect is a bit more important. One of them was Lair of the Mad Dragon. I'm a DC as well and LoTMD was a bit brutal to heal through.
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    aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What's with this mad obsession with "the trinity?" I spent the last two years playing a combat heavy MMO without anything close to that (uncharted waters online) and D&D itself, which at least loosely inspires this game, does not in any way require the trinity. There are plenty of DPS clerics and sword and shield fighters who were more interested in cracking skulls than protecting back ranks across the ages.

    This "trinity" thing is yet another thing that Everquest brought into MMO's and WoW cemented as what it should be in peoples' heads. There are other potential models and, what's more, it has been done to death.
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