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Turn off the insufferable Admin spam and allow us to discard/vendor lockboxes.

thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2013 in General Discussion (PC)

Enough is enough.
I know you're trying really hard to promote cash shop but seriously, nobody cares if Joe Blow received a nightmare my little pony.
Also what's with nightmare lockboxes not being able to be discarded or vendored?
I have 2 stacks in my bags which I can't do anything with.
Post edited by thevlaka on


  • stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    They want you to visit the cash shop and buy yourself a nice little $10 bag to hold those lockboxes, or spend $10 to get a ring of keys to unlock them. Either way they're going for the money.
  • zaphtasticzaphtastic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just chuck my lockboxes on the auction house. People have been buying them... so far.
  • grimleighgrimleigh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What's worrying me is if they change the lockboxes to a different type at various intervals they will eat up more and more of our inventory space. I am not going to waste money unlocking them no matter how hard they try and make me. Being unable to discard/vendor them is just annoying.
  • shepherdofmanshepherdofman Member Posts: 169 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Insufferable? Dude it's not that bad calm down.. You're pathetic for even raging about this :\ you can hardly notice it with the dumb****s in zone chat anyway. Get real, this is just a petty attention grab attempt.
    ~They are Lions, and I am their Shepherd~
  • lisau1974lisau1974 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    They want you to visit the cash shop and buy yourself a nice little $10 bag to hold those lockboxes, or spend $10 to get a ring of keys to unlock them. Either way they're going for the money.

    Exactly! I am a bit appalled at how this is all handled. At least let us throw out the darn boxes, and give more bags out as rewards. Make them 16 slots and less, and have the store sell bags that are 24 slots and above. Oh also, $10 for a bag = not a good deal. So sweeten it a bit.
    zaphtastic wrote: »
    I just chuck my lockboxes on the auction house. People have been buying them... so far.

    Really? I have been putting them up for 100 AD each and no one buys. How much do you charge per?
  • mattimeo97mattimeo97 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    grimleigh wrote: »
    What's worrying me is if they change the lockboxes to a different type at various intervals they will eat up more and more of our inventory space. I am not going to waste money unlocking them no matter how hard they try and make me. Being unable to discard/vendor them is just annoying.


    There is no if. WHEN is what you are looking for. Cryptic will be releasing new lockboxes on a regular basis. The sole benefit is that a few months out, this lockbox will be worth a lot to someone wanting what's in it.

    Maybe then they can afford to not have their games go down two nights in a row.
  • lisau1974lisau1974 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2013
    They want you to visit the cash shop and buy yourself a nice little $10 bag to hold those lockboxes, or spend $10 to get a ring of keys to unlock them. Either way they're going for the money.

    Exactly! I am a bit appalled at how this is all handled. At least let us throw out the darn boxes, and give more bags out as rewards. Make them 16 slots and less, and have the store sell bags that are 24 slots and above. Oh also, $10 for a bag = not a good deal. So sweeten it a bit.
    zaphtastic wrote: »
    I just chuck my lockboxes on the auction house. People have been buying them... so far.

    Really? I have been putting them up for 100 AD each and no one buys. How much do you charge per?
  • skugganskuggan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What I dont want is adming messages in other languages than English.
  • zaphtasticzaphtastic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lisau1974 wrote: »
    Really? I have been putting them up for 100 AD each and no one buys. How much do you charge per?
    OK, I admit my data may be an outlier, but I only got one box so far [3 days ago] and sold it for 400-ish. Still, I'd consider selling it at like 20-50 AD as long as it didn't cause me to lose AD from posting fees / after the auction house cut.

    For the record, I agree that lockboxes should be destroyable... and yeah, the bag situation is really, really annoying.
  • niblnibl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well If you can trade these lockboxes you can always make dummy account and send all not needed boxes there (and even deleting character that own multiple stack of these), but sure you should be able to discard them.

    As for ponies, then i don't mind. It is not like you hear some annoying fanfare or getting alarm window with informtation that someone got their stuff. Ads are ads.
  • tjx616xxtjx616xx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ill take this spam if it means i get to enjoy this game free of charge anyday. if this spam means they are making money, then its all the better for us players. It means that they can grow the game to what we all expect it to be, i.e. raids, tier content, new armor models, etc.
  • shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I dunno. I actually kind of like the announcements. It gives me a good idea of just how common/rare the horses are. Besides, the game is free. Remember when free games had actual ads in them?

    I only found two of the boxes, but I put them both on the AH with a starting bid of 50. Both of them have been bid on already. Also, don't forget that you can buy keys on the AH. It's much cheaper to buy them that way than converting AD to zen.
  • roguejd000roguejd000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    OP, your mindset is both ignorant and displays a sense of undeserved self-importance.

    The model of this game is F2P, buy for convenience. Let's not forget, this game is also a business. The cost of overhead needs to be offset somehow. Some games have a subscription. Some, a cash shop. Of those with a cash shop, there are several types. Buy-to-win, is one.

    //Edit: B2W seems to be rampant amongst other titles, but Perfect World has demonstrated that that doesn't have to be the norm. /edit

    Perfect World has done a remarkable job at representing the buy-for-convenience model.

    The admin notification gives an added sense of value to the item.

    Your argument is petty, and colors you as one who sees yourself as some sort of special snowflake.
  • cukydohcukydoh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The point I mainly agree on is that they're non-deletable. The reason this is bad design is because there are workarounds to get rid of them. If there are workarounds, then they should either be made deletable, or you need to patch those workarounds. As it is now, it's just an unnecessary inconvenience for the end-users. I have nothing against spending cash as you can see, I bought both packs, but I don't like gambling and I never will. For me they're just annoying and it seems more like a bug than anything else. Would love to get an official word on this...

    The text issue I don't mind too much. I don't know why it displays it in all honesty, but that's fine if there's a reason. My only request would be to make it a little smaller, and not exactly in the centre of my screen whilst I'm fighting a boss, that's not so fun.
    shroommage wrote: »
    Also, don't forget that you can buy keys on the AH. It's much cheaper to buy them that way than converting AD to zen.

    Actually, it's usually the exact opposite. It's *cheaper* to convert to Zen and buy the items yourself as people put huge prices on the AH. I assume they're just testing what they can get away with as with so many currencies it's hard to keep track of an item's true worth.
  • neowolfenneowolfen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 68
    edited May 2013
    nibl wrote: »
    Well If you can trade these lockboxes you can always make dummy account and send all not needed boxes there (and even deleting character that own multiple stack of these), but sure you should be able to discard them.

    As for ponies, then i don't mind. It is not like you hear some annoying fanfare or getting alarm window with informtation that someone got their stuff. Ads are ads.

    You could just mail them to yourself as an attachment and delete the mail with attachment included. that way your not technically deleting the lockboxes (which you cant) but merely deleting a mail with an attachment.
    Ser Alathor Crownguard, Cwelenas Alenuath, Dwarin Stonefist, Danaerys Hellborn
  • thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Insufferable? Dude it's not that bad calm down.. You're pathetic for even raging about this :\ you can hardly notice it with the dumb****s in zone chat anyway. Get real, this is just a petty attention grab attempt.
    You dont notice stacks of immovable lockboxes in your bags or the constant Admin spam?
    the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is strong in this one.
  • roguejd000roguejd000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    thevlaka wrote: »
    You dont notice stacks of immovable lockboxes in your bags or the constant Admin spam?
    the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is strong in this one.

    Personal insults over differing views? Kid, you're truly demonstrating immaturity.

    I'll agree that the undeletable lockboxes are a nuisance, but only a very mild one.
  • stereoblindxstereoblindx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The boxes were painfully easy to sell at launch but that's when people didn't realize the only way to obtain the keys for them is through the cash shop. By next month and probably even before then, those lock boxes will be up for like 50AD per stack of 20 due to them being so useless. Accept it as a pathetic way to make money off stupid people. The admin spam is intentional, the fact that you can't delete them is intentional, and the overpriced bags on the cash shop are not there by coincidence.
  • adania666adania666 Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    Admin annoucements are something from all PWE games (Well alot in Perfect World). Get used to them, when more boxes are released it will be a very common occurrence :)
  • khulodiumkhulodium Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The boxes were painfully easy to sell at launch but that's when people didn't realize the only way to obtain the keys for them is through the cash shop. By next month and probably even before then, those lock boxes will be up for like 50AD per stack of 20 due to them being so useless. Accept it as a pathetic way to make money off stupid people. The admin spam is intentional, the fact that you can't delete them is intentional, and the overpriced bags on the cash shop are not there by coincidence.

    Stupid people? Some people don't mind paying for a game they enjoy. How is that stupid?

    Yes, the spam is annoying. Perhaps we should be able to disable it... for a little fee. Like owning the horse. >: D>
  • dreamo1984dreamo1984 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Sell them for 1AD, problem solved.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Member Posts: 2,073 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    [Admin] channel spam is very immersion breaking.
    There I am soloing a dungeon, covered in blood and feeling heoric and there's an announcement that has flame all to do with me.

    "Attention Z-Mart Shoppers"
    Whose this jerk who got some stupid item I don't even care about?
    I don't know but now I hate them because they interrupted my 'flow'.

    Now the question is, how much hate do the devs want to generate in their game?

    How about they make the [Admin] a character we can hunt down and silence?
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tjx616xx wrote: »
    ill take this spam if it means i get to enjoy this game free of charge anyday. if this spam means they are making money, then its all the better for us players. It means that they can grow the game to what we all expect it to be, i.e. raids, tier content, new armor models, etc.

    What possesses you to even think, that these messages are even remotely responsible for supplying you with a free game?

    It's PWE being their traditionally sleazy Asian mmo BS-selves and trying to tempt players into wasting more money. Because its easier to take two cool items and stick them behind rng, than actually put out solid microtransactions at sensible prices.

    This spam has nothing to do with them making money. It has everything to do with not being satisfied with the money they did make. and they have no problem insulting our intelligence to do it.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    khulodium wrote: »
    Stupid people? Some people don't mind paying for a game they enjoy. How is that stupid?

    Yes, the spam is annoying. Perhaps we should be able to disable it... for a little fee. Like owning the horse. >: D>

    Its stupid to pay upwards of $100 for a chance at two items and getting items that drop in game by the boatload, and never getting said items.

    Nothing stupid about giving them money.
    but the smart people who want to support the game, don't buy keys or boxes.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • rohk007rohk007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thevlaka wrote: »

    Enough is enough.
    I know you're trying really hard to promote cash shop but seriously, nobody cares if Joe Blow received a nightmare my little pony.
    Also what's with nightmare lockboxes not being able to be discarded or vendored?
    I have 2 stacks in my bags which I can't do anything with.

    this is the problem with Freeload2play...lockboxes are how they make money which they need for development. If you dont want the boxes, get a max stack, put on AH for 1 AD. You then do not have to worry about it. As for the Joe blow got his nightmare mount, who cares, its like a commercial that last 1 second. There are bigger things I would like them to work on besides this 1 sec spam.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    direcrow wrote: »
    What possesses you to even think, that these messages are even remotely responsible for supplying you with a free game?

    Because each time a message pops up that someone got the rare prize from a lockbox, it represents that people have been using keys.... which means they've been spending zen..... which means they've been spending $$$. And people spending $$$ in the cash shop, supplies all the insufferable "ZOMG CASH SHOP TOO EXPENSIVE! DISGUSTING!" whiners with a free game.

    (What I did with those announcements, is go into the UI settings, and move it to the upper corner of the screen. Now, I rarely notice it, since it's not right in the middle of my view.)
  • askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thevlaka wrote: »

    Enough is enough.
    I know you're trying really hard to promote cash shop but seriously, nobody cares if Joe Blow received a nightmare my little pony.
    Also what's with nightmare lockboxes not being able to be discarded or vendored?
    I have 2 stacks in my bags which I can't do anything with.

    Yea I know.. that was spamming us during a boss fight overlaying some of the improtant info we needed to be looking at. But NOOOOOOOOO. We gots to advertise our Xen sucking mechanics of the game.

    Between the greed and the wow generation speed rushing thru stuff because of the damage meters my desire to play as already down this low:

  • askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Because each time a message pops up that someone got the rare prize from a lockbox, it represents that people have been using keys.... which means they've been spending zen..... which means they've been spending $$$. And people spending $$$ in the cash shop, supplies all the insufferable "ZOMG CASH SHOP TOO EXPENSIVE! DISGUSTING!" whiners with a free game.

    (What I did with those announcements, is go into the UI settings, and move it to the upper corner of the screen. Now, I rarely notice it, since it's not right in the middle of my view.)

    I don't remember them giving out free license keys to this game.

    Da da da derpy.... derpage... derp-o-rama.
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Because each time a message pops up that someone got the rare prize from a lockbox, it represents that people have been using keys.... which means they've been spending zen..... which means they've been spending $$$. And people spending $$$ in the cash shop, supplies all the insufferable "ZOMG CASH SHOP TOO EXPENSIVE! DISGUSTING!" whiners with a free game.

    (What I did with those announcements, is go into the UI settings, and move it to the upper corner of the screen. Now, I rarely notice it, since it's not right in the middle of my view.)

    So? Did you get a message saying I bought a Guardian pack? Or every time someone buys a wedding dress? Hell no. The messages are designed, exclusively to try and tempt people into a purchase, by creating the illusion that the rare items aren't as rare. If you see thirty messages a day, it looks easy to win. But then you consider that's 30 out of how many thousands of people and hundreds of boxes?

    The messages are also embarrassing for the winners. Some people don't want the entire server to know they won. That way they can avoid all the insulting PMs, or offers to buy whatever they won. But PWE has never cared about player comfort.

    It's like the teacher who overly praises the one student who aced the test. It fosters jealousy and all the worst aspects of gamer/shopping addiction. Basically PWE dangles every mount win in front of our faces and taunts "You know you want it".

    If these messages are a result of having made money, why do they need to bother everyone on the serve for more? Seems like its just greedy.

    Got news for you, this game makes more than enough money outside the boxes. Don't even try to pretend that any game requires gamble boxes to maintain themselves or pay for costs.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You want a quick, easy, and (almost certainly) popular solution?
    Make the !^@% Boxes sellable to Rinks (The little Kobold by the A.D. Vendor) for 50 A.D. each. Suddenly they have real value, even if you don't want to open them. And, let me tell you something CripticWorld, turning Lockbox Haters into Lockbox Lovers is a GREAT way to convince people to buy more Keys. Heck, you have the option to, basically, buy your Lockbox Key with other Lockboxes.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
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