I am not talking about new classes or companions or shiny hats - we all know thats gonna come. Im rather talking about game mechanics, modes, maps, et. etc. etc....
Let me start by saying that i think this game has the potential to become something great in the longrun - but for this it needs more replayability - outside of the founddry. What i would like to see were more open world sandbox feature - such as a region similar to the border regions from aoc where you have open world pvp, can build or siege and claim castles or towns and defend them from other players/guilds. Thats really one of my few grimes with the game right now - if it had more sandbox features, was more open world, with that combat system, i'd probably be hooked for years... The other thing i would like to see if they manage to increase the amount of customization on the characters...by unlocking skills earlier, giving players more skills to choose (i think dnd afaik, even 4e has a lot more skills to choose from) and adding more paragorn paths asap...
What do you think?