Member ranks from Rank 1 all the way up, excluding Guild Leader, seem to be working fine. However Guild Leader is extremely buggy. On a few occasions I've had to relog after each item is placed to withdraw them, on other occasions closing and reopening the bank would solve it. I have an alt at the GL rank, and it can't place items in the bank at all, and no ammount of re-logging and opening/closing the bank would fix that.
I'm not sure exactly when this started, but I know one of my RL friends who has guild leader rank in my guild can't withdraw items either. They can deposit and they can swap items (replace item in the guild bank with item in their inv) but they cannot straight up withdraw. I know she opened a ticket in game, but this takes weeks to get a response.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
- JailBreak (in development)