Here is my newest project of many projects that I work on. The Neverwinter Powers / Feats Simulator.
Click me to go to the simulatorHow to Use
Pretty simple. Click on the How to Use tab if you want to know how to use the simulator.
A complicated yet challenging simulator for me to create. This simulator is different than the other simulators I design. So since its new, it will exhibit "unforeseen bugs." Otherwise, I would of released this one quicker and even had the feats simulation added. The one thing that made it such a gigantic headache is the "I, II, III, R buttons." I should of did the generic setup of + / - button with skill rank indicator. Actually, that is how the feats section will be handled.
For major bugs, just use the Contact Us link on the site. I used to say skype, but just don't bother with that.
Here is a random build I made. Its a Control Wizard Lvl 27 build with 28 skill points allocated. If that is not what shows up, then I guess there is a major bug in the hashing system lol.
Click MeBrowser Compatiblity
I only looked at this simulator in the latest versions of IE, Firefox, and Google Chrome. It should work fine in IE9, but not IE8. I pretty much ignore any IE8 issues. Site itself probably won't load right in IE8 anyways.
Its not mobile compatible
Requests / Future Features
Just send requests / future features by using the Contact Us link on the site. Its better that way. I have another person that helps works on things.
Skill data is easily updated on the simulator with a master spreadsheet. I make the proposed changes on the spreadsheet, then remove/re-add it to the simulator in seconds. Makes my life easy.
Anyone can make changes to the skill data on this google docs spreadsheet. If anyone does, I get notification and I will definitely make the changes to the simulator when I get the time to do it.
Special Thanks
Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment for bringing the game.
Bugfix for buttons that didn't update skill points.
I was wondering why when I clicked on the 2nd row, middle skill for any class that it didn't distribute anything. My bad on this.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
Skill Data >>> Major update for Devoted Cleric skills.
I wasn't playing when I said I could update them fast. If you're wondering when the Paragon path chooser will be available, it will be after the feats simulation is added. I don't feel like dealing with headaches like that at the moment.
Forgot to mention that I cannot make this simulator mobile compatible. Quite impossible since the graphics background is bigger than your mobile device.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
Skill Change >>>> Trickster Rogue >>> Sneak Attack >>> Added Physical damage description
Skill Change >>>> Guardian Fighter >>> Major update
Skill Change >>>> Great Weapon Fighter >>> Update to types and paragon path
I don't give specific details on what skills were updated. Its time consuming and I have better things to do than document every change.
I'm done with skill data for now. Its rather annoying to have 2 different sources with different information. I would think cooldowns would be the same for both
Now I'm going to move to the thing most want done.......the feats simulation. I do not know how long this is going to take me to do. Its like adding a expansion to a video game. You never know what will go wrong. However, I do want it done asap and I will get it done asap. But its probably going to be Friday / Saturday before you see it on the live simulator page.
And don't worry, any builds posted already will still work after the feat simulation is added. It just won't have anything in the feat section added to it (everything is 0) so you will have to come back and update your build to include your feats!
---->>>>>Off to take a long nap.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
Main design finally done for Feats simulation. Looks pretty sexy if I do say so myself. You can check it out on the test simulator page if you want, though I will be performing "wacky experiments" soon there.
Anyways, its time to code this sucker. I only have about less than 4 hrs before I head to work so I figure I'd challenge myself by seeing if I can complete it before then. Obviously, if I don't post before 6pm CDT, I didn't meet my quota and it would probably be released early Friday morning.
>>>>>>Back to work.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
----> Feats simulation now active and running!
However, the proper icons have not been added for each class yet. v1.08 will have this.
About the Feats simulation
Its noobproof. That was one of the main reasons for it being delayed for so long. Apparently, to unlock the paragon trees, you need a total of 20 heroic points. However, the main problem was that I thought originally that you had to have at least 5 points for each column to unlock the next tier. Not the case. I also thought you needed to choose a paragon path for your class and if you do, then when the paragon path selector becomes active, then those feats won't be available until you choose a path.
How I did the level calculation is based off a video of a guy who was level 60 and had 51 points total. So I assume you start getting points at level 9 and get a point for each level you gain. If that is not the case, then I will have to redo the level calculation and I wouldn't do that until later until I get a moment to either read these forums on information for that or play the game (Too busy to play games).
Each simulator I build has its own unique animations. The NW simulator is using animations and effects from the Rusty Hearts simulator. Once the simulator is finished and bug free, there will be many design updates to this simulator.
The feats simulation was thoroughly tested. However, there can be bugs with it. I can't think of anything major and by major, I mean something that screws up the entire simulator. Since I have to go to work soon, I cannot do any further testing and based on the current results, I decided to put this on the live simulator and things should be ok while I'm at work.
What is next? I need to do some code optimization to the simulator and then I will finally activate the Paragon Path radio buttons. After that, I will add the General Powers section to the Powers tab along with the race selector. And after that? There is no telling. Lets leave it a secret for now.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
System --> Fixed critical bug that caused Cleric builds that also used the feat simulation to not work. You could of seen this by making a build that included feats then reload the page to see javascript errors. For some reason, other classes didn't get that problem.
System --> Fixed a critical bug that could of affected how builds are loaded. For some reason, it never caused any wierd effects.
System --> Simulator Design update part I
Known Bugs
Make up your power build. Be on feats tab and play with it. Switch to another class and then look back at the Powers tab. It shows skills that aren't supposed to be shown yet. Harmless to be honest because once you click on those buttons, they just disappear.
I noticed the "critical bug" with cleric while still updating the user interface of the simulator. What a sneaky bug. I still have unfinished things with the user interface, but I had to roll this update out asap after discovering it. If you made a cleric build with feats, it should load properly now. It just halted its operation before it ran the feats function in the simulator in v1.08.
The Paragon path is not functional still. I merely changed it to buttons.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
System --> Critical bug with Great Weapon Fighter class. Tooltips weren't being shown. They show up now.
If you are wondering specifics, it was caught in another for loop somewhere lol. So like some of the tooltips may of shown for GWF, but majority didn't.
I have fully evaluated every class now and I don't see any problems. I think I got all the criticals.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
> Trickster Rogue skills fixed. You had skill names and info in the wrong spot. This was due to a duplicate skill "Duelist's Flurry" being in the list
I was in the middle of working on activating the Paragon Paths for each class and noticed this mix up. Also make a note that there were no bugs in the simulator itself, just the data. Anything posted in the updates with system[data] in it has nothing to do with how the simulator functions. This is also how I was able to make this update as the core simulator files aren't changed for this fix.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[UI] ----> Changed Feats animations
[UI] ----> Misc. changes
What will happen to all builds that are originally for a paragon path, but now by default, the simulator will select None for Paragon Path? When that build is loaded, it will just convert it to that class's Paragon path. If you had no points put into these skills, it will load up with "None" button clicked.
It was tricky adding that to the simulator. I cannot produce any kind of bugs with it. It seems to operate perfectly. One undocumented change is the Simulator log.
The simulator log is partially functional. Right now, I only added functionality in the log to show you when any build needs to be converted and updated. Ofcourse, it automatically converts your old build URL to the new one and the old one always works and is functional.
So that ends some of the major features missing from the simulator. Here is my task list for this simulator in no specific order:
1. Feat Icons
2. General Powers
3. UI
4. Skill Data
5. Code Optimization
After that, we can talk about adding other features to the simulator and I would listen to requests and reply back to any. Until then, I'm busy.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Feats System] ---> Fixed bug in feats simulator, Paragon path #1, row 2, 1st skill. It wasn't displaying the tooltip.
[Feats UI] ---> Feat icons added for each class
[Feats System] ---> Selecting a Paragon Path will change the heading to that PP
[CSS] ---> Remove un-needed things
[System] ---> Added Race selection. Not functional yet
[System] ---> Added character tab. Not functional yet
I was going to add functionality to the race selection, but I got to go to work in a hour so it will have to wait. I had to push this update for that + the sheer fact that item #1 in the changelog needed to appear on the live simulator.
Nothing will appear in the character tab until you see the General Powers on the Powers tab. This simulator is getting more complicated by the day isn't it :P?
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Powers System] ----> For any other browser than Google Chrome, the issue with two buttons being disabled when loading your build via URL has been fixed
[Feats System] ----> You cannot put any points into paragon skills until you choose a paragon.
[UI] ----> Animation speeds increased
I removed some old code in the past that was a fix for any other browser than Chrome so it doesn't disable two buttons when loading your build. I was halfway between working on the next version when I had to load firefox up since Chrome tab crashed since I ran a infinite loop on the testing page.
However............since I had to rush this build out, I kinda forgot if I made any other big changes that may affect the simulator.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Feats System] ----> Revert v1.14 change of disable Heroic feats at 20 or greater points. Humans obviously get 3 more feat points and I have to add code for that. It looks like it may take a while to add that so now I have reverted the change.
[System] ----> Race selection code is added and is functional, but disabled
Ran into some major issues with the whole thing with humans and additional feat points. You would think it would be easy to add such a thing, but it looks like its more complicated than what it seems. I rather get a good sleep over this and work on it in the morning and just revert the change of disabling heroic feats at 20 points.
However, do take note that if you added more than 20 heroic points, when the new version is released, you will not be able to allocate more than 20 points unless you're human. Than means you have to subtract something from the heroic feats until you are at 20 points or lower to add points to other skills.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
I hope you finish it!
dirtnap gaming
Assistant Community Director
Miz Redavni aka oTRULYoADEPTo
[System] ---> Added Reset Powers / Feats buttons to simulator options
[Feats System] ---> You can no longer have 20+ heroic or 31+ paragon points. The simulator will disable everything at 20 or 31. However, if you chose human for your race, then you have a extra 3 heroic pts
[System] ---> Race selection is now active and available
[Feats System] ---> Re-implemented changes from v1.13-1.14. You cannot go over 20 Heroic pts and you must choose a paragon path before selecting paragon feats.
[Feats System] ---> Level calculation adjustment + adjustment for humans
Feats build conversion process
If you distributed more than 20 heroic pts but not over 23 pts, then your build will be converted on the get go to a human build and your feats points allocated will not be erased.
If you allocated more than 23 heroic pts, then your build will be wiped on the get go and you will have to redo your feats build. The game doesn't allow you to max all your heroic feats so what makes you think you can do it here?
If you allocated more than 31 paragon pts, then your paragon feats will be reset. You cannot max out all of your paragon paths in the game so what makes you think you can here?
There were other changes, but I don't always keep up with all the changes I make. This here was probably the biggest headache + roadblock I had to overcome before doing anything else for the simulator. It wasn't easy is all I can say.
I did a lot of thorough testing on what I did and I didn't see any bugs. Whatever one tries to do to mess up the feats or powers simulators, I have already covered. So you can't load up a old build that had 99 heroic and paragon points for example. Its a good thing that the powers and feats systems are separate or else the entire simulator would come crashing down on me.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
first thanks for the tool was really helpful in my toon planning.
I want to point out a bug though which should be easy to fix, the GWF feat screen is using the GF feats.
[Powers System] --> General Powers section implemented
Select a race and class and you will see their general powers.
With that, the NW Feats / Powers simulator is complete. My original goal was to add the General / Combat Powers and Feats systems. With all three final fully functional, I can call the simulator complete. I look back on it now and I say, "Wow, thats a lot of work and so much code that I don't even know whats going on anymore with it."
However, the simulator is not truly complete yet. Skill data needs to be updated and correct. Next is code optimization. Lastly, any new additional features. So in essence, the simulator is not done.
The next thing on the chopping block is skill data. v1.18 will have ALL of the skill data for ALL classes updated. There will be no errors in the data either. I will personally make sure of that. I am going to try to get this done asap.
At a later time, this same very skill data will be on google docs for you to look at. Then if there happen to be any adjustments to be made, someone can do it there and I will update the simulator with those proposed changes.
*By skill data, I mean Combat Powers only
After that, I will work on cleaning up my code. After that, I will work on the next big project for this simulator which would be the Character tab.
What will be on it?
You'll be able to set your statistics basically...
1. Your ability scores
2. Your character stats
3. And maybe more...
Unfortunately, there is no extensive database for this game nor would I feel like investing a ton of time on this so you would have to enter in your character's stats manually. There won't be a list of gear to choose from and many other things. To me, that wastes more time not only for you, but myself. That and the fact that I do not know this game's formulas and I really don't want to know so don't bother posting/sending me that.
The Far Future
I will once again re-enable the ability to save your build via a cookie so when you come to the site again, it will automatically load your build. When you work on this build, it will auto save so there would be no need to click the button again to save your build.
I removed this function from my latest simulators on the site because of a conflict on the site.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Combat Powers Skill Data] --> Control Wizard skills updated.
Rank 2/3 information for paragon path skills not available since in game it does not show it unless you are that PP.
I will not post again until all classes are updated. However, on the simulator page itself, you will see it jump from v1.18 to v1.19 and so on with a version history. I'm going one by one.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
All class combat powers skill data updated
[General Powers] ---> Cleric Righteousness now has its skill description
I am now finally done with skill data. However, I will probably have to recheck Guardian Fighter, Control Wizard, and Great Weapon Fighter paragon path skill data because I noticed the information in game was different than what the wikis said which kinda threw me off because some of it is little things you can miss.
With it being this late and myself not having any sleep yet, I pretty much assumed the paragon path descriptions for those classes in game === what the wiki said.
Its great to be finished. Now comes the headache of optimizing this code. For v1.23, I will add a preview of what the inside of the character tab will look like, but nothing on it will be functional. Remember that.
*General Powers icons will be added at a later date.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Feats Skill Data] ---> Great Weapon Fighter feat names/descriptions fixed.
Apparently, I copied Guardian Fighter's skills x2 and thought it was Great Weapon Fighter back then. That is what happens when you have no sleep.
Makes me want to recheck other feats, but ppl would of reported it already.
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
[Feats System] ---> Devoted Cleric Healing Action can now be increased to Rank 5 instead of Rank 3
Any more bugs :P? More like typos if you ask me :cool:
Reyva's MMO Game Simulators
Is this tool meant to compare different specs for characters?