I was in cloak tower and a cleric needs on a two handed weapon and I am a GWF.
First of, it shouldn't be possible for others to roll on class specific items, at least not need as an option, but anyways.
I asked several times for the club, got the excuse that it was for her other character. Fine, I can't be arsed about her other character, when I'm in the dungeon for that club in particular.
Ninja looted from me.
Then I stop at Vansi, not entering the party circle until she gives me the club. Then I get threatened by the party to be reported for griefing. At the end I get kicked from the party, but the problem of people being able to ruin the game experience on a specific character is too great with the current lootsystem.
Post edited by kgl7 on
eyepatchdudeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Let me be sure I understand.
Someone rolled need, and won, on an item you wanted. You tried to hold the group hostage, and ransom completion for a shiny bit of code, that drops frequently.
You feel like you're the wronged party because people can roll need on items that aren't for their class, and would like the developers to rewrite the loot roll system so that nobody else is able to roll on items that are for your class?
Yes, the Cleric was inconsiderate, but you were ACTIVELY, intentionally, disrupting the entire parties game experience.
Someone rolled need, and won, on an item you wanted. [...]
A cleric rolled on an item, he couldn't use yes.
ramuxxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
I only roll need on items I don't need if I have a greedy group with everyone rolling need. Otherwise I greed and let the class who needs it, get it. They really need to make it class-specific need only, unless the class isn't present.
I cant remember wich game it is but there is 1 game that has the rolling system that only the certain classes can roll on the items they need. And if there is no such class in the group the whole group can roll for it otherwise its only rollabe(?) for the class that can use it. It was a big + on that game
*Club dropped, Cleric rolled need, you rolled need*
Cleric won.
You: ''OMFG! **** GIVE ME THAT! ITS MINE OMFG *****!''
If I were that cleric, I would have refused to give it up as well. Courtesy goes a long way even in gaming situations. Perhaps you should learn some manners
archerofbanishMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited May 2013
Well I have to agree on one thing. I was trying to get this sword from the Orc Assault if I recal for my Guardian Fighter and despite being the only guardian fighter on the party some random rogue rolled need for it and got it by one point. I must admit that kinda pissed me off.
Still I think at least disabling the Need for items not your class could be an option.
xerouMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Someone rolled need, and won, on an item you wanted. You tried to hold the group hostage, and ransom completion for a shiny bit of code, that drops frequently.
You feel like you're the wronged party because people can roll need on items that aren't for their class, and would like the developers to rewrite the loot roll system so that nobody else is able to roll on items that are for your class?
Yes, the Cleric was inconsiderate, but you were ACTIVELY, intentionally, disrupting the entire parties game experience.
Don't expect alot of sympathy
On the other hand having GWFs and GFs roll constantly on blue Thief gear in Cloak Tower EVERY RUN that eventually forced me to go buy it off the auction just to do decent damage against enemies is completely okay, right?
Guess what, it's not.
You shouldn't be able to roll need on gear that is not for your class.
xerouMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
*Club dropped, Cleric rolled need, you rolled need*
Cleric won.
You: ''OMFG! **** GIVE ME THAT! ITS MINE OMFG *****!''
If I were that cleric, I would have refused to give it up as well. Courtesy goes a long way even in gaming situations. Perhaps you should learn some manners
Courtesy is also seeing that someone in your party CURRENTLY can use that item, and it is an upgrade so you don't roll need on it, sorry but the Cleric was in the wrong for being a greedy jerkface.
That is basic party looting procedure, the cleric asked for that result by being a greedy jerk.
Such is the problem with random queue parties. Which is why many games have an enforced rule on not being able to need roll on non class gear.
Know what, it works perfectly as well.
xerouMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Seems like everyone's been needing all the loots, actually. Kind of annoying at times... I personally haven't been ninja'd (yet), however.
I have, every run.
Last run in cloak I greeded on blue thief item drops so the other thief could get them.
The Guardian Fighter rolled need on EVERYTHING, and won every time, ninja looted thief gear from one of TWO thieves in the party.
I myself had to go buy the gear because every run, every queued party member except two ended up being greedy jerks.
It's a flaw with the system that needs to be fixed.
Also on the topic of games that don't allow you, SWTOR doesn't, TERA doesn't, and I can think of a few more.
Someone rolled need, and won, on an item you wanted. You tried to hold the group hostage, and ransom completion for a shiny bit of code, that drops frequently.
You feel like you're the wronged party because people can roll need on items that aren't for their class, and would like the developers to rewrite the loot roll system so that nobody else is able to roll on items that are for your class?
Yes, the Cleric was inconsiderate, but you were ACTIVELY, intentionally, disrupting the entire parties game experience.
Don't expect alot of sympathy
I have a lot of sympathy.
In this situation, literally your only recourse to try to recoup an item that by all accounts should have been yours is to try to force your hand. I say good show. It's too bad the party was made up of people who didn't share that sympathy.
I wouldn't say everyone, I almost exclusively roll greed, or pass.. just to keep my bags available for stuff I actually want
I do this as well, I will always roll greed... I won't even look at what it is. I don't want to get disappointed if it was something I really wanted and didn't get or possibly taking something by force that someone else needed or wanted. Plus afterwards once I'm back in town it's kinda exciting to see if I got anything in my bags, like it's my birthday and someone remembered.
I have zero sympathy for someone who spits their dummy out and takes the ball home cause they don't get their way.
I doubt the OP cares for your sympathy as much as making a valid point regarding the state of the game's loot system.
Perhaps it might not be a big thing for you, but he has all the right in the world to make himself heard, as much as you have the right to sthu and move along
its common courtesy to pass on an item thats not for your class if someone else needs it, even when you may have an alt that could use it. ive noticed at the beginning of mmos not so many people have that kind of courtesy, its learned behaviour. people come from a variety of different games so you cant expect everyone to understand how the loot systems work in mmos. people will get better about things like that the longer the games out, it just seems that at the beginning theres always some weiner or 5 that doesnt get it. People defending the cleric getting the club, how would you feel if youd been running whatever dungeon for weeks or more only to have a class that cant even use the item, ninja it from you for an alt. if i were you id have rolled need on any cleric items from that point on. your alts (real or made up for that situation) have needs too after all, and if they can get away with it then i guess cleric items are ffa with that particular cleric.
the system shouldnt have to force people to be honest lol, theres always going to be situations where, for instance in a premade group where everyone knows one another and are sharing equipment, youre actually going to want to pass your class items to someone who needs it, or whatever other situation, so the flexibility is nice. just be patient. if you see someone rolling need on items that arent for their class and no one *****es about it, roll need on everything yourself. sometimes if you cant beat em you can only join em.
sorry that happened to you though, ive been there and i understand its frustrating to waste your time in an instance to get an item to drop, and when it finally drops you lose it
The OP is right and if his party was even remotely close to decent human beings they would have booted the cleric and not him.
And if posters in this thread were remotely close to decent human beings they would not only agree with the OP but also myself. Human dignity is going down the toilet and you people should be ashamed of yourselves because I'm ashamed FOR you. Furthermore...
If you both participate in a fight, you both have equal rights to anything that drops.
If you lose the roll, either ask nicely or offer the winner something in exchange. The fact that you are class X does NOT give you automatic rights to every drop that fits class X.
You can argue what should happen all day, it doesn't change the simple facts stated above. If the game designers had meant for it to be different, it would be.
nethemeaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
If you both participate in a fight, you both have equal rights to anything that drops.
If you lose the roll, either ask nicely or offer the winner something in exchange. The fact that you are class X does NOT give you automatic rights to every drop that fits class X.
You can argue what should happen all day, it doesn't change the simple facts stated above. If the game designers had meant for it to be different, it would be.
There are 3 options to roll for a reason.
Need - you need it and you can use it
Greed - you want sell it or you want it for alt
and Pass - you are above such junk.
But it all does not matter really. Yesterday I was with rogue in CT, he did NEED on every single green item. I got a bit angry because he took some green items that could be upgrade for my Guardian, but well free for all lot, let it be. Then blue rogue weapon dropped I rolled NEED just like him, and I won. Guess the rest, his whining had no end.
So both ways work, anything will work if you state loot rules before starting dungeon, for eg. it can be that rogue gets all loot. Personally I enter dungeon with assumption that we have Need Before Greed rules, but moment i see 2-3 NEEDS on non usable gear, I assume that we have Free For ALL looting, from that point I press NEED, on everything.
Ps. this game should have NBG loot setting, community is kind of battlenet/lol crowd.
zzgundam64Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
I follow the those same rules and no one has ever complained. I even give 'grats' for those that win blues. It's common courtesy.
I've recently gotten good blues on most items, so I will be doing more greed on greens and needs on blues I can use. It's not as important anymore.
In the game I priviously played it used the same exact looting system, it's all in who you run with. Best thing to do if you really want a certain item is run with people you can trust or at least know a little. My suggestion is joining a guild that likes to run group content and party up with them! That way you know who you're running with and that things will be more "fair" on your terms, and if you run with those you've become friends with then if they accidently roll on need instead of greed or just didn't realize you needed the item they may just give it to you!
If that makes sense, I mean I played LotRO for three years and after joining a Kin/Guild and getting to a proper level (By the time I played level cap was 65 and most people in my chosen Kin/Guild were around since beta or close) and finally getting to run group stuff we always ran fair with the rule of only roll on what you need and whatever noone needed anyone could take and later when I started raiding more we made use of the Master looter feature having a trusted group leader disperse the boss loot as those who needed it /roll 100 for it. (Though I don't know if we have a /roll feature in neverwinter I do suggest it as it was a nice thing to have around. Basically it was a command that simply rolled a die for you with however many sides you wanted and would state in the chat box "Soandso rolled 32 on a 100 sided die" or something like that.
Groups of random people are tough because you never know who you'll end up with Good luck with your future groups!
Let me be sure I understand.
Someone rolled need, and won, on an item you wanted. You tried to hold the group hostage, and ransom completion for a shiny bit of code, that drops frequently.
You feel like you're the wronged party because people can roll need on items that aren't for their class, and would like the developers to rewrite the loot roll system so that nobody else is able to roll on items that are for your class?
Yes, the Cleric was inconsiderate, but you were ACTIVELY, intentionally, disrupting the entire parties game experience.
Don't expect alot of sympathy
A cleric rolled on an item, he couldn't use yes.
Sympathy or not, I was questioning the loot system rather than looking for carebears.
*Club dropped, Cleric rolled need, you rolled need*
Cleric won.
You: ''OMFG! **** GIVE ME THAT! ITS MINE OMFG *****!''
If I were that cleric, I would have refused to give it up as well. Courtesy goes a long way even in gaming situations. Perhaps you should learn some manners
Still I think at least disabling the Need for items not your class could be an option.
On the other hand having GWFs and GFs roll constantly on blue Thief gear in Cloak Tower EVERY RUN that eventually forced me to go buy it off the auction just to do decent damage against enemies is completely okay, right?
Guess what, it's not.
You shouldn't be able to roll need on gear that is not for your class.
Courtesy is also seeing that someone in your party CURRENTLY can use that item, and it is an upgrade so you don't roll need on it, sorry but the Cleric was in the wrong for being a greedy jerkface.
That is basic party looting procedure, the cleric asked for that result by being a greedy jerk.
Such is the problem with random queue parties. Which is why many games have an enforced rule on not being able to need roll on non class gear.
Know what, it works perfectly as well.
I have, every run.
Last run in cloak I greeded on blue thief item drops so the other thief could get them.
The Guardian Fighter rolled need on EVERYTHING, and won every time, ninja looted thief gear from one of TWO thieves in the party.
I myself had to go buy the gear because every run, every queued party member except two ended up being greedy jerks.
It's a flaw with the system that needs to be fixed.
Also on the topic of games that don't allow you, SWTOR doesn't, TERA doesn't, and I can think of a few more.
I have a lot of sympathy.
In this situation, literally your only recourse to try to recoup an item that by all accounts should have been yours is to try to force your hand. I say good show. It's too bad the party was made up of people who didn't share that sympathy.
I do this as well, I will always roll greed... I won't even look at what it is. I don't want to get disappointed if it was something I really wanted and didn't get or possibly taking something by force that someone else needed or wanted. Plus afterwards once I'm back in town it's kinda exciting to see if I got anything in my bags, like it's my birthday and someone remembered.
I doubt the OP cares for your sympathy as much as making a valid point regarding the state of the game's loot system.
Perhaps it might not be a big thing for you, but he has all the right in the world to make himself heard, as much as you have the right to sthu and move along
the system shouldnt have to force people to be honest lol, theres always going to be situations where, for instance in a premade group where everyone knows one another and are sharing equipment, youre actually going to want to pass your class items to someone who needs it, or whatever other situation, so the flexibility is nice. just be patient. if you see someone rolling need on items that arent for their class and no one *****es about it, roll need on everything yourself. sometimes if you cant beat em you can only join em.
sorry that happened to you though, ive been there and i understand its frustrating to waste your time in an instance to get an item to drop, and when it finally drops you lose it
And if posters in this thread were remotely close to decent human beings they would not only agree with the OP but also myself. Human dignity is going down the toilet and you people should be ashamed of yourselves because I'm ashamed FOR you. Furthermore...
I was that cleric.
I got yo cluuuub. = )
If you lose the roll, either ask nicely or offer the winner something in exchange. The fact that you are class X does NOT give you automatic rights to every drop that fits class X.
You can argue what should happen all day, it doesn't change the simple facts stated above. If the game designers had meant for it to be different, it would be.
There are 3 options to roll for a reason.
Need - you need it and you can use it
Greed - you want sell it or you want it for alt
and Pass - you are above such junk.
But it all does not matter really. Yesterday I was with rogue in CT, he did NEED on every single green item. I got a bit angry because he took some green items that could be upgrade for my Guardian, but well free for all lot, let it be. Then blue rogue weapon dropped I rolled NEED just like him, and I won. Guess the rest, his whining had no end.
So both ways work, anything will work if you state loot rules before starting dungeon, for eg. it can be that rogue gets all loot. Personally I enter dungeon with assumption that we have Need Before Greed rules, but moment i see 2-3 NEEDS on non usable gear, I assume that we have Free For ALL looting, from that point I press NEED, on everything.
Ps. this game should have NBG loot setting, community is kind of battlenet/lol crowd.
I've recently gotten good blues on most items, so I will be doing more greed on greens and needs on blues I can use. It's not as important anymore.
If that makes sense, I mean I played LotRO for three years and after joining a Kin/Guild and getting to a proper level (By the time I played level cap was 65 and most people in my chosen Kin/Guild were around since beta or close) and finally getting to run group stuff we always ran fair with the rule of only roll on what you need and whatever noone needed anyone could take and later when I started raiding more we made use of the Master looter feature having a trusted group leader disperse the boss loot as those who needed it /roll 100 for it. (Though I don't know if we have a /roll feature in neverwinter I do suggest it as it was a nice thing to have around. Basically it was a command that simply rolled a die for you with however many sides you wanted and would state in the chat box "Soandso rolled 32 on a 100 sided die" or something like that.
Groups of random people are tough because you never know who you'll end up with