Hello All! Rarely Sober on BEHOLDER is looking for avid players looking to eventually complete 100% of the available Epic level 60 Content, and any future content! We are looking for individuals who are wanting to fully explore what the game has to offer! We don't care for try hards, elitists or asshats! We are currently progressing rapidly and approaching the 10K Gear Score mark on quite a few members. We have...
[*]Enough 60's to form multiple statics, but want more!
[*]A fully functioning Mumble Server.
[*]Knowledgeable players in most time zones!
We need more EST/EU(Finland,Australia,New Zealand,Britain)
If you are interested in joining, please PM Akulu@Akulun in game, or check the Guild Listing in game for Rarely Sober and apply with any of the members. Hope to see you 60's in game!
Are you still recruiting?