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How Do These Two Guides Compare?

mettiidoremettiidore Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
NOTE BEFORE READING - I AM TALKING ABOUT IN TERMS OF PVP please don't mention stuff about my gwf did x damage and the rogue only did y damage... i really don't care about doing uber damage against scripted mobs...

so there's this guide by Envy for DPS Guardian

and this guide by Kartofflens for GWF

both guides boast the strength of their class but in the Guardian guide under the PvP section It says
"Great Weapon Fighter - Another faceroll matchup. Save your block for when they blow determination. Otherwise, you can mostly facetank their damage all while doing more than them. "
and now I'm rethinking my option of playing a GWF.

are GWF's really THAT faceroll in PvP? Even if you are good/have a decent build.
and do GF's really hit that hard?
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