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A letter to the Dev team of Neverwinter: Great Job don't sweat the small stuff

ulriclorefieldulriclorefield Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Today is launch for open BETA. I would like to emphasize the BETA part also not to mention FREE TO PLAY. Many many people are angry about the fact that the game is suffering several issues due to the amazingly heavy load that the server is enduring. As you tackle each and every problem know that even though you will be attacked both in the forums and in game chat I and many others (some of them being the very people attacking you right now.) appreciate all the work and effort you have put into the game so far and the continued effort's you make as you and your fellow team member work to make this game playable.

I have been at the launch of server online games and read about them as well and I can only imagine how stressful it is to hear so many people crying out saying things such as. "this game has failed.", "I will not pay anymore money to this game.", or the ever lovely. "This games sucks and you suck as well." Most are the vocal minority and some are just lashing out in rage, but know that I can at least speak for my self in saying Thank you!

Thank you for making this game.

Thank you for enduring through the problems following launch.

Thank you for being game developers and doing what you do.

Without you this game would not even exist right now and I feel that now would be the best time to express my appreciation. I know that when it feels like the world is against you sometimes you just need a bit of a pat on the back to assure you that all that you may suffer through today is worth it. So keep up the great work Neverwinter dev team and all those working to make this great game even better as thing's move forward.

Sincerly A supporter of game developers
"Your job ain't easy."
BETA is BETA the sooner you accept that the sooner you can get on with your life.
Post edited by ulriclorefield on


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    dtrain69dtrain69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I love these suck up posts.

    "hmmm maybe if i write something nice about them they will add me as friends and give me stuff in game"
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    snarftasticsnarftastic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dtrain69 wrote: »
    I love these suck up posts.

    "hmmm maybe if i write something nice about them they will add me as friends and give me stuff in game"

    I love these whiny teary eyed posts from angry kids... Mmm, FEED ME YOUR TEARS!
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    geladongeladon Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2013
    They had no problem calculating 200+$ packages for preorder. I wish they had put that effort into server architecture.... or customer analysis. And a "open beta" is not a term or excuse for another failstart, even not in the year 2013. The only flawless release of an mmo i experienced was from Trion with Rift - every other developer failed so far... not to speak of drm-always-on forced singleplayer game-release-day-crashes.

    Bless the queue... 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 220000 .. yeah!
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    vinzovinzo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 65
    edited April 2013
    lol, this community is basically the same as SWTOR...so many hostile people on both sides.
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    geladongeladon Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2013
    vinzo wrote: »
    lol, this community is basically the same as SWTOR...so many hostile people on both sides.

    Yea but my side (the dark one) hast cookies! :P
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    multisensorysmultisensorys Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We all know the beta tag is just an excuse to hide behind when things go to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. You can stop fanboying now.
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    ragerblade82ragerblade82 Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2013
    It is a good rough draft of what I want in a D&D game.

    1) The lack of rp options and emotes bothers me. I can't sit in a chair? I can't have a feast with my friends as we talk about our battles?

    2) I don't like how hard it is to start off with as a GS user. They are a pain to group with at low levels and I just stop caring to heal them, when my tank guardian out dps them at the level.

    3) Not being able to log out to char select.

    4) The needing of 12312313 types of money.

    Just a few things that irk me. I'm sure more will come.
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    darkfie1ddarkfie1d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree with the OP, but I would also add that the Customer/Technical Support folks are also doing the best they can to resolve our issues as fast as they can. Honestly as a F2P user I didn't expect to get such fast response from them especially not on a day like this which I'm sure thousands of players are trying to access the game at the same time.

    So, thank you folks as well.

    @multisensorys You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. As a guy who's been to many closed and open betas, even alphas and an avid MMO player I can't recall a single game that didn't have any sort of issue at launch. Even the SWTOR of which in recent history had one of the smoothest launches wasn't without many technical issues. Diablo III and infamous Error 37 which plagued the launch of the game for weeks. Neverwinter hasn't even launched yet.
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    geladongeladon Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2013
    darkfie1d wrote: »
    I can't recall a single game that didn't have any sort of issue at launch

    Trion with Rift had no issues and a very smooth launch. They showed the gaming industry that its possible ... Not a single one since that day was able to repeat that. Thats a shame - even more being in the year 2013...
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    ragerblade82ragerblade82 Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2013
    darkfie1d wrote: »
    I agree with the OP, but I would also add that the Customer/Technical Support folks are also doing the best they can to resolve our issues as fast as they can. Honestly as a F2P user I didn't expect to get such fast response from them especially not on a day like this which I'm sure thousands of players are trying to access the game at the same time.

    So, thank you folks as well.

    @multisensorys You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. As a guy who's been to many closed and open betas, even alphas and an avid MMO player I can't recall a single game that didn't have any sort of issue at launch. Even the SWTOR of which in recent history had one of the smoothest launches wasn't without many technical issues. Diablo III and infamous Error 37 which plagued the launch of the game for weeks. Neverwinter hasn't even launched yet.

    If it is no wipe and open for all. It is a launch. Open beta or not.

    I don't care about the problems. It will get fix, but D&D is one of the greatest RP settings and games of all time, and the lack of RP tools worries me.
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    jonneygoodjonneygood Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So, let me explain to you why this isnt a job well done:

    I get home from a hard day of work. I paid 60 bucks to get the guardian pack cause why not encourage the industry?

    First thing I notice by logging in is a queue. while I type this I've been in the queue for 1 hour 10 minutes and not half of it has gone by. It sucks, but it's beta I guess?

    Then the more I think about it, the wronger it feels;

    - Only 3 servers at Launch.
    - It costs 199$ to actually -play- a game at this point.
    - A company like Perfect World HAS made countless MMOs, yet, one of the simplest features is missing; A time window to reconnect if you DC, get kicked out of the server, crash, or anything of the sort. Nope, it kicks you right back to the beginning of the queue.
    - And then, all of a sudden, you have a limited time to get the founder's pack?

    If youre telling me this wasnt done on purpose, I call bull****, sir.
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    darkfie1ddarkfie1d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    If it is no wipe and open for all. It is a launch. Open beta or not.

    I don't care about the problems. It will get fix, but D&D is one of the greatest RP settings and games of all time, and the lack of RP tools worries me.

    It's a beta nonetheless. I'm not trying to convince you it'll be different at launch, but, each beta test, be it open or closed has a set of target goals. A few of which are Server stability and load, patching and client workloads, login server and authentication, etc.

    It's not open to the public so people can come here and cry all the time. This is not a launch it's a beta. They are trying to see which areas need improvement for the launch day.

    As far as the lack of RP tools goes, I'm not too worried, it's probably something that will be added to the game little by little.
    jonneygood wrote: »
    So, let me explain to you why this isnt a job well done:

    I get home from a hard day of work. I paid 60 bucks to get the guardian pack cause why not encourage the industry?

    First thing I notice by logging in is a queue. while I type this I've been in the queue for 1 hour 10 minutes and not half of it has gone by. It sucks, but it's beta I guess?

    Then the more I think about it, the wronger it feels;

    - Only 3 servers at Launch.
    - It costs 199$ to actually -play- a game at this point.
    - A company like Perfect World HAS made countless MMOs, yet, one of the simplest features is missing; A time window to reconnect if you DC, get kicked out of the server, crash, or anything of the sort. Nope, it kicks you right back to the beginning of the queue.
    - And then, all of a sudden, you have a limited time to get the founder's pack?

    If youre telling me this wasnt done on purpose, I call bull****, sir.

    Take a sip of cold water and calm the *beep* down, this ain't a launch, it's a beta.
    it costs absolutely nothing to play the game, while you can pay for certain features and privileges. Too many people with their heads deep buried in the snow...
    Q: How much will Neverwinter cost? Will there be a subscription required?
    Neverwinter will be a free-to-play game. There will be no cost for the client, and no subscription fee will be required.

    Anywho, this'll be my last post on this thread, I made my point, it's up to you to find the wisdom in them or to remain an ignorant imbecile.
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