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"You must gather your party"-rant

rinnyrinny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
First off: There might be a way to get past this that I haven't noticed in game, and if so, please elaborate and then ignore this post. If not, then I have to say, it seriously feels like this game punishes me for trying to do get the games content done. Let me explain:

Quite often I party up with a friend of mine. For the first twenty levels or so, we did every quest together, and it worked fine at that point. After a while I outleveled my friend after he took a break, and I ended up in a different zone than him. Now, I was no more than a couple of levels over him, so we could still sign up for the same dungeons, do PvP together, sign up for skirmishes. But that right there is the issue. If we want to quest and level while waiting out the queues (which are pretty long), we.. literally can't. Because a majority of the quests in this game forces you to leave for another instance, at which point you suddenly need your friend which is located in another zone entirely. So to be able to continue our quests, we have to leave the party and then get kicked out of the queue. What the hell? Is this a bug or is it intentional? Am I missing something here, like I first stated? How can this have passed through initial game design? It feels like I'm literally forced to choose between either questing and doing "team stuff" (PvP, skirmish, dungeons) solo, or sit in the city/grind mobs while waiting for queues to pop with my mate.

It's essentially keeping me from enjoying the game at the moment. I can't be partied up and questing at the same time as I wait for queues to pop so I can PvP with my friend. What?
Post edited by rinny on


  • dtrain69dtrain69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes this is incredibly frustrating.
  • rinnyrinny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm surprised so few of you think of this as an issue. Only one reply.. definitely feels like I might be missing a way to get past this. Am I?
  • sanctiussanctius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Definately a huge huge problem, I find it the most annoying thing atm.

    I usually run around in teams with my friends so we can be signed up for dungeons/skirmishes or pvp, but still be in different areas, and this is not possible in this game. I believe this is one of the major issues that causes the long'ish' server queues.
  • archanjo17041985archanjo17041985 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i agree this is one of the few terrible aspects of the game. soooooooooo annoying i have to leave party with my friends for this.
    i7 3770k @ 4.0//HD 7950 WF3//16 GB ram Corsair @ 1600//Corsair 120 GB SSD x 2//Hyper Evo 212
  • asmodeuswinsasmodeuswins Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You haven't played Baldur's Gate, have you? I pity you.
  • rinnyrinny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You haven't played Baldur's Gate, have you? I pity you.
    No, I haven't. If this was an issue or a thing in Baldur's Gate, it's even more shocking that they haven't realised what a terrible mechanic it is.
  • isukosanisukosan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    It really pisses me off.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    Not really an issue for me as I've played a large number of other themepark mmo's all with leveling differences between zones and content and you learn after a while that you're friends while not online, should be waited on, work on crafting, make an alt, do something entirely different that won't cause you to outlevel them until they are back online and you can continue. That's always been the way of things prolly always will.

    Find it funny people don't want downleveling content and they don't want sidekicking but they'll complain about things like this that are so easily fixable by their own actions...
  • clurdgeclurdge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Not really an issue for me as I've played a large number of other themepark mmo's all with leveling differences between zones and content and you learn after a while that you're friends while not online, should be waited on, work on crafting, make an alt, do something entirely different that won't cause you to outlevel them until they are back online and you can continue. That's always been the way of things prolly always will.

    Find it funny people don't want downleveling content and they don't want sidekicking but they'll complain about things like this that are so easily fixable by their own actions...

    This is not the way it is in most recent games I have played. Not being able to do your own thing while queued with someone else doing there own thing is nother other than poor gameplay mechanics that frustrates players and slows down the queues. So it impacts even those of you who play the "right" way.
  • clurdgeclurdge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Not really an issue for me as I've played a large number of other themepark mmo's all with leveling differences between zones and content and you learn after a while that you're friends while not online, should be waited on, work on crafting, make an alt, do something entirely different that won't cause you to outlevel them until they are back online and you can continue. That's always been the way of things prolly always will.

    Find it funny people don't want downleveling content and they don't want sidekicking but they'll complain about things like this that are so easily fixable by their own actions...

    This is not the way it is in most recent games I have played. Not being able to do your own thing while queued with someone else doing there own thing is nothing other than poor gameplay mechanics that frustrates players and slows down the queues. So it impacts even those of you who play the "right" way.
  • finduxsfinduxs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You haven't played Baldur's Gate, have you? I pity you.

    Baldur's Gate is a awsome game, and this feature brings back the propper meaning of a party.

    That beeing sead, allowing people to que for pvp/dungeon/skirmishes while out in the world is not something I need. But beeing able to que with people on your friends list/guild would be nice I suppose.

    But till then gather your party.
  • rinnyrinny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    How can you even defend this "mechanic"? Can you give me ONE positive side effect it has on gameplay? Please?
  • clurdgeclurdge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    finduxs wrote: »
    Baldur's Gate is a awsome game, and this feature brings back the propper meaning of a party.

    That beeing sead, allowing people to que for pvp/dungeon/skirmishes while out in the world is not something I need. But beeing able to que with people on your friends list/guild would be nice I suppose.

    But till then gather your party.

    Whether you need it seems rather shortsighted to me. The fact is a lot of people do need it and it can be done without negatively impacting those who do not "need" it.
  • finduxsfinduxs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    rinny wrote: »
    How can you even defend this "mechanic"? Can you give me ONE positive side effect it has on gameplay? Please?
    It's dated I'll give you that. But the amount of coding that would make it work in the way the OP wants can get a bit messy if they haven't planed on it from the start, and will at least take a month or so, and not something easely fixed if they want to make it work propperly. (Bug testing and all that, but since they named the realse open beta so far...)

    A checkbox for solo instances while in a party might be the sulution for it.

    From a DnD point of view it makes perfect sence. However in a MMO setting it makes little sence. For a DM it tures into a real headace preaty fast if the party splits up. Unless if one of the party members is kidnappet, and the rest have to resque them. (PnP)
    clurdge wrote: »
    Whether you need it seems rather shortsighted to me. The fact is a lot of people do need it and it can be done without negatively impacting those who do not "need" it.

    I might be shortsighted, but see my reasons above. By the time they implement it you both will be at the level cap, and it wonth matter at all :-/

    If you both start alts again after they implement it, or for someone down the line that's a different matter entierly.
  • vikinggamervikinggamer Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    All they need to do is simply throw up a dialog box like they do when you try to enter a dungeon though the actual entrance. Ask the player if they want to enter the instance alone, understanding that it will lock out the other members of the party, or do they want to wait to "gather their party" so they can enter together. Of course you can still set some instance transitions to be whole group only such as the ones inside an dungeon. Doing it this way would also preserve the need to gather your group in a place if you do choose to enter as a group. Which is a great way to make sure everyone is ready before starting something or moving on to the next step.

    Overall it is a good mechanic. It only lacks allowing you the choice to enter a quest instance alone if you to while in a group. It is a small design flaw. But it is still a flaw and needs to be fixed.

    All die, so die well.
  • rinnyrinny Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A dialogue box which let you tick off that you want to enter solo would solve all the problems, yes, but as it is now it really destroys queuing together while leveling.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You haven't played Baldur's Gate, have you? I pity you.

    Every time I see it in game I hear it in THAT voice. You must gather your party before venturing forth.
  • opomopoopomopo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like it, but also highly dislike it. I wish there were an instant "enter" option. Get there and the thing pops up asking whether you want to enter solo or in a group. One of the first quests is a good example of this, where you have to go to the market area and find some materials, then head to the tavern and "spoiler" the captain throws you a surprise party. When I did it, I was the only one in the party who had the quest, yet the entire party had to enter the instance with me.

    Also I wish there was no time restraint on switching instances of the same map. Often times when zoning while not grouped together, we get into different instances and we have to wait 2 minutes to switch to play with eachother. It'd be nice if you could join a groupmates instance without any form of time restriction - but the out of group restriction still remain the same. (Even though I think the restriction itself is terrible.)
  • pinkysansbrainpinkysansbrain Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why would you be questing during a queue anyway? The queue pops in the middle of a hostile zone, you're whisked away to a dungeon, you come back, and you're mobbed by the eight enemies that spawned while you were gone. Find a safe place, discuss how you might approach the instance, sell your trash gear, check the auction house, do some crafting, train your companion(s), whatever you feel is necessary.
  • elyrielleelyrielle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why would you be questing during a queue anyway? The queue pops in the middle of a hostile zone, you're whisked away to a dungeon, you come back, and you're mobbed by the eight enemies that spawned while you were gone. Find a safe place, discuss how you might approach the instance, sell your trash gear, check the auction house, do some crafting, train your companion(s), whatever you feel is necessary.

    I don't know about you but my queues take hours (if they even ever show before I've outlevelled what I'm queuing for). All the other stuff you mention above can be done in minutes (or in the case of crafting, isn't something you manually do at all for more than a few seconds every couple hours).
  • atthegates213atthegates213 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the mechanic as it is now is a joke and needs to be fixed ASAP.
  • mirarkittymirarkitty Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rinny wrote: »
    First off: There might be a way to get past this that I haven't noticed in game, and if so, please elaborate and then ignore this post. If not, then I have to say, it seriously feels like this game punishes me for trying to do get the games content done.

    I had two more issues right now.

    1) "the dead rats" bugged (another story) and we wanted to restart it. We couldn't just leave the instance (another story), so I left the party and my friend ran out. I reinvited her once outside, but since she was the last one in the instance she still couldn't quick-leave (another story). Anyway, at the EXIT, she couldn't leave the instance because it told her to gather the party. I were OUTSIDE. So she had to leave the party to leave the instance.

    2) Entering again - she ended up in another instance of the outer world. While we were at the EXACT SAME SPOT in different instances, it told us to gather the party. She had to zone to my instance before we could enter again...

    I understand the idea behind 'gather your party', but not the implementation. Since it bugs so much, and noone wants it, just kill it with fire...
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