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Please buff GWF dps.



  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Someone said GWF's need nerfs? O.o They're listed as Primary Damage dealers in the wiki, secondary defenders. All im saying is given the paragon/prestige options, they should have the ability to become strikers, thats not the same as demanding they get LightSabers, I didnt like GWF for its damage, i liked the mobility, both in sprinting (even if its not a true dodge) and maneuver skills. They have a 2H weapon and Heavy Armor, should be able to spec with more certainty into single DPS, AoE dps, or general tankiness. Heck if a pure offense GWF had the same DPS as a rogue, he still lacks the CC to capitalize on it. Would still be a completely different playstyle, but maybe we're just waiting on Barbarian for true 2h weapon damage. (unless they're dual wielders, then ******.)

    You nailed it right at the end. We are not Barbarians.. Which most people think we should be. I specced into some single target stuff and crush mobs for 20+ and still do great aoe dps. All I am trying to say is we will never top damage and shouldn't. We are more versatile than other classes.. middle of road type.
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • snapsragesnapsrage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    If your GWF is taking the most damage, your GF isnt doing his job, if your GWF has high heals, its because hes drinking potions, not because GWF's have amazing self heals. Their at-wills cleave, so against large groups their damage is good, but that only helps in certain situations, not in pvp or boss fights. GWF should be viable for tank, single target dmg or aoe dps, they clearly have skills and feats that TRY to do this, but dont. Just as the GF is viable as tank, CC, and warlord hybrid (can do dmg, and battlecries for buffing/debuffing)

    Um, taking damage is precisely what they are supposed to do. Tank as I define it is to adsorb damage so someone (preferably someone softer) doesn't have to. Perhaps in your world tanking means sitting in the corner crying while the rest of the people get smacked on. However in my world the secondary tank being smacked on is exactly what he is supposed to be doing. That probably explains why he out damages his peers by 2 - 4 times as well. That was the case the last time we grouped with a another GWF. He's always in the fight, right where he is supposed to be. As far as not good on bosses I don't know what you are talking about. Every boss has tons and tons of adds. Perhaps you haven't noticed this. Perhaps that is why the clerics hate healing right now. Because while you are tunnel visioning on the main mob the cleric is being murdered by the 10,000 adds that you are ignoring. Try as he might the TR is no good at killing the adds, period. This game is all about knowing your role. Apparently people are too busy crying in the forums to learn it. As for having good healing, just incase you haven't noticed this game is all about baby heals and heal POT's. Your small heal may not seem like much but it adds up to lots of healing overtime. Guess what? There's no big cleric heal in this game. It's all baby heals. Nothing a cleric casts is going to take you from 0 HPS to full in half a second. Get used to it. As for PVP to be honest I could care less. However in my opinion you have way more to fear from a CW than anything else. And CW's should never lose to a TR except when all their abilities are on cool down and for whatever reason they are out of teleports. To be honest I would love it if they beefed up the GWF so the crapy GWF can "compete" with the pure striker for single target DPS. That just means the good GWF's will be stupid OP. And maybe just maybe I can train a few to kill the **** adds that are eating the cleric.
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    snapsrage wrote: »

    See in my post how i said "GF"? That stands for Guardian Fighter, hes the tank, the good tank. If there is no GF present, you could of saved yourself an entire ranty paragraph by saying so. GF should be holding the aggro and taking the hits. A lot of us are on the forums because we cant play yet, so we are learning the game via feedback and videos, its actually a good way to learn ya know? You seem to make rants that doesnt actually ANSWER anything, instead of just saying "Yes the GWF drank a lot of potions" You have to explain a bunch of things i already know (i got used to that **** playing Guardian in gw2).
  • jimieusjimieus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited April 2013
    Well I have to say, all these threads about GWF had me worried initially. I thought, "well, I am going to try it anyway and make something of it".

    Suffice to say I soon found that 90% of these threads are filled with absolute nonsense. Combine smart point spenditure, feat and paragon selection with intuitive power choices and you have yourself one hell of a dps AoE MONSTER in the GWF.

    If you are running up to single enemies, from the front, and expecting to high damage you are doing it WRONG.
  • snapsragesnapsrage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    See in my post how i said "GF"? That stands for Guardian Fighter, hes the tank, the good tank. If there is no GF present, you could of saved yourself an entire ranty paragraph by saying so. GF should be holding the aggro and taking the hits. A lot of us are on the forums because we cant play yet, so we are learning the game via feedback and videos, its actually a good way to learn ya know? You seem to make rants that doesnt actually ANSWER anything, instead of just saying "Yes the GWF drank a lot of potions" You have to explain a bunch of things i already know (i got used to that **** playing Guardian in gw2).

    I admit there was a bit of a rant there. I apologize. Actually there is almost always a GF. Last instance there wasn't but in 99% of them there is. GF's don't tank the way you think they do. This is not a game where the GF goes and pulls the boss mob with all adds to the corner and everyone stands still and hits their uber leet ninja abilities. Most of the good GF's generally only tank the boss (with a few adds, however there are way more adds then any GF could hope to tank). The adds roam around and beat on people. Usually it's the cleric. If the cleric isn't being attacked by most everything then he's either dead, all the adds are dead (very rare) or the cleric is being chased by so much that he can't stop to cast so he isn't picking up the rest of the adds. Enter problem the player base wants to just stand in one spot and hit their uber leet abilities and do the most DPS ever. Hence most GWF suck. They are an AOE class. That means they need to be where the AOE is most effective. In this case in the middle of the adds that are usually trying to eat the cleric. Burning them down and drawing as much agro as possible. The forums are full of people that are used to playing WOW type games. That is why you see so many posts about people crying that their class sucks and cant just stand in one spot doing uber leet button mashing DPS while watching TV and cooking dinner in the next room. The videos that are going around showing how uber leet the TR is in PVP is a perfect example of this. TR runs up to a CW. CW just stands there and never moves. He just sits there casting his spells then dies to the TR. Never once moves. What should have happened is the CW should have knocked him back or teleported away. Then started casting his nasty nastiness on the TR. A good CW will eat a TR every time. Instead of people learning to play they come to the forum and cry that they just got murdered by a TR and that the TR needs to be nerfed. Hey <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> don't try to face tank the TR. GWF's are fine in my experience, it does seem a lot of them haven't really figured out how to do it yet. That is more of a function of trying to play an action MMO like its a standard MMO where you stand around and rotate 10,000 abilities is the most macro numbing way possible then claim some uber leetness that your macro rotation was better than everyone else's. At that point everyone adopts the uber leet macro rotation until someone else comes up with a more uber leet macro rotation...
  • uriziemuriziem Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 69
    edited April 2013
    How can you call a class a GREAT WEAPON FIGHTER then give them the lowest DPS in game?

    totally wrong, GWF it s a very solid solid class at level 60 with a great dps. Remember for now in game we have only 1 striker dps
    Uriziel TR lev 60 Gear Rating 12400
    Uriziel GF Gear Rating 14800
    David Grave CW 10500 Gear Rating 6000 recovery(kripparian build)
    Uriziem Monk Completionist 28 past life , DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
    ex officer and founder of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild, now on NEVERWINTER
    picture sharing
  • therepstertherepster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    uriziem wrote: »
    GWF it s a very solid solid class at level 60

    There's the issue that most people are having. They are not 60. They don't want to get 60 seeing others massively outdo them. I am currently leveling my GWF with a friend. He is a Rogue. I know exactly where the complaints are coming from. Leveling is painful seeing the rogue on the side, takes out four mobs, in the time you kill one . It's painful seeing the Rogue walk up and in one encounter take out half the health of a mob you used a few swings, and two of your strongest single target encounters on.

    It gets better, yes. It even starts looking quite good, dare I say even great. But that's long past the point many give up from frustration.
  • paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    bla bla, they are late bloomers; they hit like trucks.. But Ive also seen low to mid lvl ones **** mobs. So I will never believe this Q. Player error...
  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    paragon33 wrote: »
    bla bla, they are late bloomers; they hit like trucks.. But Ive also seen low to mid lvl ones **** mobs. So I will never believe this Q. Player error...

    Will be on this week streaming tier2 epic dungeons. Can watch a high level/decent geared one do dps.
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • jimieusjimieus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited April 2013
    therepster wrote: »
    There's the issue that most people are having. They are not 60...

    But the GWF - skilled with a little thought - is awesome from 30+ - and good from 20+. After that you will find it dominates on the field when used correctly.

    I am starting to think people picked the GWF to be an insane dps tank, when really it is an AoE / multiple opponent fighter, darting in and out using unstoppable to unleash unhindered devastation in bursts.
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lol so much tr players posting here that gwf is great dps....it is not he is 2x worst even his op aoes as u call it cant help him cw and tr do 2xmore total damage in dungeons ..so how is that good since his main role is damage dealer and he is 2x worst then other dd,and controller
  • xantrisxantris Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah, in a group with guildies, to prove a point ? Did you think it was funny that the rogue was throwing a lot of daggers ? Its like he was the only one specced for AoE, so ofc hes going to hurt the most, lots of fluff damage. Hell if a cleric wasnt specced for healing, he could do tons of fluff aoe damage too.

    Also if the scaling is terrible, that is a problem with GWF's damage dumbass, and since the game just came out ITS NOT GOING TO BE BALANCED...EVER... not once in history has this happened, and yet every time people just dont get it.. Changes are going to happen, constantly, for years. Just like every mmo ever made has shown us.

    Go level a TR and then take it into a run against him and then post your numbers. Because at this point your just talking out your ***
  • saviorgunsaviorgun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    xantris wrote: »
    Go level a TR and then take it into a run against him and then post your numbers. Because at this point your just talking out your ***

    I like this guy.
    Rhek-60 GWF <Folklore>. "Rheking" damage meters since launch. Follow my streamwww.mmominds.com
  • luckeyduckeyluckeyduckey Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    No such thing as "fluff" damage in PvE. Damage is damage, lol. Fluff damage means you deal it, and someone can easily heal through it. PvE, that's not going to happen. Leveling a GWF, and 3/4 times I'm first place by over 100k damage (I'm level 30). Not sure about at 60, but it's fine for me.
  • smittyfrankosmittyfranko Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    No such thing as "fluff" damage in PvE. Damage is damage, lol. Fluff damage means you deal it, and someone can easily heal through it. PvE, that's not going to happen. Leveling a GWF, and 3/4 times I'm first place by over 100k damage (I'm level 30). Not sure about at 60, but it's fine for me.

    gratz man.... on being 3 months late to this thread
  • jawarisinjawarisin Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    saviorgun wrote: »
    Granted a well geared TR will beat our overall damage. Once the TR in my guild got 2 decent weapons she was beating me by slightly. Only about 10-20% total. We shine on huge add fights. Just got an epic weapon finally so I will do even better.

    You still got green gear, you shouldn't complain about stuff until you see the whole portrait. GF and GWF do most damage in a dungeon. If well played. Gwf has an amazing potential, you are just too poor in-game to be able to materialise that potential. Earn some AD
    CW Renegade comprehensive build+guide PvP:
    Here for the build+guide
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Pre lvl 10, they feel a bit slow and sluggish, post lvl 10, it's just pure awsome all the way up to 60, don't really see the problem.
  • nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lol @ people posting seriously in this thread that don't notice its 3 months old..
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I noticed!

    Yeah I wouldn't mind a little love in the DPS department.

    Ran Spellplague last night and the TR (great player) beat me by 3mil. Then again he soloed the boss while I ran around on aggro patrol. Yet he was already ahead by close to 1mil. So yes TRs need toned down or bump GWFS up a bit more.

    Then again TRs are OP and everyone knows it.
  • maiku217maiku217 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    I noticed!

    Yeah I wouldn't mind a little love in the DPS department.

    Ran Spellplague last night and the TR (great player) beat me by 3mil. Then again he soloed the boss while I ran around on aggro patrol. Yet he was already ahead by close to 1mil. So yes TRs need toned down or bump GWFS up a bit more.

    Then again TRs are OP and everyone knows it.

    The **** is this rubbish? This isn't WoW, each class has roles here. If everyone is going to out dps the single target striker. What are single target strikers for then? Lol..

    PS: I have all classes at 60, geared to 11k+
  • klayl771klayl771 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    maiku217 wrote: »
    The **** is this rubbish? This isn't WoW, each class has roles here. If everyone is going to out dps the single target striker. What are single target strikers for then? Lol..

    PS: I have all classes at 60, geared to 11k+

    Ill tell you what a single targets role is, is to be the best dps at single target but not overall dps. TR should bet any class when all classes are targeting single target, if aoe is involved then GWF should bet TR in overall dmg.
  • ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    No such thing as "fluff" damage in PvE. Damage is damage, lol. Fluff damage means you deal it, and someone can easily heal through it. PvE, that's not going to happen. Leveling a GWF, and 3/4 times I'm first place by over 100k damage (I'm level 30). Not sure about at 60, but it's fine for me.

    why did you necro this thread from 4-30 luckeyduckey?

    bah, and then the ensuing back and forth on a 3+ month old thread? Bleh
  • durandurahandurandurahan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Give GWF more aggro, add 30% more weapon damage and make mobs can no longer be threw off the ledge/disable singularity. problems solved.
  • lhachmacarlhachmacar Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Neverdeath Graveyard, Ebon Downs, and here.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Anyone who starts a thread with this OP is so pathetic. Learn the class, why do so many bads play as GWF? It's just a matter of figuring out your gear, stats, and power selection for your particular build. I normally am 1st in damage in epics anymore. Get gear, stop QQ.
  • th0rfinnth0rfinn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Anyone who starts a thread with this OP is so pathetic. Learn the class, why do so many bads play as GWF? It's just a matter of figuring out your gear, stats, and power selection for your particular build. I normally am 1st in damage in epics anymore. Get gear, stop QQ.

    Dude this thread was made when GWF were completley unnecesary when 2 DC could stack Astral Shield.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Closed for necro.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
This discussion has been closed.