i am looking for people to play neverwinter with, idk what class to to with i know i dont want to be a healer all that pressure. But the control mage and the rogue has caught my eye they look every good. Would be nice to get some invites from other newbies.
i am looking for people to play neverwinter with, idk what class to to with i know i dont want to be a healer all that pressure. But the control mage and the rogue has caught my eye they look every good. Would be nice to get some invites from other newbies.
Have you tried looking through the plethora of guilds in this forum? If you're looking for guild invites, you should state what exactly you're looking for. If you're just looking for party members/friends, it's probably best to find them in-game.
Have you tried looking through the plethora of guilds in this forum? If you're looking for guild invites, you should state what exactly you're looking for. If you're just looking for party members/friends, it's probably best to find them in-game.
___________House Kal'Daka Recruiting______________
GUILD SITE: http://housekaldaka.enjin.com/