I bid on an item Thursday, the lockbox mount. Someone had it up for 5Mil buy out and 2Mil starting bid. I put 2 Mil down just for the heck of it and walked away. Went back to check a few hrs later, no current bids listed, never got my 2Mil astrals back. So either someone bought it out, or the guy took the posting down or something, but getting refunded my 2Mil never happened. Ive got a ticket open, but so far no word.
Also, When posting items, it will say the AH takes 10% as a fee. Sometimes that 10% shows as a 12% instead. You can usually get it back down to 10% by closing and reopening the window again. No real rhyme of reason why it sometimes shows 12% instead of 10%
So, with that being said, buy/sell on the AH at your own peril.
Post edited by deacon777 on
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited April 2013
Thanks for the info although I believe it is better suited here than General Discussion.
Bewaring people of bugs isn't as helpful as letting the dev team know to fix them!
Bewaring people of bugs isn't as helpful as letting the dev team know to fix them!
Sorry! good point.