Can someone explain how the trading of astrals for zen works? Are people actually trading now since most people have no zen?
"The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." -Charles Dickens
I have to agree the bag prices are absurd. I have no problem spending money on a F2P game, and have given other companies a fair amount of money (well over $1,000) over the last 2 years. Paying $10 for a bind on equip bag is ridiculous though.
i love how forums are FILLED with complains. like every single thread is a complain about one thing or another. gj devs. keep killing the game.
what do you expect? everyone else is enjoying playing the game, first few weeks of any release is like this
What is democrazy? It is a government in which the ruling power is given to whoever is most skillful at directing the herd instincts of the largest masses of their most ignorant citizens.
--Nom Anor
what do you expect? everyone else is enjoying playing the game, first few weeks of any release is like this
Even still, every game forums are full of complaints. Gears of War, World of Warcraft, Halo, even The Elder Scrolls. While I agree the prices are steep, complaining merely means people care.
elenoe8Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
yeah, no prob with bags. They are on auction already (even more expensive) but the zen market will sort out eventually. Until then you can get cheap HAMSTER one or you get some free while you progress.
chaddiwickerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I have to agree the bag prices are absurd. I have no problem spending money on a F2P game, and have given other companies a fair amount of money (well over $1,000) over the last 2 years. Paying $10 for a bind on equip bag is ridiculous though.
yea prices are ridiculous in this game... really turning me off. Not sure I'm sticking around. I also have spent alot on F2P games in the past.. typically dropped $50-100 a month in LOTRO and have already dropped $50 on this and its gone after 3 bags and some keys for the useless lock boxes. (Not counting the $200 for the game)
I don't even open them anymore. I opened maybe 15 of them and other than 2 so-so runes they weren't worth it at 125 xen a pop. wow. Unfortunately you can't sell them, so its an obvious money suck mechanic.
I'm more a traditionally monthly subscriber type. Honestly, I'd pay $50 a month for a good game that was full of content. This nickel and dime **** is turning me off... and I make pretty **** good money, house paid for, car paid for and no kids and even I'm a little jaded over how they've implemented micro transactions in this game. Really leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Also was a little shocked at getting EIGHT bank slots after dropping $200 on the game. That right there caused my jaw to hit the floor. EIGHT. wow.
And now id scrolls for level 30 stuff are 45 AD each. I have found 4 lvl30 scrolls in my travels since I started getting level 30 gear and am now level 32. My inventory is full, you can't tell what's useful without id'ing it. You can't even tell if the item has a socket slot w/o id'ing it. I had *plenty* of lesser id scrolls but so far the lvl 30 ones are few and far between.
Really turned off at the moment. I haven't given up yet, gonna see what my AD gain rate is vs. necessary expenses (potions, scrolls, unbinding runes, etc..) Right now it doesn't make sense but maybe it will change at higher levels.
direcrowBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
EDIT: Withdrawn.
The quest where you go through the burning building, in the Blacklake District gave me an 18 slot bag.
Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
Alice L'ddell - Human GF
Ludovique - Tiefling DC
navarxidaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited April 2013
go do some quests. I am mid level and got 2 bags from quests so far ...
direcrowBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Yeah I retract my earlier post. You get some good bags from questing. I just got an 18 slot as a an early quest reward. Oddly enough mere minutes after posting. Apologies for my ignorance.
Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
Alice L'ddell - Human GF
Ludovique - Tiefling DC
chaddiwickerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
There is also a slot in the Ah for bags, so i'm guessing people will be selling them on there, from where ever they get them. I've gotten four bags so far, from questing i believe, don't think they dropped and i'm level 40 now.
As the posters above said. You will get a free big bag early on and then another small bag later. If you want to store items and don't play dozens chars, use additional chars to store items. 2 char slots are cheaper then one Zen bag.
For lockboxes, the same rules apply as for the other cryptic games. You buy lockboxes for the trade bars not for the random items! The drop chance are very low for some items, you could get the item you want after 1 or after 1000....
The good point is you can buy the stuff in the Auction house for a "set" price from other player so you don't need to gamble.
Can someone explain how the trading of astrals for zen works? Are people actually trading now since most people have no zen?
Nice way to have your question have no relation to the title of the thread.
Anyway, the Astral Exchange is player driven. People with spare AD put up offers for Zen and people with Zen put up offers for AD, if an offer for Zen matches an offer for AD the exchange is made (with neither part getting to know who they traded with). Due to the low amount of Zen compared to the massive amounts of AD from the Founder Packs, people with Zen get to decide the ratio (currently at the maximum 500 AD for 1 Zen, minimum is 50:1). And yes, there are people selling Zen, though it gets snatched up almost as fast as it gets put up on the Exchange and I've seen more than a couple of the Zen mounts.
Also all those lockbox alerts you're getting? Someone bought a key for Zen and either used it themself or traded it (likely via the AH).
mandragore139Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited April 2013
Well I just don't see the point in their pricing policy, 1 in a 100 players might spend 10$ on a bag, but 30+ would if I would cost like 2$ each.
Seems to me like someone in the management didn't get the note about "micro" transactions.
Well I just don't see the point in their pricing policy, 1 in a 100 players might spend 10$ on a bag, but 30+ would if I would cost like 2$ each.
People can just use the bags they get from quests. The first one is a 18 slots back, like the $10 ones. I also don't think your estimate is accurate and my guess is that most people who spend $2 on a bag would also spend $10. But it's not even necessary.
AND once we give our info to get something like super cheap bags, its hard to resist a simple click and buy on other tempting goodies.
Cash Shop games shoudl always make thier cash off mounts and clothing, hair dye and other cool cosmetic features and not try and ream you for things like bags and/or ID scrolls.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
People can just use the bags they get from quests. The first one is a 18 slots back, like the $10 ones.
$10 bag from the store is 24 slots.
I might be in the minority, and obviously I would have liked to pay less, but I don't really find them that overpriced. I just prefer to play the game rather than fight with my inventory. And it's not like you have to buy a dozen. I originally bought one and things were starting to get cramped around level 28 or so. Luckily you get another free one around that time as a mission reward so that filled in nicely. I'll probably be able to make do with just having bought the one.
If I had to do it over again I'd probably just have gone with the Guardian pack which would have put my total investment at $70 after throwing in a bag.
I bought one, too. Was it 24? I could have sworn it was 18 slots, too. Just as well! I agree, I didn't mind paying $10. This game provides the fun I have been missing in most of the games I bought over the past few years. None of them cost individually as much as I spent on Neverwinter, but those $50-60 for games I played a few hours until I got bored, or that I bought and didn't play at all (thanks, Steam!) added up.
ISn't it possible to still get bags without spending money?
astaziaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited April 2013
It is, you get free bags from quests. Don't buy any, by the time you start feeling like you need more space the game gives it to you for free. The Zen bags are just for packrats that need the absolute max inventory space, and you are better off waiting to get them later once the AD exchange calms down and you can realistically earn the AD to buy them through normal gameplay.
losse1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Yeah before I posted people in general chat were telling me you had to buy bags from the store. Not offering any other info so, ohwell, now I have 1 10$ bag and 1 free bag i found on a quest. Wish I was rich IRL though hehe.
"The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." -Charles Dickens
Well I just don't see the point in their pricing policy, 1 in a 100 players might spend 10$ on a bag, but 30+ would if I would cost like 2$ each.
Seems to me like someone in the management didn't get the note about "micro" transactions.
^ this.
morterictusgrinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited April 2013
I have had some problems with bags filling too fast cause of loot. I am almost 30 and have two extra bags. Yeah the bags are a ripoff on the zen store as is most stuff on it. It's probably the most unreasonable appalling nonsense I have ever seen in a f2p mmorpg. Kind of sad because the game seems good and the store is going to give it a bad reputation.
I have had some problems with bags filling too fast cause of loot. I am almost 30 and have two extra bags. Yeah the bags are a ripoff on the zen store as is most stuff on it. It's probably the most unreasonable appalling nonsense I have ever seen in a f2p mmorpg. Kind of sad because the game seems good and the store is going to give it a bad reputation.
Runes of magic, Allods, and Second life would like to have a word with you. :rolleyes:
Allods was too p2w imo, lost interest very quickly, which is bad for business.
honeyspelleMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
direcrow wrote "The quest Dead Rats, in the Blacklake District gave me an 18 slot bag." I have ran it with three toons so far, and no bags, is it a random drop? How did you get the bag
what do you expect? everyone else is enjoying playing the game, first few weeks of any release is like this
--Nom Anor
Even still, every game forums are full of complaints. Gears of War, World of Warcraft, Halo, even The Elder Scrolls. While I agree the prices are steep, complaining merely means people care.
I don't think the bags from the Zen Store are bind on equip. Last I checked, you could mail them to other characters on the same account.
Regardless, I agree that $10 for a bag is steep.
yea prices are ridiculous in this game... really turning me off. Not sure I'm sticking around. I also have spent alot on F2P games in the past.. typically dropped $50-100 a month in LOTRO and have already dropped $50 on this and its gone after 3 bags and some keys for the useless lock boxes. (Not counting the $200 for the game)
I don't even open them anymore. I opened maybe 15 of them and other than 2 so-so runes they weren't worth it at 125 xen a pop. wow. Unfortunately you can't sell them, so its an obvious money suck mechanic.
I'm more a traditionally monthly subscriber type. Honestly, I'd pay $50 a month for a good game that was full of content. This nickel and dime **** is turning me off... and I make pretty **** good money, house paid for, car paid for and no kids and even I'm a little jaded over how they've implemented micro transactions in this game. Really leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Also was a little shocked at getting EIGHT bank slots after dropping $200 on the game. That right there caused my jaw to hit the floor. EIGHT. wow.
And now id scrolls for level 30 stuff are 45 AD each. I have found 4 lvl30 scrolls in my travels since I started getting level 30 gear and am now level 32. My inventory is full, you can't tell what's useful without id'ing it. You can't even tell if the item has a socket slot w/o id'ing it. I had *plenty* of lesser id scrolls but so far the lvl 30 ones are few and far between.
Really turned off at the moment. I haven't given up yet, gonna see what my AD gain rate is vs. necessary expenses (potions, scrolls, unbinding runes, etc..) Right now it doesn't make sense but maybe it will change at higher levels.
The quest where you go through the burning building, in the Blacklake District gave me an 18 slot bag.
The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
Alice L'ddell - Human GF
Ludovique - Tiefling DC
The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
Alice L'ddell - Human GF
Ludovique - Tiefling DC
Weird. I had 16 bank slots out of the gate. I'd check with someone about that.
For lockboxes, the same rules apply as for the other cryptic games. You buy lockboxes for the trade bars not for the random items! The drop chance are very low for some items, you could get the item you want after 1 or after 1000....
The good point is you can buy the stuff in the Auction house for a "set" price from other player so you don't need to gamble.
Part 2: NW-DLBTN8W28
Icewind Dale campaign Osthafen sehen & sterben (German)
Anyway, the Astral Exchange is player driven. People with spare AD put up offers for Zen and people with Zen put up offers for AD, if an offer for Zen matches an offer for AD the exchange is made (with neither part getting to know who they traded with). Due to the low amount of Zen compared to the massive amounts of AD from the Founder Packs, people with Zen get to decide the ratio (currently at the maximum 500 AD for 1 Zen, minimum is 50:1). And yes, there are people selling Zen, though it gets snatched up almost as fast as it gets put up on the Exchange and I've seen more than a couple of the Zen mounts.
Also all those lockbox alerts you're getting? Someone bought a key for Zen and either used it themself or traded it (likely via the AH).
Seems to me like someone in the management didn't get the note about "micro" transactions.
People can just use the bags they get from quests.
AND once we give our info to get something like super cheap bags, its hard to resist a simple click and buy on other tempting goodies.
Cash Shop games shoudl always make thier cash off mounts and clothing, hair dye and other cool cosmetic features and not try and ream you for things like bags and/or ID scrolls.
$10 bag from the store is 24 slots.
I might be in the minority, and obviously I would have liked to pay less, but I don't really find them that overpriced. I just prefer to play the game rather than fight with my inventory. And it's not like you have to buy a dozen. I originally bought one and things were starting to get cramped around level 28 or so. Luckily you get another free one around that time as a mission reward so that filled in nicely. I'll probably be able to make do with just having bought the one.
If I had to do it over again I'd probably just have gone with the Guardian pack which would have put my total investment at $70 after throwing in a bag.
^ this.
Runes of magic, Allods, and Second life would like to have a word with you. :rolleyes: