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2nd try~

angelxeyeangelxeye Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1
edited April 2013 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)
Ok I have more to work out but here is my 2nd try at my char story line. I need (constructive) feedback from people who are more versed in D&D.
I think I need help with locations and not sure where tir na is? used this map: http://diningroomdelves.files.wordpr...2aa-edicao.jpg
I cant find one for this game online.
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THANK YOU! for all the comments! These especially go out to:
Gillrmn: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/sho...571#post356571
riqita: Call to action advice!
Neverwinter Wiki: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/
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Here is try no# 2

Angel Lightwater
There was an ancient hermit who lived amongst the waves on a small isle to the north of the ___________. He had fought in many campaigns, more than he could now remember. This was long past, since his life was now one devoted to Oghma in quiet prayer, study and research. Quietly, villagers and townsfolk from the Isles of ______ to the Sword Coast whispered rumors of the wise and good priest. The rumors caught the ear of one young woman in need. Lightwater had to be found. She carried bundles around her waist, cloaked she hardly had the silhouette of a woman.
The small canoe was pushed into the storming seas as she kept to the reeds until only open water lay ahead. Dangerous monsters swarmed beneath while pirates loomed around every islet. Only the foolhardy and desperate would have made the journey. Time went by, where night and day began to blend into each other. As she reached the isle of which he made his home --- a magically hidden entrance seemed to pull away like a grand curtain. Lightwater simply appeared, startling her. She knelt down crying, “Thank the Gods!” He helped her up and she revealed a bundled child which she put in his arms. “I cannot keep her, they will kill her.” She looked at him pleadingly, “my heart, I must not bring her home.” Hearing the child coo at the old man, the woman pushed off, fading into nothingness. He called out into the rain not even hearing his own words.
He looked down. When the old priest began to unwrap the bundle the covering slipped behind revealing horns pressed against the head and golden cat eyes. “Ah…” he smiled, “my little Tiefling, little Rakshasa, you are my angel, you are now mine.” From that point on he shared his wisdom, training the child in righteousness and academic pursuits. He was chaotic good (as was allowed, since he lived prior to 4e)- always good but often and more so as he aged; forgetful, haphazard and lacking organization. Fearing the larval demon would pollute his efforts, he meant to make it leave her forever (instead it was only a strong sleep spell). As the years passed his angel grew in knowledge and goodness as he aged and withered. A talent for wizardry showed her to have great potential - bonding them closer than most daughters to their fathers.
He was also her teacher and her friend. Together, they crippled typhoons heading for towns, healed sea creatures and fed the unknowing. Angel learned to give of herself, with humility all well living up to the name he bestowed upon her. She cared for Lightwater as well until he could no longer hold to life. As he faded into the everafter, so did the hold his magic had on this world. Her magic was not strong enough to hold back the elements, revealing their comfortable home to be no more than a stone cave and a few meager contents.
Her heart broke, the pain waking the weakened demon from his slumber. A short nausea was broken as a new sensation emerged. She quickly regained her strength; a new determination came to fill the void. What she had known all her life was knowledge and its pursuits, now it was her dogma. She had to leave, she had to continue his work, his faith; his life was now hers.
Believing that she must leave to find these roots, she packed away what could not be taken and left with what she could not bind. Most gently, maps and scrolls where rolled and kept at her side, one showing the way to Lightwater’s oldest home. Whisping around the sand down over the pile, she disappeared into the stormy night as her mother had so many years before.
To Neverwinter…
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • jezathforumjezathforum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    thats great!! where the lines are... is it there you are looking foer suggestions? I can link u a good map to use for those.


    "There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
    "If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
  • jezathforumjezathforum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    so you could use villagaers from moonshae or cimarin isles to the sword coast.. and north of the moonshae isles... there are many islands around there.. just of the coast of neverwinter as well

    This should help you... neverwinter is top left..


    Hope this helps the main part is great :)

    "There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
    "If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
  • angelxeyeangelxeye Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    OMG ty sooo much!
  • jezathforumjezathforum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    np :) hope it helps hehe, if your looking for a guild then check our website out.. www.neverwinterblood.enjin.com :)

    "There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
    "If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
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