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PnP question regarding Magic Users in 4e

holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Okay, so there's something I'm missing here and can't seem to find easily, so I will try to ask here.

Now, one of the fundamental ambiance things about 4e is that Mystra faceplanted and this broke the weave and cast the spellplague on us. It was horrible, etc, etc, scarring, insanity and death.

Now, most magic users that didn't die 'had to start from square one.' Where's that square and what follows it? Without the weave traditional magic is gone, but obviously some sort of magical force still exists in spades, as we learned how to harness it.

What, exactly, did we harness? What is the background nature of magic, now that Mystra is busy staring at the floor? Information as to how sorcerers and other magic users function in this situation would also be nice, thank you.
Post edited by holocat on


  • tttsssrrr1tttsssrrr1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This won't end well...

  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Wheres Sheldon Pooper when you need him:)
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You can try with Lore - Intro in my signature. Th source of any power lies in its origin. Check class part and it lists the various origins there.
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    You can try with Lore - Intro in my signature. Th source of any power lies in its origin. Check class part and it lists the various origins there.
    gillrmn wrote: »
    4. Arcane
    The magic of wizard, sorcerers etc. It was thought it can only come from weave like shadow weave or mystra's weave but with weave no more - It has become obvious that old way of thinking was a lie. It can be used without weave too.

    I thank you for the information, but this isn't exactly what I needed; I know the weave is dead, and with it arcane magic as the previous editions knew it. I'm asking what replaced the weave? When a control wizard casts a spell, in 4e, what are they doing, and how are they doing it? it's not manipulating the weave or shadow weave, both of which have been destroyed. It's not a focus through Divine (priests) or Infernal (Warlock) means.

    I also read something about chaos mages? And there are still Sorcerers? how do they work? ... Come to think of it how did those work before?

    In short, I want the Lore (or point me to a in-depth source of lore) regarding the nature of magic in 4e? how is magic explained in 4e? Is there any lore regarding that? I'm beginning to wonder.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    holocat wrote: »
    I thank you for the information, but this isn't exactly what I needed; I know the weave is dead, and with it arcane magic as the previous editions knew it. I'm asking what replaced the weave? When a control wizard casts a spell, in 4e, what are they doing, and how are they doing it? it's not manipulating the weave or shadow weave, both of which have been destroyed. It's not a focus through Divine (priests) or Infernal (Warlock) means.

    I also read something about chaos mages? And there are still Sorcerers? how do they work? ... Come to think of it how did those work before?

    In short, I want the Lore (or point me to a in-depth source of lore) regarding the nature of magic in 4e? how is magic explained in 4e? Is there any lore regarding that? I'm beginning to wonder.

    It was revealed that the source of magic is not the weave and consequently Mystra was not a goddess of magic itself. Weave provided access to magic, however magic is everywhere. There can be many ways to access the arcane magic. With the destruction of weave, it is possible to use those other ways to access the arcane source of magic.

    Thus Weave was only a control system in place to provide access to magic in a systematic way, which in truth restricts the access to magic. With the control system gone, ability to access magic is free for all without having to rely on Weave or other such construct.

    Infact Lolth is planning on constructing Shadow Weave again in order to restrict and control the magic like Mystra did (and the reason she is looking for Mystra's remains and Bluefire items).

    It is also possible to use old type of magic. Simbul can still use it and she has taught a group called Smbarch of Algarond who uses the old and outdated way of using the magic like magicians during Mystra's time did.


    As far as domain of arcane magic is concerned, it is shared by three deities.

    Selune - radiant and charm magic
    Corellon - magic of the seasons (aka elemental magic)
    Sseth - dark magic of life drain, mana drain and other kinds of vampiric magic.

    I will not be able to log in on forums tomorrow for a couple of days, so in case you have further questions after today regarding this(for next two days) you can ask me on twiitter (signature)
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ah, thank you, something I can sink my teeth into. You wouldn't happen to remember where that was revealed? Might want to poke it myself for details.

    Have these 'other methods' at accessing raw magic been described anywhere?

    Can you describe this Old magic? Guessing this is what Mystryl or however you spell that taught. Or before that even?
  • zzyatpwzzyatpw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 55
    edited April 2013
    u can try to read the book: Dragons of Summer Flame. pretty same situation explained.
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Same situation? I don't follow.
  • zzyatpwzzyatpw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 55
    edited April 2013
    those gods left and mages in DL unable to cast spells anymore. but Palin finally find the way to cast at the end. well, of course it's not official stated same as post-spell-plague situation. but since it's not a scientific paper we could consider FR casters using the same solution.
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ah. While similar, that is not what I'm looking for.

    To be clearer, if I was to, for instance, create a backstory about some control wizard, I would need to know how Forgotten Realm's magic works. While entertaining, a similar situation from Dragonlance will not give me the requisite background information I desire.

    To put it another way, I do not have a problem understanding the actual situation. I have a problem with a lack of lore behind said situation with which I can back my own stories/character backgrounds upon.
  • sideraxsiderax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The more accurate description I can find about this is inside the Dragon Magazine 362 : (bold part)

    Effects on the Weave
    For eons, the use of magic in Faerun was focused through a god of magic, most recently Mystra. Except for certain Netherese wizards of ancient days who learned the truth, most believed that no magic would be possible without such a deity. However, with the death of Mystra and jealous Shar suppressing the ascension of a new deity of magic, it became common knowledge that magic is accessible without a god to control and codify it. Now when a spellcaster speaks of the Weave, she is just using another term for magic.

    Effects on the Shadow Weave
    Just as Mystra controlled the Weave, the goddess Shar controlled the Shadow Weave. Not satisfied with her portion, Shar plotted to seize control of both. She miscalculated. When Cyric murdered Mystra, the Weave collapsed so completely that Shar not only failed to gather up the fraying threads, she also lost control over the Shadow Weave.

    Just as magic persists without Mystra, so does the dusky power of shadow endure without Shar acting as an intermediary. Powerful necromancers have developed their own unique methods for accessing the dim energies of the Shadowfell.

    Effect on Spellcasters
    Many creatures that learned to cast spells and channel magic with Mystra’s Weave found themselves powerless in the Spellplague’s wake. Some never regained their power. Others worked to attune themselves to the new magical environment. Many required years to regain this facility, while others never regained the knack. Others took shortcuts to reaquire the power they’d lost, swearing questionable pacts to enigmatic beings in return for the ability to utilize arcane powers.

    Today, spellcasters access magic through a dizzying array of methods. Some murmur spells and incant rituals, some forge arcane bargains, and others pray for intervention. In truth, it seems that magic can be accessed in more ways than ever before, fueled by newfound knowledge of arcane, shadow, primal, and other sources of power.

    I think you can choose whatever method you want for you mage, it will okay with the law of the Forgotten Realm ;)

    My french Spelljammer Campaign : Une epopee celeste
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thank you, siderax, that was exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.

    If anyone knows or can point me to more details though, by all means.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    holocat wrote: »
    Ah. While similar, that is not what I'm looking for.

    To be clearer, if I was to, for instance, create a backstory about some control wizard, I would need to know how Forgotten Realm's magic works. While entertaining, a similar situation from Dragonlance will not give me the requisite background information I desire.

    To put it another way, I do not have a problem understanding the actual situation. I have a problem with a lack of lore behind said situation with which I can back my own stories/character backgrounds upon.

    I will talk about ARCANE magic only as primal and psionic are different beasts altogether.

    There is no clear way to access magic. You can define your own way to access magic now.

    However, there are some standard ways to access magic based on classes.

    Warlock, and arcane class is still using the old way - to make pacts. They have star pact which is making pact with stars (which basically means far realm in FR). Youc an start a bit by reading about Allabar etc for lore if you want to know about stars. I think one of the dungeons #205-210 had something about it.
    They can also make infernal pact an use powers of devil as arcane magic.

    Another way is the way of bard which can use music to access the magic. It can use charm etc.

    Third way is deities - you can use deities to get magic you want (Selune, Corellon and Sseth).

    Another way is the way of scroll. By studies and ritual, you can prepare scrolls, incantation etc and use them - the way of Oghma and his followers. i.e. by knowledge you can use magic.

    Yet another way is the way sorcerers use agic - from innate ability. You can have that ability in blood, by having a dragon's blood taint you etc.

    Yet another way to access magic is to consume a magical beast.


    In short there are many ways to access magic now. By old way I meant the magic used in Mystra's time (silverfire was it?) Simbarch teach its apprentice to use magic like Simbul did - use their bodies as a vessle or conduit of pure magical energies.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    If you tell me the class and background of your mage, maybe I can conjure up something similar from the lore on available meathods of magic. However thinking up your original meathod to access magic is also fine (as long as it is believable)
  • holocatholocat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have no clear story for my control wizard at this time. However, I vaugely remember there being Myth Drannor and Cormyr backgrounds for the neverwinter character.

    How do mages of Myth Drannor access magic, if there is a uniform method?

    How do Cormyrian Warwizards do the same, again, if there is a uniform method?
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    holocat wrote: »
    I have no clear story for my control wizard at this time. However, I vaugely remember there being Myth Drannor and Cormyr backgrounds for the neverwinter character.

    How do mages of Myth Drannor access magic, if there is a uniform method?

    How do Cormyrian Warwizards do the same, again, if there is a uniform method?

    There is no uniform meathod for both. Mages of New Myth Drannor used to access Fey magic - something which no one understands. It is the same as a magic of fairies - more akin to Geass system of Irish myths. You have rules, if you don't follow them, if you disrespect others - basically if you are a bad kid, you would be damned.

    However the source of Fey was lost as portals were sealed to Feywild to avoid Netherse from attacking Myth Drannor. So the new way would be a simple arcane way to access magic (as Eladrin can easily access arcane and do not need weave to access it, being native of Feywild).

    Such meathod (of Feywild) are very similar to how Lurue uses teleportation magic, or how Selune has access to magic - it comes naturally to some.


    It has a council(war council like) for mages. They teach the mages how to access the arcane magic using knowledge and archives. However, the mages need to have natural talent. Think along the lines of Dragon Age in this sense.
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