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UGC Preview: Spud Bashing

demiurgerealmdemiurgerealm Member Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013 in The Foundry
(To be read in a deep movie trailer guy voice)

In a world of deception and danger,
in a time when no one was safe,
the Spud Boys crossed the line,
someone had to take a stand.

Are you ready for Spud Bashing?

Your mission: to penetrate the dank and foul smelling Spud Stronghold and retrieve letters stolen from a noble of Neverwinter. How you do this is your affair, will you kick in the front door and assault the stronghold, sneak in from underground, or talk you way into where you need to go? It's your mission, you decide.

Just get it done.

Coming soon...
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

Realm of the Demiurge Foundry Works

Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
Post edited by demiurgerealm on


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