Look at cryptic games in the past and youll see that open beta does not last long at all. Hell even RaiderZ(pwe) had a month and a half open beta before going into launch. Another Cryptic game, Star Trek Onlind only stayed in open beta for a month. Check it out here :
http://www.stowiki.org/Star_Trek_Online. the other Cryptic game Champions Online also was in open beta for 1 month, you can check here at :
http://massively.joystiq.com/2009/08/12/champions-online-open-beta-and-early-start-schedule-revealed/. So given past games with Cryptic and perfect World, open beta is 1 month maybe 2 at the most. This is just logic and fact.
What do you guys think?
'Never assume anything, It makes an '***' out of 'u' and 'me'.....'
I have found that it is a pretty good adage to stick to.
Just saying.
NW is using open beta as it's release, since it's free and will not have a 'start charging to play' date. Therefore, the OB period could last a month or 6-months, or whenever. They could even just claim it's in OB forever.
NWO is Free 2 Play and its open beta is when it goes live so really OB for NWO is the same as STO and CO live launch. As such it can be in open beta in the year 3,000,000 A.D if the cryptic and PW wish.
The fact is the developers have stated they will combine the shards. The only reason there are multiple shards at launch was to disperse the player base until it settles. We cannot presume the length of open beta, as stated earlier, based on pwe or Cryptic past titles due to, a) this is Cryptic's f2p title; and b) this is their first title since being acquired by PWE. Regardless, its a pointless argument since it will not affect gameplay as the player sees it since there will be no wipes, and the developers plan to combine servers, "relatively soon after the start of open beta".
They do want positive feedback and they still need to fix bugs. Anyway even if they would change plans and have a 6 months long Open Beta we still can keep the characters created during Beta.