Beta 4 is over, and many changes occurred to the companions. Some companions were absent from the zen store, and all finally received max level based on companion rank.
I did not spend any zen on the zen companions, but instead had been trying out all the white companions in previous betas. Most of my companions were already maxed at 15 or higher, so I can comment on how they performed up to 50 at level 15.
With beta 4, I put away the cleric companion and primarily used the dog and man at arms. During solo play, i really enjoyed the man at arms. It did quite well, even though it was limited to level 15. It did get eaten up on the tuffer mobs, but was able to survive long enough for me to kill the group. I did like the fact that it would come "protect" me when I was attacked, switching off it's current target to taunt the mob off me.
The dog did well, but seemed to die faster than the man at arms when attacking tuffer mobs.
In dungeons, the companions seemed to not even be speed bumps. They died pretty quickly, never dodging the red splats. While they survived the typical trash mobs, they pretty much became splats on the ground when faced with the tuffer mobs, mini boss's and boss mob. I'm inclined to believe that Ion stone companion might serve me better during dungeon delves.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
edited April 2013
Sell-Sword, Does nice damage with area of effect attacks, high chance to proc critical hits and can take a few hits. Does mean you have to some times tank the monsters while your companion kills it for you, in dungeons that's a null point as it won't be tanking and nor should you, works well for solo and grouping.
Did cost 2 gold for a white companion however, so buying it early may set you back a little.
Man-at-arms. He did a good job keeping the enemies busy. That and the tank/healer combo made sure both survived most battles. Only ever had him drop during two boss battles (while solo).
Rock tank all the way. He's pretty OP @ R30 with his self regen skill. I liked having a dps pet better, but in the higher (50+) zones, they were dying way too often.
I actually ran with the cleric companion most of the time. Though, as a Guardian founder come the 25th I guess I will be rolling with a direwolf.
I can't wait to find out how much it's gonna cost in AD's to upgrade the companions. I love the dog, but hate that it's stuck at level 15. It would survive so much better at level 30. Something to works towards You will have to let us know what the pack companion abilities are. I hope for ya'll pack buyers, it's just not a re-skin of the dog/wolf.
One thing to keep an eye out for is verification if the quests for the green quality cleric and man at arms are still going to be available in the graveyard quest lines (25-30). You may have to struggle till then but if you get a green quality for free it should be well worth the wait.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited April 2013
The cat and ioun stones are very good for clerics in the dungeon delves. Any melee companion should suffice for soloing.
frost168Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The cat and ioun stones are very good for clerics in the dungeon delves. Any melee companion should suffice for soloing.
So far, the only class I've seen comment on the ioun stone companion, is the CW. Has any cleric used this companion? I am definately considering getting this one at the start. Thanks to being able to have 3 actives companions, I can then level my "free" companion when the others are off training for hours and hours LOL.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
The cat and ioun stones are very good for clerics in the dungeon delves. Any melee companion should suffice for soloing.
I think at high-end we will see the vast majority of players using cats and stones, effectively having 3-4 extra items equipped is fairly powerful. Especially if you consider that if your companion dies in a dungeon your losing a huge amount of effectiveness, at least with these types of companions your constantly gaining a bonuses. And with Clerics and other ranged companions constantly running into melee and dying it makes it that much more appealing not to have them running around like headless chickens.
The cat and ioun stones are very good for clerics in the dungeon delves. Any melee companion should suffice for soloing.
Does anyone have any more specific information on the cat? I am trying to plan an investment in the stone or cat and want to make a more informed decision. Is the cat the same as a stone with +crit/recovery? If so wouldn't the cat seem superior?
I used a cat in Beta 4, but I only got it to around level 8 or so. From the short time I had to investigate, the cat passively buffs you with what it is equipped with. at level 1, I think it was +15 for crit and recovery (sans equipment). boosting this with equipment made it very interesting to use.
personally I preferred the cat companion while playing as a cleric, despite needing to be more mobile in fights I just got used to planning my encounters that way. I tried that floating shield and wasn't very impressed with it-- it didn't seem to take any agro from me, nor defend me very well (and attacked slowly?). and since I was doing more of the damage, I was effectively also healing myself better.
I used a cat in Beta 4, but I only got it to around level 8 or so. From the short time I had to investigate, the cat passively buffs you with what it is equipped with. at level 1, I think it was +15 for crit and recovery (sans equipment). boosting this with equipment made it very interesting to use.
+ Rating doesn't sound like much of a benefit as 85+ would be needed to increase % by 1.
That's +15 at level 1 from what he said. It would increase as the cat leveled up and you would also get 100% of whatever runes and equipment you put on it. Level 50 equipment easily has +200 of some stats or +100 of 2-3 stats depending on the type of gear.
I spent BW4 running with the rock golem from the zen shop and I plan to pick one up on day 1. He's a good solid little tank with decent dps and he keeps aggro pretty well on single targets which with cleric AoE is all I usually need. He's probably interchangeable with the man-at-arms without much difference though.
I spent BW4 running with the rock golem from the zen shop and I plan to pick one up on day 1. .
100% agree on Galeb Dhur, he will be a day 1 purchase for me as well. As far as level 55+ dungeons though I am assuming it would be better to have a passive stat pet with 100% uptime then a dead pet 50% of the time. So it comes down to cat or stone for that purpose. I just want to pick wisely.
So PW wants people to pay 25 to 30$/Euro for a companion... **** that's a bit pricey compared to other online stores for other gaming companies. I'll have to wait until the 27th and then decide if I should get it then or wait to see if anything new if released in the weeks to come or they may reduce the price after a while.
So PW wants people to pay 25 to 30$/Euro for a companion... **** that's a bit pricey compared to other online stores for other gaming companies. I'll have to wait until the 27th and then decide if I should get it then or wait to see if anything new if released in the weeks to come or they may reduce the price after a while.
The price is a little ridiculous. Honestly I think the Man-at-Arms is close to equivalent except he's white (rank 15 cap) and Galeb Duhr is purple (rank 30 cap). It remains to be seen what the cost is for the companion quality upgrade items is since they were simply marked as "Coming Soon" during BW4. If they aren't too bad the Man-at-Arms might be the way to go. I just have the Zen already there so I'll probably grab Galeb Duhr.
My overall plan for companions is to have a Tank, a DPS, and a Stat Stick (Ion/Cat). The tank will be for soloing primarily and maybe using the DPS if I'm farming something easier. The DPS and Stat Stick are for group content since I've seen a few GFs complaining that tank pets actually makes aggro control a lot more difficult for them in dungeons. I'll probably lean towards the stat stick in dungeons/groups though.
Yeah I can see where you are coming from unspecifiederror. I'll checking the forums and streams during the 2 days between the Hero and Guardian access. Gives me time to decide if I should throw 30 to 50euros on Zen.
BiS DC Seyfried - PvP / CN farm (Dragon Server) 1st Degree Burns
irithaeMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited May 2013
Low level experience only here so far; I grabbed the Cleric companion from the lvl 16 quest and feel like I've got a lot of mileage outta her over the past 10 levels. No regrets whatsoever for passing up the Man-at-Arms. My goal is to work at Astral Diamond farming to get the Cat from the Wondrous Bazaar lady, but it'll take a while.
I get the cat is awesome and i hope i can get one with time, but what r your throught about the phoenix companion guys? i was thinking about trying him for the aoe (as i always have tons of adds on me anyway).
Im using the cleric atm (ye, she heal me while i heal hehe but it help me survive) but i feel she will be outdated soon as she start to die a lot now (im around lvl 40 atm).
Hi everyone, how do you manage to get 100% of the runes and equipments stats of your cat to your own character? I bought this little sweetie and as far as I can see I only get the buff for crit and recovery form it. Thank you and excuse my inexperience.
Did cost 2 gold for a white companion however, so buying it early may set you back a little.
What Class Are You?
I can't wait to find out how much it's gonna cost in AD's to upgrade the companions. I love the dog, but hate that it's stuck at level 15. It would survive so much better at level 30. Something to works towards
So far, the only class I've seen comment on the ioun stone companion, is the CW. Has any cleric used this companion? I am definately considering getting this one at the start. Thanks to being able to have 3 actives companions, I can then level my "free" companion when the others are off training for hours and hours LOL.
I think at high-end we will see the vast majority of players using cats and stones, effectively having 3-4 extra items equipped is fairly powerful. Especially if you consider that if your companion dies in a dungeon your losing a huge amount of effectiveness, at least with these types of companions your constantly gaining a bonuses. And with Clerics and other ranged companions constantly running into melee and dying it makes it that much more appealing not to have them running around like headless chickens.
Does anyone have any more specific information on the cat? I am trying to plan an investment in the stone or cat and want to make a more informed decision. Is the cat the same as a stone with +crit/recovery? If so wouldn't the cat seem superior?
personally I preferred the cat companion while playing as a cleric, despite needing to be more mobile in fights I just got used to planning my encounters that way. I tried that floating shield and wasn't very impressed with it-- it didn't seem to take any agro from me, nor defend me very well (and attacked slowly?). and since I was doing more of the damage, I was effectively also healing myself better.
+15 crit/recovery rating -or- Crit/recovery percent?
+ Rating doesn't sound like much of a benefit as 85+ would be needed to increase % by 1.
That's +15 at level 1 from what he said. It would increase as the cat leveled up and you would also get 100% of whatever runes and equipment you put on it. Level 50 equipment easily has +200 of some stats or +100 of 2-3 stats depending on the type of gear.
I spent BW4 running with the rock golem from the zen shop and I plan to pick one up on day 1. He's a good solid little tank with decent dps and he keeps aggro pretty well on single targets which with cleric AoE is all I usually need. He's probably interchangeable with the man-at-arms without much difference though.
100% agree on Galeb Dhur, he will be a day 1 purchase for me as well. As far as level 55+ dungeons though I am assuming it would be better to have a passive stat pet with 100% uptime then a dead pet 50% of the time. So it comes down to cat or stone for that purpose. I just want to pick wisely.
60 Drow Trickster Rogue
11 Elf Control Wizard
Server: Beholder
Guild: Praetor Lupus
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Hero of the North & Guardian of Neverwinter Founder.
So PW wants people to pay 25 to 30$/Euro for a companion... **** that's a bit pricey compared to other online stores for other gaming companies. I'll have to wait until the 27th and then decide if I should get it then or wait to see if anything new if released in the weeks to come or they may reduce the price after a while.
60 Drow Trickster Rogue
11 Elf Control Wizard
Server: Beholder
Guild: Praetor Lupus
Guild Website:
Hero of the North & Guardian of Neverwinter Founder.
The price is a little ridiculous. Honestly I think the Man-at-Arms is close to equivalent except he's white (rank 15 cap) and Galeb Duhr is purple (rank 30 cap). It remains to be seen what the cost is for the companion quality upgrade items is since they were simply marked as "Coming Soon" during BW4. If they aren't too bad the Man-at-Arms might be the way to go. I just have the Zen already there so I'll probably grab Galeb Duhr.
My overall plan for companions is to have a Tank, a DPS, and a Stat Stick (Ion/Cat). The tank will be for soloing primarily and maybe using the DPS if I'm farming something easier. The DPS and Stat Stick are for group content since I've seen a few GFs complaining that tank pets actually makes aggro control a lot more difficult for them in dungeons. I'll probably lean towards the stat stick in dungeons/groups though.
60 Drow Trickster Rogue
11 Elf Control Wizard
Server: Beholder
Guild: Praetor Lupus
Guild Website:
Hero of the North & Guardian of Neverwinter Founder.
Im using the cleric atm (ye, she heal me while i heal hehe but it help me survive) but i feel she will be outdated soon as she start to die a lot now (im around lvl 40 atm).