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Companion's Max Level



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    timm4444timm4444 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 363
    edited April 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    Its insane compared to other PW titles. I had no idea this was in line with Cryptic .. as this is my first.

    Hard to believe the publisher isn't running the economy/CS

    Falling like rain isn't the issue, that just helps people who can only play a few hrs a day, as you have a max refine limit.

    When you look at how many days for X .. it is mind blowing. I honestly don't know someone that would earn that low of wage irl. Hell picking bottles will net you 500x what Zen you could earn via AD in a day.

    I realize that Zen is 'optional' but AD is far from it. The limit will starve all the Zen purchasers who are not going to grind 83 days for a mount. Someone has to sell AD .. but when it is used to purchase everything... you break that economy.

    No PW title uses 'tradable' currency to this staggering degree. They all have a dual currency where one is used in the AH/trades/Zen exchange. (and 'gold' for NPC stuff)

    They broke that cardinal rule and it will bite them in the a$$ ijs

    Using Real life wages is not really a good analogy here i think. As you NEED wages to live, You don't NEED to play neverwinter. Or any MMO for that matter.

    How many days for X isn't the issue. its what you are doing for X that is. like playing the game for enjoyment and eventually getting to X. As opposed to Working by picking up cans to gain money to get X ( unless you really really enjoy picking up cans :p )

    Granted, I will give you that Gold is pretty much useless except to buy pots and common crafting stuff.

    But the only thing I feel that PWE changed here in neverwinter is the inclusion of the AH in the mix of "Tradable Currency"

    Thats the wild card here.
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    balphor3balphor3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    theevildrf wrote: »
    prices last w/e were a bit high for what i would consider paying for a tome. lets hope they change that.

    I have looked for these tomes, but can't find them. Anyone know where they are?
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    kimonagikimonagi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The are on the exotic tab at the emporium but it says coming soon.
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    mensarmensar Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seems like a good time to mention "Open Beta".

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
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    razorjack156razorjack156 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Open Beta? ROFLMAO love that one, absolutely love it .. so when they change the name to released with pretty much the same content what will be your posts then? Just wondering...

    And yes, will be nice when they get those books selling...
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    bobzebrickbobzebrick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The current purple zen companions cost over 29 euro each. This game is disgusting. At every possible avenue I'm basically made to pay for zen directly or pay for zen to turn astral crystals or I literally can't do anything of value. This game is so pay to play it's painful, I literally won't waste my time much longer it's only because it's new that it is any fun at all.
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    myxlplykmyxlplyk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mensar wrote: »
    Seems like a good time to mention "Open Beta".

    If they aren't going to wipe characters again it's no longer an "Open Beta" it's a "soft launch". As since you will never have to buy the game there would be no point that you would say "OK, Beta over, go buy the game and see you then!"
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    bellringer01bellringer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Upgrading of companions has always been intended but not yet implimented. The upgrade tomes have been shown as 'coming soon' for a while.

    The guardian direwolf can lvl up to 30 so it's a purple, obviously this means the panther is too. Guardian mount cannot be upgraded as it's tier 3 already, max currently for mounts, which again means the spider for Hero's would be as well.

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    bellringer01bellringer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bobzebrick wrote: »
    The current purple zen companions cost over 29 euro each. This game is disgusting. At every possible avenue I'm basically made to pay for zen directly or pay for zen to turn astral crystals or I literally can't do anything of value. This game is so pay to play it's painful, I literally won't waste my time much longer it's only because it's new that it is any fun at all.

    I have a purple companion, but I actually use the lvl15 cleric more often as she is of far more use to me unless in a 5 man dungeon/skirmish. Get a grip on things, really! You think that not having purple means you 'literally' cannot do anything of use? o.O
    Seriously, you have problems, personal ones, if you think that.
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    dcrawler69dcrawler69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm currently level 7 - Would a comp be prudent at this juncture? I'm a solo player. Is the only way to obtain one through RL money?
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    starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    At level 7, you are limited to buying one off of the Auction House, buying it from the C-Store, or a friend giving one to you. The benefit of getting a companion at level 7 is that it will reach max level quicker.
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    nevfenevfe Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dcrawler69 wrote: »
    I'm currently level 7 - Would a comp be prudent at this juncture? I'm a solo player. Is the only way to obtain one through RL money?

    You'll get one automatically through a quest soon, around level 10 I think, but can't remember exactly.
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    dcrawler69dcrawler69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the info.
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    stratrat1956stratrat1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    So, when we get four companions can we fuse them together to make an Uncommon companion? :confused:
    What? Me worry?
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, when we get four companions can we fuse them together to make an Uncommon companion? :confused:

    Technically you sacrifice three to empower the fourth, but as the end result is the same, f it makes you feel better you can keep thinking of it as a fusing ;)
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    stratrat1956stratrat1956 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    So you have to have a fourth companion before you can do that?
    What? Me worry?
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, when we get four companions can we fuse them together to make an Uncommon companion? :confused:

    Heh, no.

    Anyone else think it would be cool if it was like Shin Megami Tensei and its devil fusion? ;) I know it's not really feasible without a lot of work, but i always thought that was pretty cool.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nevfe wrote: »
    You'll get one automatically through a quest soon, around level 10 I think, but can't remember exactly.
    The quest is level 16. So it's much easier if you have a buddy who can spare 2 Gold to toss a companion at you when you're level 5.
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    theevildrftheevildrf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    The quest is level 16. So it's much easier if you have a buddy who can spare 2 Gold to toss a companion at you when you're level 5.
    this is indeed true.

    summary of original post - wolf = purple, panther = purple, spider = purple, guardian horse = BLUE. upgrade tomes are available for astral diamonds (a lot of astral diamonds).
    The Evil Dr. F
    Beta Junkie
    grimrod614 wrote: »
    Never leave home without a cleric !
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    stryker67stryker67 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When will the Tomes be available tho? It just says Coming Soon on the vendor..any clues as to cost?
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    nikthebriknikthebrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    White = Common
    Blue = Uncommon
    Green = Rare
    Purple = Very Rare

    Quick correction -- Green = Uncommon and Blue = Rare.

    That said, in regards to the OP, I also think max ranks on companions is annoying.
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    qinnuxqinnux Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    leave companions same max level as we do - 60.
    Remove the 25 slot from the common ones.
    add soe xx buff for rare pets - this way people have soemthign to do, levelign pets + they get stronger and aint useless.
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