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Cleric healing reduced and agro is insane



  • butterfaycebutterfayce Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    iymala wrote: »
    Yes, there is the Mark system in effect. It holds agro on the marked target until the Guardian is hit. It has no cooldown and not cast time, but can only be on one target at a time. This is outside their normal taunt mechanic. They receive this ability at level 10 I believe.

    Assuming this is true, I can't be the first to suggest making the mark a more long-term aggro hold and have some of the other skills be short term (1 attack) aggro holds. Cooldowns will have to be managed and dangerous mobs will have to be selected to optimize the class, putting the skill in the hands of the player.
  • lurkersxlurkersx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The mark does not really hold aggro on a mob until the target hits you. I can put this on any mob I want and they ignore me and go for the cleric. The only time it works is when you first hit a mob with it before anyone else does anything.

    I have played a GWF and Cleric on the first two sets of dungeons now and Cleric can hold aggro over a GWF with one spell. We tested this in my group, I was the GWF and I damaged a mob to 50% health, the cleric hit me with a heal and he had aggro.. I am positive the threat is messed up.
  • jonddnjonddn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 154 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    lurkersx wrote: »
    The mark does not really hold aggro on a mob until the target hits you. I can put this on any mob I want and they ignore me and go for the cleric. The only time it works is when you first hit a mob with it before anyone else does anything.

    I have played a GWF and Cleric on the first two sets of dungeons now and Cleric can hold aggro over a GWF with one spell. We tested this in my group, I was the GWF and I damaged a mob to 50% health, the cleric hit me with a heal and he had aggro.. I am positive the threat is messed up.

    Indeed it is just finished a run of Blackdagger Dungeon and i as a cleric had the agrro of the hole thing... even stoped casting offensive spells but still all it takes is a mass heal AOE and i got aggro on the hole dungeon again, fair to say my punnny healer got squished.
    "Kobold smells all! Kobold Omnisniffient!" - Tuga? North Trail Wants You! - North! Always!
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2013
    absolutely agree ! if we as players can't target like we want to because of the crazy targeting system they use, then why should the mobs be allowed to target us while we're in the back. where's the balance?

    also, it's a tad extreme to lower our self healing by 50%. Even the channeled spells don't do much.

    and the aggro is out of this world now, even in groups suddenly I'm tanking. I know chain is made of metal but this is a bit much.
  • hedgehog8hedgehog8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I played as cleric just now in the pirate dungeon, party was good, so in most of the time they held aggro.
    But the last boss is just broken... he and most of the spawned pirates ran after me the whole battle, I didn't even have time to heal all that much to create threat. Just the boss and 6 creeps running after mn in circles while party tries to kill them one by one (and boss didn't seem to pay attention). Heals could also be better, at least the 'single target' one.
  • kimundikimundi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have to agree with most that is being said. Soloing is challenging, far too much. Elites are so hard to kill, it is frustrating to see a rogue clear a pack in 20s when you have to fight 5 five times longer. The heal reduction on us is absurd, and the HoT don't heal us a bit... What's the point? I've been spamming potions every 20 seconds to stay alive when fighting 2 or 3 elites at a time. On a single target, my companion will keep the aggro, but otherwise, only running and healing with potions...

    I have done 4 dungeons already, and I agree with the aggro problem. On the last boss of the Mad dragon's lair, you can only kite as you have 5 elites on you all the time... I have always loved playing healer, but I don't feel like it now.
  • si1verange1si1verange1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I died zero times in last beta, I've died like 15 times from L14-20. Self-heals are useless and apparently broken. The floaty numbers are not matching the self-heal ticks, which are only like 19-24 per tick for 3k HP, which is silly. I assumed it was not working and put in a ticket. The healing aggro also seems to be bad. I am kiting, kiting both solo and in groups to survive. A GWF kills things like 5x faster than I do.
  • conclainconclain Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I did clock tower on my GWF , had tank another gwf and couple others, mobs did stay on the cleric mostly, compaired to last time I did beta (1st weekend) where clerics went pretty much untouched.
  • frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They definately changed the cleric around. I can't even heal without drawing agro from every mob in the dungeon. Not like clerics are "typical" in this game, I have to attack the mobs to heal the party which pretty much sets me into doing the conga line.

    Guess I heal now by keeping every mob preoccupied with me, while my party kills one at a time LOL. Now the only toon wasting heal pots is me, the cleric. However, it is fun to see the cleric pop up as "most damage taken" after a dungeon crawl LOL.

    finding dungeons a waste of time, I continued soloing. I had to refine/adjust my tactics from last beta, but found it fairly doable solo. Not as powerful solo this time around as last. Last beta I advanced to lvl 33 and think I used maybe 3 healing potions. This time going from 33-39 so far I've used around 75-100 potions.

    If the key now is to make a coin sink outta potions, they have succeeded. Not sure how anyone is buying a horse or companion this time around. Glad I got mine during beta2, cause my GWF is no where near having the money for one, let alone multi this go round. Good thing I an trade money to him.

    See how they change it again for open beta..
  • khupa1khupa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 96
    edited March 2013
    The Cleric was nerfed.
  • ishonbuishonbu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The fun part at the end of the dungeon is to see you've taken the most damage and healed the most in your party. :/

    I just started this weekend and no deaths from 0-20. I have had to use potions quite a bit for party quests to heal myself (even if there's another cleric around), but when I'm solo it's not so bad. It just requires lots of cc and dodging all over the place. I'm sure it'll get worse as the mobs hit harder.
  • sirtex8sirtex8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 32
    edited March 2013
    attro wrote: »
    ...I never lose aggro if I use my spells. Dungeon ended with me throwing renews only once in a while and doing ZERO damage and still I pulled aggro on the boss that the tank was focusing ridicules.
    Most MMOs give aggro to healing as well as damage. In this game, it is too easy for clerics to do both at the same time.

    Likely Reason:?
    I suspect that aggro counts 'healing given' & not 'healing received'. Example, Cleric tosses a heal at the tank for say 1000HP. Now the tank was only 500HP down, so the tank was really only healed 500HP. I am going to guess the server is tracking that the cleric healed 1000HP, not 500. This may be the same for damage: 1000 damage on a monster with only 5hp left, but perhaps the 1000HP is counted against the character.
    Now let the Cleric toss an AoE heal, that also can do AoE damage, now we are talking huge numbers, & huge aggro.

    As a CW, I can pull aggro from most of the tanks when I AoE well also. Often in the lower level skirmishes I am the top damage dealer (AoE, but also I learned to get my timing right, etc). & guess who the mobs go after? Me B)
  • zanzodiaczanzodiac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was in a level 16 dungeon with a group. Even after doing nothing but running around avoiding the mobs chugging pots, every time new mobs spawned in the room with the boss I they automatically aggoed on me. Personally that would not bother me if I was able to heal with the skill. I find that Pots are 10 times more effective than healing skill. What’s the point of having a cleric who cannot heal anyone let alone him/her-self. Each cast of the heal skill I get 50 points a tic. I can cast 3 times and have to wait 15 seconds for each use to recharge that’s 45 seconds to recharge all 3. If I cast all 3 on one person the amount of healing goes up. Average 50 points per tic for one cast, average 100 points for 2 consecutive cast, and around 300 points per tic for 3 consecutive casts. Then wait for 45 seconds to heal someone else. When casting 3 heals on one person it does not last long enough to really heal them and they have to augment heals from a cleric with pots. The damaged the group can take far exceeds the ability of the cleric to heal. When you factor the ago a cleric gets for healing or casting any other spells and he does not have pots he’s a dead cleric. The last dungeon I did with a group I died 5 times and I was unable to get a res after the last death on the main mob boss and did not get credit for the group winning the day and that really sucks. I have played DDO online since it launched and play a cleric 95% of the time and I can truly say that if this is what I can look forward to then this game goes live then this game will not see any of my hard earned cash and I will stick with DDO.
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I ran a scenario this afternoon and the aggro seemed better than yesterday.

    The newly spawned mobs headed to me, sure, but that's standard for any MMORPG. What's different is that the other group members were able to pull them off.
  • kittykaswickkittykaswick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    stormakov wrote: »
    So, I never played the last two beta weekends but I have this one. I rolled a Cleric and played it to 20 so far - I found it quite satisfying challenge wise, the more effort I put in the more I got out of it. I always felt like I needed to be vigilant with my cooldowns to keep party members alive.

    So honestly, I think all the people whining about Clerics in this thread are lazy spoiled baddies. (I don't know about the aggro issues, but as far as the 50% self reduction to healing and overall healing reduction, I think it's at a really good place balance wise. Hell, I was still soloing people in PvP without much of a problem.)

    Edit: I just watched duck2013's Cleric video.... Do you people in this thread HONESTLY believe a cleric should be able to solo a 5 man dungeon by themselves? How do you not see how overpowered that is?

    First of all you cant get into a 5 man dungeon solo, what you probely watched was a foundry run or one of the regular instances for main story line. Even in the last 2 betas the cleric was not OP, they have no burst heal at ALL which makes potions manditory and now with the way healing is they are even more so. I mean come on at lvl 40 healing for 200 to 300 hp, that is a crock in itself right there.

    Ok now lets touch on the cleric pvp bit. When you use your tab ability (cant rember it but you use the tab key to activate it) you will literally eat someones HP up in no time but you will not kill them if they are at full hp before you run out of power and not only that it can be blocked, now if they are low HP you will. Honestly that is all a cleric has going for them in pvp for good strong dmg and not burst damage, with all the dazes you can be incompasitated constantly if the other team works it right. So no clerics are not OP in pvp if you consider one ability that has a very long recharge( having to attack others to fill it up).

    I dont know what lvls you got to but since this is your first beta i am guessing that you are in your mid teens maybe. Come back to us when you have hit your 26 up dungeons, better yet come back after you have ran the graveyard solo now......
  • kittykaswickkittykaswick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sirtex8 wrote: »
    Most MMOs give aggro to healing as well as damage. In this game, it is too easy for clerics to do both at the same time.

    Likely Reason:?
    I suspect that aggro counts 'healing given' & not 'healing received'. Example, Cleric tosses a heal at the tank for say 1000HP. Now the tank was only 500HP down, so the tank was really only healed 500HP. I am going to guess the server is tracking that the cleric healed 1000HP, not 500. This may be the same for damage: 1000 damage on a monster with only 5hp left, but perhaps the 1000HP is counted against the character.
    Now let the Cleric toss an AoE heal, that also can do AoE damage, now we are talking huge numbers, & huge aggro.

    As a CW, I can pull aggro from most of the tanks when I AoE well also. Often in the lower level skirmishes I am the top damage dealer (AoE, but also I learned to get my timing right, etc). & guess who the mobs go after? Me B)

    I have maxed the deagro ability and i can cast one sunburst and i get nailed and i literally train the mobs around even using a single target heal its the same.....
  • shadowbrshadowbr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ishonbu wrote: »
    The fun part at the end of the dungeon is to see you've taken the most damage and healed the most in your party. :/

    I just started this weekend and no deaths from 0-20. I have had to use potions quite a bit for party quests to heal myself (even if there's another cleric around), but when I'm solo it's not so bad. It just requires lots of cc and dodging all over the place. I'm sure it'll get worse as the mobs hit harder.

    That depends, if one of the party members has a healing companion, they will heal you better then you heal yourself and you will still tank all the damage. In the end you will see things like: most damage taken - healer , most healed - rogue( their companion heals count as theirs).
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have maxed the deagro ability and i can cast one sunburst and i get nailed and i literally train the mobs around even using a single target heal its the same.....

    That ability should never be loaded in a dungeon. IJS

    You do AoE healing threat on top of damaging every add within like 20', of course you get aggro.... do you think the tank has generated that much hate on every single mob in range. 0% likelihood

    People should really think before complaining this much

    *edit* I guess you can load it, just only use it at end of combat and group heals on the way to next pull. I personally don't have room for it.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    That ability should never be loaded in a dungeon. IJS

    You do AoE healing threat on top of damaging every add within like 20', of course you get aggro.... do you think the tank has generated that much hate on every single mob in range. 0% likelihood

    People should really think before complaining this much

    Yeah, because you should never be able to use your most powerful abilities in the most dangerous dungeons... right.
    The one single target heal spell in the game is a joke, it's awful and should be abandoned at the earliest opportunity to use the much easier to cast and much more effective AoE heals.
    But the aggro is borked, so the AoE heals can't be used either.

    Aggro is just plain broken right now.

    Want my honest suggestion? Roll another toon til they fix the cleric threat gen. Even if it's one you weren't initially looking forward to. I'm having a lot more fun on my Control Wizard than I thought I would.
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lol it stops ranking up L24 (just made a post regarding that matter)

    Healing Word is fine to layer up before a battle, and you can get more than 3 stacks up with Divinity

    Forgemaster's for the tough encounters, then you only have to focus HW on the ranged if they are hurt.

    So tell me ... how is any other character supposed to have less aggro when you do a double aoe for heal/damage ?

    I agree the numbers are off, and it you watched the last twitch stream with the press, its already been changed, its just on the CB build and didn't make it to Dragon shard
  • kittykaswickkittykaswick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    That ability should never be loaded in a dungeon. IJS

    You do AoE healing threat on top of damaging every add within like 20', of course you get aggro.... do you think the tank has generated that much hate on every single mob in range. 0% likelihood

    People should really think before complaining this much

    *edit* I guess you can load it, just only use it at end of combat and group heals on the way to next pull. I personally don't have room for it.
    Explain to us how a cleric is supposed to heal then, the only heals we have are passive AE heals. Sunburst and the other ae are the only ways to heal, its impossible pretty much to use the single target and it doesnt do enuff but to top someone off.

    the cleric's agro has been turned up since last beta thats it, sure we would pull agro but it wasnt every mob in the encounter area and they stick to you like glue now. Heck the cleric in a group i was in died and we rezed him back and all he used was the single target heal and it was the same all over, every mob chased him till we killed them. Not only is it bad for the cleric but it also screws the dps because they have to chase the mobs around so dps is low and not steady.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    Lol it stops ranking up L24 (just made a post regarding that matter)

    This is true: sunburst REALLY drops off in power and isn't worth using past 30. But if I'm not mistaken he was talking about the Cloak Tower dungeon, where Sunburst was probably his strongest encounter power.
    Forgemaster's is far superior once you have access to it.
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The run when I was 15 compared to L17 (when you get Forgemaster's) was night and day. HW is great for topping up between fights or healing a ranged that isn't taking consistent damage.

    I facetanked at that point, because if I am not in melee, then I'm not getting forgemaster heals either. That helps dps since it isn't a spaz-fest. This is mainly for bosses or multi-pulls

    I did try and not drop daunting early, and forgemaster the main target at 80%. Honestly if it was a regular pull, I didn't get aggro at that point.

    Sunburst is evil, unless used as a very quick top-up between fights or near the end. Using it early and often is the mistake I see many making (like the feed Zeke was in, the Cleric had imp adds 24/7)

    The frequency you can cast it, and the train of adds during boss fights is the 'perfect storm' No one is going to have initial threat on those mobs but you, since you healed the group and smacked them for 800hp damage. I don't see any change in mechanics 'fixing' that.
  • connettaconnetta Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    After playing far more than is healthy the past two days, I found my cleric's aggro to be insane. It is just crazy. I toss a single mark and I can't drop aggro no matter how many GFs we have. Now I'm just level 21 (having 2 friends being derp really slows the leveling) but doing skirmishes and Cloak Tower was just silly. I tanked almost the entire time, it started to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off the GF in the dungeon at the end. I still feel a little underpowered in my heals but it likely comes from me having to kite tons of mobs constantly.

    Hopefully this aggro isn't permanent because I love my cleric otherwise. Though I had to chuckle when, in all of our runs, I healed the most and took the most damage. I also hope the healing pots taste good and have low calories, because I sure chug them.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    Sunburst is evil, unless used as a very quick top-up between fights or near the end. Using it early and often is the mistake I see many making (like the feed Zeke was in, the Cleric had imp adds 24/7)

    None of the knockback aoe skills should be used until absolutely necessary. I see lots of wizards making the same mistakes.

    You know what Sunburst is really great for tho? Throwing enemies off of ledges in the graveyard. I was knocking whole groups into the abyss.
  • mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    If the agro is going to stay as it is, can we please be listed as tanks as we take the vast majority of the groups damage.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hah ya. It can be a very productive punter with Divinity.
  • eggsneggsn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 69
    edited March 2013
    I love playing cleric/priest and I do know what I'm doing (for the most part) having played in end game raids and groups and duos in WoW, RoM, and Everquest. That being said I felt like a complete N O O B this weekend, dying and healing for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I play duo with a guardian and his taunts at times did nothing. I didn't realize clerics are supposed to tank... and drink lots of pots cause we've run out of divine power, daily, and casted all our encounter healing spells and we still die...

    Threat reduction is maxed and i'm on my 20+ almost deaths and 5+ deaths and 10000 potions...
  • spiritrush1spiritrush1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited March 2013
    I was doing the mad dragon dungeon and had 2 control mages kiting for the cleric. The tank would be better off if he picked a rogue instead.
    The wicked mind is sharp with self interest,
    The honourable mind is much easier to manipulate,
    A swift mind solves problems before they occur,
    Accept your fate, or lie, pretend,
    Death collects you in the end,
    The light that reveals is the glare that blinds,
    Knowledge brings power, and with power you can
    grab truth by the throat and shape it as you wish,
    A large enough debt turns even a friend into an enemy,
    Danger is the price of wealth.
  • eggsneggsn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 69
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »
    The run when I was 15 compared to L17 (when you get Forgemaster's) was night and day. HW is great for topping up between fights or healing a ranged that isn't taking consistent damage.

    I facetanked at that point, because if I am not in melee, then I'm not getting forgemaster heals either. That helps dps since it isn't a spaz-fest. This is mainly for bosses or multi-pulls

    I did try and not drop daunting early, and forgemaster the main target at 80%. Honestly if it was a regular pull, I didn't get aggro at that point.

    Sunburst is evil, unless used as a very quick top-up between fights or near the end. Using it early and often is the mistake I see many making (like the feed Zeke was in, the Cleric had imp adds 24/7)

    The frequency you can cast it, and the train of adds during boss fights is the 'perfect storm' No one is going to have initial threat on those mobs but you, since you healed the group and smacked them for 800hp damage. I don't see any change in mechanics 'fixing' that.

    Sorry but taunt from the GF has damage and he still could not get them off me even if I DIDN'T cast sunburst until after that. EVEN if the GF did 80% of the damage with 2-3 taunts, the mobs still love to give me hugs. Level 35 cleric here and still feels underpowered for healing and NOW also feels like an underpowered tank.

    I think it's not just us though. I think the Guardian threat and taunt is broken too.
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