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@@@@@@game breaking bug@@@@@@

laromusoo7laromusoo7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
I have a Game breaking bug that i've encountered I don't want to post it up here as it would be exploitable by any person very quickly. Please contact me in game or by email In game my name is Laromusss. This is related to the character equipment. I sent a Bug report in game but its been a while and no reply.!!!

I don't want to get banned but this is a big bug/exploit so i'm going to post the picture and its pretty self explanatory. I'm not going to talk about how I do it unless a GM or Dev can contact me as I don't want to get banned for it.


All i can say is in PVP i was able to kills 1v5 and took minimal damage.

Please fix this ASAP before more people start using the exploit and ruin the pvp and questing experience
Post edited by laromusoo7 on


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