So I played for a few hours and loved it. My feedback below -
I only got to about level 14 or so, so I don't know how much of this is relevant at higher levels.
Character creator was great, but the human body didn't match up to the human face as well as for other races. The color and texture seemed different. IMO it would also be nice if the scales had a little more effect. I get that it's supposed to be realistic and there would likely be model issues with the gear, but there really isn't much range and that's a shame. Currently, there's almost no point to them.
I really hope you can get dye packs in game. I don't mind buying them, but not all the time, players should get the occasional opportunity to look the way they want without having to spend zen for it.
Tutorial was good, but I don't understand why we don't learn about dieties until level 10 or so, but portable altars fall since level 4. This led to confusion for myself, and other players in several zone chats.
The pathing in the tutorial worked 1 time out of 4 that I tried.
Clothes look good, but weapons look really boring and generic. They have no style and there is no sense of accomplishment for getting a particular appearance, only a stat. Maybe this changes later, but to compare it to the most popular MMO, the weapons had style (maybe too much) right from the begining; you could look forward to what the next weapon would look like. Maybe this changes at higher levels, but the current models look very bland and boring.
Foundry was fantastic, but confusing to get to, this could use a little clarification. For a player that was expecting the Foundry and looking forward to it (me), it came a little out of nowhere and left me to figure things out for myself a little too much. For someone who doesn't know what it is at all, I imagine they'd be lost.
The control wizard stance was ok at best. Seems some folks don't like it, and I tend to agree.
Combat is amazing, but I want gamepad support. I'll say that this is probably the best keyboard and mouse scheme I've used so far in an MMO, but I would still prefer gamepad support. I also don't like that melee is rooted during combat. Same goes for ranged, but I can understand why that is for ranged. Regardless, combat still feels visceral and satisfying, I would just prefer that my trickster rogue wasn't rooted when trying to get behind someone and maintain DPS, and my guardian fighter could move and realign target direction while keeping threat.
Finally, and this is probably too late, but the fact that everything is instanced greatly reduces the feel of the game. Theres no outdoor free-roaming. Everything felt too self contained. Again, I only got to level 12, so maybe higher levels feel more open, but it felt like it was city-battleground-dungeon-city-battleground-dungeon. There were no open fields, or deserts or snowcapped mountains. There was no adventuring through the wild. I like not having to fear a giant crab when all I want is some ale, but the adventurer spirit and sense of discovery is lost when the travel is taken away, and it makes a mount seem pointless. Even for RP reasons it feels like if its not city or battle, there's no place. Wheres the campfire in the forest? The picnic in the fields? I hope the other zones have more of an expanse feel to it, but it seems a shame that players don't have the option to just wander around.
Anyway, that's what I got.
edit to add:
for rogue weapons, or any dual weilder I imagine, the comparison on mouse over, and double-click to replace/click to equip, doesn't take the off-hand into account. Comparing stats for the offhand is annoying, and quick equiping is awkward. This might also happen with rings or trinkets or whatever they're called.
Also, we seriously need bigger HAMSTER.