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This GAME will be Pay to win? I hope not

lefasixlefasix Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited March 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Many of the games that i have been playing lately, most of them are pay to win. I just think that's a little unfair when you have the skills but you dont have the money these days. I mean is ok a game that you could use money to buy things like costume, mounts or other stuffs that dont make you more powerful with money. Anyone know if this game will be pay to win? I have been waiting this game since NW2. But i played NW1 so long time and i get so addicted to the game, just because any of those games were pay to win. Everyone could have the same chance. I hope this one, the money dont make the difference between power and fun.
Post edited by lefasix on


  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    I really do not understand why everyone is up in arms about a pay to win system, it has been said over and over and over by the devs and community team at cryptic and pw, that neverwinter is FREE TO PLAY and their focus was on making the game as fun and as balanced as possible for all free to play players whether or not they ever use a cash shop.

    And frankly I am not against items that give performance improvements in the shops. The game needs funds to continually add content, to maintain the servers, and to keep the game online. As there will be no box sales to support the future development, past development, and or any development at all, the cash shop, the founders paks, are all there is to support the game. IF someone wishes to spend their hard earned real life cash on virtual items to both support the game and give them some benefit if even over others, so be it, let them. I'm by no means rich and I may not eat for a month fur purchasing the HotN pak, but I at least know I helped in even a small way to support Neverwinter.

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • jaelrinyajaelrinya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What is your definition of "pay to win"?

    In general Neverwinter isn't planned to be a "pay to win" game in which you can directly buy high-level gear with money (or something similar that directly boosts your character) and if you could, there would be a way to obtain that gear (or whatever it is) through gameplay. Of course that would mean to grind a bit for it like in every other MMO out there. As far as we know most store items should be convenience items like costumes, XP potions, mounts and the like. We don't have any specifics yet.
  • itsneoitsneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 74
    edited March 2013
    I'm waiting on a 50% of Zen sale. then look out neverwinter. this drow is gonna stalk you in the shadows and pwn your gimp *** heheheeheehe i'm just playing.. but yeah.. it's also been said the item drops are a couple points better than purchased gear anyway.. so.. ultimately, we'll all be in dropped gear... not purchased gear.

    IGN: DrDoom
    CLS: Heretic
    SVR: Atlantis
    IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f

  • bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    They've mentioned wanting to avoid selling gear, and ability boosts. Instead focusing on cosmetics, mounts, and it wouldn't shock me if we saw companions/pets. Possibly account unlocks like charcter slots.
  • zagemoggazagemogga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I guess new classes/races will need to be unlocked before they can be used. Which doesn't prevent people from playing the 'standard' roles in the game for free.
    There will always be complaints about it, whichever way you do it :)
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    as long they dont put items for gear re id,socekt adders and items for some item combination, classes, in zen store or gear with more socekt as lock box drop only, game should be fine and yeah loot drops will be better for pvp like in sto then ad items from ad store
  • bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    They'd mentioned that classes will most likely remain free due to being such an important part of the game. Not sure about Races.
  • kaltoumkaltoum Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lefasix wrote: »
    Many of the games that i have been playing lately, most of them are pay to win. I just think that's a little unfair when you have the skills but you dont have the money these days. I mean is ok a game that you could use money to buy things like costume, mounts or other stuffs that dont make you more powerful with money. Anyone know if this game will be pay to win? I have been waiting this game since NW2. But i played NW1 so long time and i get so addicted to the game, just because any of those games were pay to win. Everyone could have the same chance. I hope this one, the money dont make the difference between power and fun.

    How much money are we talking about here? and what games you have been playing which are P2W? some examples would be nice. People throw random 'This MMO is P2W" a lot now days.
  • zagemoggazagemogga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kaltoum wrote: »
    How much money are we talking about here? and what games you have been playing which are P2W? some examples would be nice. People throw random 'This MMO is P2W" a lot now days.

    In DDO you could 'buy' supreme books to enhance attributes by up to +4, I am not sure if these actual drop anywhere in the game.
  • lefasixlefasix Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Man the game can make money without create a pay to win game. Look guild wars 2. Is ok that the game need contributions to add more things. But i was talking about PAY to be more powerful than anybody. Ppl Can pay to get unique PETs. Or unique Cloths ect ect. Thats fine. i was just worried about another pay to win system. were just the ppl that pay have fun.
  • hopeless2hopeless2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited March 2013
    They've mentioned wanting to avoid selling gear, and ability boosts. Instead focusing on cosmetics, mounts, and it wouldn't shock me if we saw companions/pets. Possibly account unlocks like charcter slots.

    I just hope they don't sell ingame money with real cash. This is ruining TERA with price inflation atm.
  • thrynsystthrynsyst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kaltoum wrote: »
    How much money are we talking about here? and what games you have been playing which are P2W? some examples would be nice. People throw random 'This MMO is P2W" a lot now days.

    An example would be EQ2 these days. While, actually *getting* a powerful skill/item *would* be done in game (by means of a loot drop or the like), your character would not be able to utilize it unless/until you unlocked it (F2P characters are limited in the quality of skills/gear they can equip unless they purchase an unlock for that particular piece of gear or skill in the cash shop. Subscribers don't need to.)
  • lefasixlefasix Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dont be mad at me, i'm just a lil tired, that b4 when u bought a game, you dont spend mroe than 40$ and u could get all the content. now to see everything in a online game. you have to spend more than 100$ To see or play with every races. OR to see all the stages. OR too get everything that free to play players never can get. What is the point to promote a F2p game, that when u start to play, you notice that u cant see everything on the game without pay. But again! If ppl with 30 or 40 Dollars could see everything in a MMO theses days will be better for all parts. A game make more money when 1,000,000 players spend 10$ to get everything, than when 1,000 players spend 100$
  • kaltoumkaltoum Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lefasix wrote: »
    Dont be mad at me, i'm just a lil tired, that b4 when u bought a game, you dont spend mroe than 40$ and u could get all the content. now to see everything in a online game. you have to spend more than 100$ To see or play with every races. OR to see all the stages. OR too get everything that free to play players never can get. What is the point to promote a F2p game, that when u start to play, you notice that u cant see everything on the game without pay. But again! If ppl with 30 or 40 Dollars could see everything in a MMO theses days will be better for all parts. A game make more money when 1,000,000 players spend 10$ to get everything, than when 1,000 players spend 100$

    What you described is a typical F2P model.

    I was just asking for examples of P2W MMOS where you buy gear and weapons from cash shop to get an advantage over others in PVE and PVP.
  • zagemoggazagemogga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lefasix wrote: »
    Dont be mad at me, i'm just a lil tired, that b4 when u bought a game, you dont spend mroe than 40$ and u could get all the content. now to see everything in a online game. you have to spend more than 100$ To see or play with every races. OR to see all the stages. OR too get everything that free to play players never can get. What is the point to promote a F2p game, that when u start to play, you notice that u cant see everything on the game without pay. But again! If ppl with 30 or 40 Dollars could see everything in a MMO theses days will be better for all parts. A game make more money when 1,000,000 players spend 10$ to get everything, than when 1,000 players spend 100$

    That calculation might not be true. To maintain servers for 1,000 is cheaper than for 1,000,000 :)

    In the past we paid a monthly fee to play the game and bought the box.

    Now some games only sell the box and then you can play for free, while selling stuff ingame which is optional. Additional to have a large userbase because they offer some of the content for free to everyone.
    I prefer to buy the box and then no monthly fee above both, while having lots of people on the server who don't pay anything at all.

    The players also changed a lot. In the past we were happy to pay some monthly fee because all the 'kiddys' stayed away. :P (this doesn't mean I endorse pay to play games but sometimes you really wonder about people you meet online, including myself after several beer :))
  • lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I just bought the Sword of 1,000 Truths for 10,000 Zen, so I'm pretty sure this will be P2W.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2013
    Really? sigh. DDO was pay to win folks, NW's economy has been released, we know what it's like from the three other games that cryptic has made, in this one they made boxes only available via in game currency and they have a three currency system like in every other one of their games out there so why are people claiming this game is P2W? It's not like that in the other games I play.

    If you're worried about RM conversion, this game is nothing like GW2, GW2 uses RM conversion to change gems into gold, then they proceeded to nerf ALL of the loot in November and added DR so people can't get things simply by playing, if you're new to the game you might as well pony up 50$ per character to gear them because you're seriously going to be out of luck if you try to farm.

    Cryptic has never used DR even before PW took over and even tho Zen is purchasable with real money, you can get plenty of currency in game without the need to spend 16 months farming for a set of armor.
  • lostboyashlostboyash Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes, it will be 'Pay to Win'. If you buy a Hero pack like me, you WIN. If you buy any pack, really, you WIN. When the game launches and you spend money in the shop, you WIN. Even free players can WIN, because apparently you can use in-game currency to buy Zen to spend in the cash shop. This game will be full of WIN.

    I like to WIN.

    *serious face*: In all seriousness, I generally like the way Cryptic does its Cash Shops and F2P. It isn't perfect and I have gripes, but nothing I can't live with. There has to be a balance between the usefulness of purchases and items of a purely cosmetic nature, or the game would never support itself, and there usually is. I have faith, but we won't really know anything for sure until launch, I think.
  • astriellastriell Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lefasix wrote: »
    Many of the games that i have been playing lately, most of them are pay to win. I just think that's a little unfair when you have the skills but you dont have the money these days. I mean is ok a game that you could use money to buy things like costume, mounts or other stuffs that dont make you more powerful with money. Anyone know if this game will be pay to win? I have been waiting this game since NW2. But i played NW1 so long time and i get so addicted to the game, just because any of those games were pay to win. Everyone could have the same chance. I hope this one, the money dont make the difference between power and fun.

    Well since none of Cryptic's other F2P MMOs are Pay to Win, I don't imagine that this one will be either.
  • lanessar13lanessar13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    astriell wrote: »
    Well since none of Cryptic's other F2P MMOs are Pay to Win, I don't imagine that this one will be either.

    Some people's version of pay to win extends to "I can't have anything I want as fast as someone who pays money".
  • beanboy23beanboy23 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "Pay 2 Win" is usually aimed at games that require you to pay to be effective. This has gone the way of the dodo mostly because people hate it and leave. You can only find this in a handful of Eastern MMOs now. A good example of this would be dungeons that cannot be beaten without the use of health potions that can only be found in great enough number on a cash shop. However, paying for small advantages like xp boosts or guild buffs (the airships in DDO) or exchanging real money for in-game coin are absolutely okay ways to boost the abilities of paying players vs. free ones.

    This actually HELPS F2P players - especially in Cryptic games (more on that later) - because it results in more sales for the company and thus the "whales" who pay for a lot of boosts end up spending enough to bankroll the free players who contribute nothing. This means that they can give all the content to free players and you are never in a situation where you are grouped with someone and they can't do the content or their character is so inferior because they are F2P that you don't want to group with them.

    With Cryptic games there is an in-game currency that is time-released for special items. You can do quests in Neverwinter that earn you Astral Crystals with X amount of crystals being earned per day. These crystals are valuable because you can buy gear with them, but they are also valuable because you can put them on auction to exchange for Zen (the pay-currency in the game). So you can get EVERYTHING in the game that pay-to-play people can get simply with Astral Crystals. The fact that there are people who spend money on them means that your exchange rate for crystals will be good and thus you can get more Zen for your time earning them.

    It's a really cool system that strikes a balance between free and paying players. Personally, I spend about what a monthly subscription would cost on games I really like (Champions Online) and go completely free on games that I'm mixed about (Star Trek Online). I also earn "free" Zen by doing the surveys and some of the offers, etc. that Cryptic offers.

    That's all probably pretty confusing at first, but if you just play and have fun you'll eventually get acquainted with the systems and see what a fine balance they've struck.

    It's not a perfect system, for example, I think they'd do a lot better in Champions Online if they awarded one unrestricted character slot when a free player takes an archetype to 50 as this would show off what a free slot has to offer and would thus lead to more subs or more unrestricted slot purchases, but that's not really a criticism so much as a suggestion on how they could make their system even better.
  • krell83stokrell83sto Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Pay for Less Time Grinding - Most Free MMOs (All of Cryptics so far)

    Pay to Win - Very Few MMOs stay true "P2W" but they are out there, World of Tanks and it's "Gold Ammo" is the only one I can think of personally.

    Overall I learned in StarTrekOnline, a Cryptic Game, if you really want something and have the time you'll get it eventually. If you don't have the time but have the money you get to use the short cut. If you have no time and no money I wonder why you're playing video games, but that's just me.

    "...just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that." - Dan Stahl
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    astriell wrote: »
    Well since none of Cryptic's other F2P MMOs are Pay to Win, I don't imagine that this one will be either.


    PWE games are different story though :P

    People dumped thousands in for gear enchanting and 'lotto boxes'. Respecs are paid and of course fashion/mounts, as expected

    Granted, since the AH is tied to a currency that can be obtained via Zen .... there will be some gear purchased. Depends though, I can see far more AD in-game than Zen up for sale to begin with, thanks to the founder packs.
  • zagemoggazagemogga Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    l1zardo1 wrote: »

    PWE games are different story though :P

    People dumped thousands in for gear enchanting and 'lotto boxes'. Respecs are paid and of course fashion/mounts, as expected

    Granted, since the AH is tied to a currency that can be obtained via Zen .... there will be some gear purchased. Depends though, I can see far more AD in-game than Zen up for sale to begin with, thanks to the founder packs.

    This is a good point, the ingame economy will be flooded with AD and the prices very high. PWE is the gold-seller in Neverwinter if you so will.
  • jazzneojazzneo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2013
    they making races as cash shop. if you see the dark elf they made you have to buy it to even be a dark elf
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is a very simple way to eliminate any kind of pay2win.

    Two words.


    Remove 'win'.
  • chili1179chili1179 Member Posts: 1,511 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jazzneo wrote: »
    they making races as cash shop. if you see the dark elf they made you have to buy it to even be a dark elf


    Get your facts right.
    There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
  • astriellastriell Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jazzneo wrote: »
    they making races as cash shop. if you see the dark elf they made you have to buy it to even be a dark elf

    Or you could just wait 2 months and get it for free. But of course you want everything now and want it for free too.
  • will0boobawill0booba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jazzneo wrote: »
    they making races as cash shop. if you see the dark elf they made you have to buy it to even be a dark elf

    First, drow will be available 60 days after release...

    Second, how is this relevant to P2W ? Dark elves are a hero race or something ? They are more powerful than other races and can kill stuff faster, better ? Did I miss something from the devs ?

    lol :rolleyes:
  • jedidethfreak823jedidethfreak823 Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The game may not be full-on Pay-to-Win, but there will be power sold in the C-store, that's only available in the C-store, which is directly against their promise of a "cosmetic-only" cash shop.

    And grinding for AD to sell on the exchange for ZEN doesn't change that it's paying for power, since someone has to buy that ZEN with real money.
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