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Targeted Healing and it's pitfalls?

draelin1978draelin1978 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Temple
I tried a Cleric on the last day of the first CBT and ended up having a player die in the tower on the final boss because trying to target a player in melee with others in melee range of the boss was difficult. is there a way that would be easier? I was trying to put the targeted Hot on him and kept hitting others with it. He died right at the end so it frustrated me to no end.
Post edited by draelin1978 on


  • destinsworddestinsword Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The issue is not always the healers to correct in a action combat system the player who is taking to much damage might have to react better and move out of combat to let the healer get a direct shot at him. Did the player move out of damage threat when he was getting low or just stayed in the thick of the fight and get blasted?
  • klaw10klaw10 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree best thing to do in that situation is spam aoe's.
  • kfmckfmc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    In an ideal mmo-world, other classes will pay attention to their own survival and promptly move towards the healer when needed. Unfortunately, I don't see this happening. I have played many MMOs where playing a healer requires a much steeper learning curve because they are expected to be the ones to pay extra special attention in combat.

    And even if other classes did pay attention properly, there is still the issue of melee players being stunned or immobilized and thus unable to move away in time.

    TERA online somewhat gets away with this by letting heals (that are typically the single-target kind by mmo standards) be able to target up to 3 players. But even then, there's still the problem of actually having to chase down a player (running away from danger) with your mouse. I get dizzy in boss fights :confused:
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My initial reaction from playing a cleric during beta 1 weekend was that it would be nice to be able to tab-target, or maybe be able to select a party member (ctrl-# perhaps). But that really would ruin alot of the action-combat flavor. I think it's just going to come down to players learning to work with the clerics and fall back if they are low on health. And, clerics likewise need to try and maneuver around so they get the best view of the party without gaining aggro, or pulling adds. Teamwork.
  • losse1losse1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am really interested in seeing how this works. I may actually try a cleric this weekend to see what it feels like.
    "The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." -Charles Dickens
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    klaw10 wrote: »
    I agree best thing to do in that situation is spam aoe's.

    Yeah, there seems to be others who have resigned to that.

    It's a really obvious system your combat system is failing, when the best way to serve a core function within it, is just to dumb down your tactics even more.

    I'll love Neverwinter, but I'll only begrudgingly tolerate the combat system. It's a kiddie-system embedded within a rather sophisticated brand and IP. It was a mistake, I think. But it isn't such a drastic mistake that I won't enjoy the other aspects of the game that are a little ahead of the curve, instead of behind it.
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  • kfmckfmc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Two thing this action combat targetting system doesn't do well:
    -Selective targeting
    -Ground AoE placement
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm going to focus on traits that support divine power gain. Divine power seems to be the beefy heals. The aoe heals seem good to keep your party health up between divine power heals. The right mouse button, in divine power mode, is a direct channeled heal that locks on to your target and can be used while moving. It doesn't even require forward facing.
  • bardbarianbardbarian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My main last time was a cleric and I don't think I had any party members fall but one. That one decided to stay in the middle of the fight where I didn't have line of sight. I kept trying to heal, but they wouldn't stop trying to tank with a rogue and pull out of the fight for a sec. I don't think the system is wrong per se. I think it's going to require better use of tactics with small bands of players.
  • oziumozium Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20
    edited March 2013
    tight ball of players will make it hard to target, and if pets/companions get in the way too...

    well if they keep dying maybe they will learn to move from the ball towards the healer for LoS :p
  • pagansaintpagansaint Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it is going to take some retraining on the part of many parties and it's members. In recent years most battles have become nothing but mindless zerg rushes and the added benefit of MODs like healbot and vuhdo have made healing pretty idiot friendly with only have to look in on spot and point and click.

    Not only do the main combatants have to learn to pay attention to their health and where they are in relation to the healer but also the healer carries some level of responsibility to let these players know when they can and cannot see or target them.

    I for one am looking forward to the more difficult days of actually having to pay attention coming back.
  • noolidnerdnoolidnerd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Sounds like the player who died should have been better and dodging/blocking.
  • tavaraetavarae Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pagansaint wrote: »
    I think it is going to take some retraining on the part of many parties and it's members. In recent years most battles have become nothing but mindless zerg rushes and the added benefit of MODs like healbot and vuhdo have made healing pretty idiot friendly with only have to look in on spot and point and click.

    Not only do the main combatants have to learn to pay attention to their health and where they are in relation to the healer but also the healer carries some level of responsibility to let these players know when they can and cannot see or target them.

    I for one am looking forward to the more difficult days of actually having to pay attention coming back.

    That's why I enjoyed Tera. It was much more difficult then having add ons do everything for you. The number one rule in Tera if your standing still your dying. I hope it applies to here as well.
  • sinhealersinhealer Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I haven't played NW yet but on TERA the players have to be aware of where their healer is,some players take longer than others as they are still in the 'tab' combat frame of mind.

    I had some good experiences from TERA and a couple of bad 1's..I remember 1 player just would not listen and kept running away from me when he needed healing,he finally got the message that I was there to help and if he just gave me a chance he would do a lot better.

    AOE heals are very good but you still needed the direct heals on boss fights,I always found myself on the move and getting better positioned as the fights went on,it was really a lot of fun.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2013
    Well I hope they make 1 single change to the channeled power for healing, and that's to make it target the lowest hp person in your party so long as you are facing their general direction. I left the game that did that with my paladin but it worked out very well meant less time targeting and more time reacting. WoW has alot of problems but Blizzard got that one right.

    With a system that requires a button to release the mouse so that you can click the next target on the party screen, I would think they need an autotarget system like that to make that channel spell work right.
  • sinhealersinhealer Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I hope they don't do that the1tigglet or what is the point of target healing?

    You could in theory just stand there and constantly hit the heal button knowing it will always heal the lowest HP player,seems to defeat the purpose.
  • securussecurus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Honestly, the player was probably just a bad player, They should have used a potion if they dropped below 1/4th health to give you plenty of time to heal them. I tend to use a potion if I drop much below half health most of the time. I actually was in a bad party and our other players kept dieing to the point where me (a rogue) and another rogue just soloed the boss and a ton of adds using potions and dodging because we gave up trying to revive people.

    Almost all the large damage is avoidable. Over time you will take a bit of damage and that is what the cleric is there to heal, You should not have to be spamming heals on a player, if you are it is a bad player who is not paying attention.
  • woozrakwoozrak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i think this style makes healing more fun as it is more of a challenge, but yeah people should learn to disengage from the blob and get away so they are easier to heal and suprisingly many did that but then there were those that wouldn't leave the blob and were close to impossible to target with a divinity beamheal.
  • prunetracyprunetracy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Death is a teacher. Players who aren't paying attention to their health will die repeatedly until they learn they need to get out of danger. This is a good thing. A healer's job is to respond to mob damage, not player stupidity.

    Yeah, it'll take a bit for players to learn the differences in this combat system vs. what they're used to. That's fine. It's not necessary to modify the tools to allow for poor play. If the tools are insufficient to perform your job well when people are playing smart, that's another issue (and not the case, at least not yet).
  • lurkersxlurkersx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This game doesn't require that much healing from what I have seen in the beta. It does make you stay out of red ground spots and avoid attacks. Some attacks aren't avoidable so healers help with that, those huge red circle attacks, that is their fault.. though healers do help for when mistakes are made.
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lurkersx wrote: »
    This game doesn't require that much healing from what I have seen in the beta. It does make you stay out of red ground spots and avoid attacks. Some attacks aren't avoidable so healers help with that, those huge red circle attacks, that is their fault.. though healers do help for when mistakes are made.

    I could see as people gear up, optimize and such that you could have a tank and dps group and just use pots.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    I've stated this elsewhere but I'm going to go ahead and copy/paste because it's both relevant and necessary to understand in order to be competitive in difficult dungeons.

    If you are using targeted heals in a group you are just plain doing it wrong. Focus on hitting every opponent with an Astral Seal, use AOE heals like Bastion and Sunburst, or off-the-enemy heals like Forgemaster's Flame and Prophecy of Doom.

    That aside the companions are really annoying in "group-only" (which I originally understood as player-only) dungeon delves, as they usually die in one hit, don't do any damage, pull unnecessary aggro, and generally serve no purpose other than getting in the way.

    Players also need to understand that when they take spike damage, because clerics have access to so few skills at a time, they NEED to take a potion. They also need to take potions in between combats to get their health to full. But more importantly, damage should be avoided. Just because you have a cleric in the group doesn't mean you can play like an idiot. Stay out of the red splats, never attack before the tank has aggro, never use knockback powers unless the tank loses aggro, and never attack your enemy before flanking him.
  • blackkiwiblackkiwi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The problem with not being able to 1-target, is people like me who have problematic hands vs people who are able to spam keys without issue.

    Its all great if you can do as ranncore said which is a great copy/paste, but when you need single healing and need it two seconds ago, my hands just cant target easily enough to do it. And while I can hear people say that you can choose another class, that is simply not a possiblity because I wanted to play a cleric, can play a cleric but have restrictions that I cannot over come.

    I don't like 1-target abilities either to be honest, but when there are real problems where players shouldn't have to be bullied into choosing a class they don't want, it becames something that is problematic.

    A possible idea, is using a next/previous party member selection tool. Put a delay on it, then player still has to observe fighting players and learn their style, still has slower restrictions than 1-target ability and we aren't trying to bully people into taking classes or abilities that work for them.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    Black, are you aware that you can lock targets by holding Ctrl? It's often wise to do this on the squishiest member as he heads into combat.
  • securussecurus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lurkersx wrote: »
    This game doesn't require that much healing from what I have seen in the beta. It does make you stay out of red ground spots and avoid attacks. Some attacks aren't avoidable so healers help with that, those huge red circle attacks, that is their fault.. though healers do help for when mistakes are made.

    The game actually does not require a dedicated healer or tank at all, they just make the instances go smoother, I have had plenty of groups that lacked either a healer or a tank and was able to do the 20+ dungeons just fine. The main thing is player skill. 90% of the large damage is avoidable and you have potions as well if you need them. I still want a balanced group though because it just makes instances smoother to have a well rounded group.

    Honestly, if you have problematic hands an action RPG is not going to be good for you. The best you could do is try to use a gamepad if they get that working right as you will never be very efficient if you have trouble with the combat and healing here as it is just about as simple as action combat can get and still have really good depth to the combat. As much as it sucks to say that is one of the downfalls of an action system, it is very skill based and if you have hand/finger issues it will be very difficult to play. The other thing is you could try using a MMO mouse, the added buttons can be much easier to reach for some people than a keyboard. I know I have most of my encounter skills bound to mind and it improves the gameplay by quite a bit.
  • l1zardo1l1zardo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Agreed, but I also found myself soaking damage after I dodged. Maybe server lag or perhaps it needs an evade mechanic like GW2.

    Focus heals suck because anything can bounce between you and your target at the last second.
  • cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ranncore wrote: »
    Black, are you aware that you can lock targets by holding Ctrl? It's often wise to do this on the squishiest member as he heads into combat.

    I was not aware of this feature. Can you explain it further? The way it sounds by this description is: you target someone/something, you hold Ctrl down. Until you release Ctrl, that person/thing is the target of everything you cast. When you release Ctrl, everything goes back to normal targeting. Is that an accurate description? What about launching attacks while using this? Does it do target-of-target? Is there a way to lock this so I press Ctrl once, then press it again to unlock?
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited March 2013
    cwiyk13 wrote: »
    you target someone/something, you hold Ctrl down. Until you release Ctrl, that person/thing is the target of everything you cast.

    Your understanding is correct. I think target-of-target would be a step backwards from the aiming scheme that they have going but I can't deny that it would be immensely useful. I like having to aim my attacks and heals. If you wish to switch to offensive casting you will need to release the lock. However I wouldn't mind if it was a toggle rather than having to hold ctrl.

    They should really explain this during the tutorial at some part because it's a very useful and somewhat necessary feature for clerics.

    However I can't stress enough that at the earliest opportunity you should abandon all targeted heals in favor of AOEs. Healing word is a cumbersome and stressful task to use, and really needs to be re-worked.
  • drudgydrudgy Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I rolled a Cleric this beta as well, and I agree, running any kind of group and trying to target heal is a bit of a mess. Although, I was having some pretty good success with the AOE's, especially the one's you would use on the mobs, and anyone who attacked it was healed.
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  • cwiyk13cwiyk13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ranncore wrote: »
    ..Your understanding is correct...They should really explain this during the tutorial...

    Thanks for the clarification and for the tip!
    ranncore wrote: »
    However I can't stress enough that at the earliest opportunity you should abandon all targeted heals in favor of AOEs. Healing word is a cumbersome and stressful task to use, and really needs to be re-worked.

    Oh, I do hear you and I do agree. First thing I would do when grouping and we encounter mobs is apply Astral Seal once to everything, starting with mobs with the most hitpoints and working down to the trash (which would usually be mostly dead by the time I got to them anyways). Then depending on circumstances I'd either hit a big target with Sacred Flames until it died or get near a group of party members to cast Sun Burst. I was mostly using Healing Word as preventive medicine: buff the main tank with 3 charges before we'd run into a new room.
    Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
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