I played through a lvl 13 cleric solo and I did not run into any bugs other than the graphics icons for some items were just red blocks both in the loot screen and in my inventory.
I then had a friend log on and I started a new character to play with him. The issues I ran into was changing map instances. I knew there were other instances because he was in the other instance but I could not get the change instance button on the map to work. I would select the change instance and it would not do anything.
I went to enter a dungeon and the purple bubble popped up waiting for the group to arrive and when my friend did not show up in time the bubble popped. He was able to log into the dungeon but I had to log out of the game and log back in before I could zone into the dungeon even though I had the mission.
We had another player join us later on during game play. When we left a dungeon we were zoned into different instances. Of the three of us, one of the players was able to change maps or zone to another location at the city gates were as the other two players could not change map instances nor could we zone at the city gates. We both had to relog before we could change instances or zone.
Besides those little issues, we had a lot of fun and did not notice any other instances of what might have been bugs.
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