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a Little confused about Pure F2p

adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I am rather confused by the PURE f2p model.

I understand that there will be no subscriptions whatsoever as per a previous topic in the forums.

I understand that all money transactions will be achived using micro transactions not unlike the Cstore in STO.

What i want to know is the basic F2p player in an MMO is usually forced to enudure ads, slow load times, less preferential treatment, decreased storage capacity, less gold (generic currency) capacity, less access to chat, less access to a universal trading system.

Will 15 dollars a month spent in micro transactions alleviate much of these issues. Are the devs expecting the average player to shell out more then this or less.....I have money set aside for the game and am hopeful but I will not play a game that has its hopes up so high , in terms of what players will spend, that I still feel like this is f2p even though I spend the traditional 15 bucks a month.

I am a traditional MMo player since eq1 and feel that my small investment of 15 bucks , or so, a month is enough to offset any feeling of being a lesser player.

In all honesty I guess what I am saying is I want a full unfettered experience and I will pay 15 bucks a month in transactions..is this reasonable DEVS?
Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
Post edited by adabisi on


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    bejita231bejita231 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This buisness model works in a way that if you want all the bells and whistles you are going to have to spend far more than $15 a month, F2P games rely on the people that pay hundreds of dollars a month on cash shop items to make up for all the free players that dont pay anything, thats why most p2pers hate f2p, theyd rather just pay $15 a month and get everything they need

    If i have to spend more than $15 a month to have a comfortable experience that is comparable to playing world of warcraft then i will not be playing this game, ill just play a game thats $15 or less that gives me all the basics
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Where did this come from!? How did I not see this :(

    Sorry! I know you got your answer in a different thread but I guess I'll repeat it over here.
    The thing about the subscription model is that they give away perks which benefit you in a way which makes your gaming experience better than another's. That model is called Freemium (free with a premium option)

    With the true Free to Play Model you have no benefit over any other player. You will purchase cosmetic or convenience items only rather than power. This is what Cryptic has claimed and promised to do with Neverwinter and in my most humble opinion they stuck to their word on the Founder's Packs.

    Again sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I don't know how I didn't see this thread.
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    geddings12geddings12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I agree I honestly feel a lot of the so called "Free to play" games (that also have subscriptions really limit the free players as per amount of gold they can have, items, etc. Some new MMOs going to that model (like Star Trek Online) are trying to remove a lot of such restrictions but still its nice to have a free to play that is really free to play. I think there are a few other MMOs out there that also have this model (techinically guild wars 2 though you do have to pay for the base game) So..... Its a win win for everyone.
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    adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow so the devs are hoping , rightfully so?, that many will spend hundreds a month. Me and my 15 bucks means minimal if anything to them. So I guess I need to look elsewhere for a sub MMO. thanks for the 411. Not angry just amused in a sad way. Paying 15 a month should be able to remove any restrictions on my gaming experience like ads, slow times, being auto last in line. I guess my expectations are too high.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
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    providenttprovidentt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any F2P game worth its salt is plenty playable without putting any money into it. GW2 cash shop does it beautifully - you aren't hindered whatsoever if you don't pay, but you can pay to get some handy bonuses like extra bag space.

    We have no idea what the cash shop in Neverwinter is like at this point (as far as I know), but I have never seen a western game designed for F2P from the beginning do it poorly. There's so damn much they can put in the cash shop that there's no reason for them to put hindrances on players. Cosmetic gear, pets, mounts, Foundry options, premium adventure packs etc. It would be in their best interest to keep the base game accessible to bring in potential customers instead of driving them away.

    To reiterate: F2P in its best form isn't about giving non-paying players a hard time, it's about giving paying customers an easier time/more content. ToR did it poorly, GW2 did it well. Like GW2, Neverwinter is designed to have cash shop monetisation from the beginning and it's not something they have to stuff into a game that wasn't made for that model, like ToR.

    As far as your concerns about $15 a month getting you a lot, keep in mind that cash shop purchases are one-time expenditures. For example I might log in on day 1 and spend $50 on inventory space. That's a pretty horrid money/time ratio. But the thing is I'll never have to pay that again for as long as I play the game. If everything you want from the cash shop adds up to say $100, that's equivalent to approx 7 months playtime at $15 a month. If you play for 8 months or more, that total cost per month goes down and keeps going down the longer you play.

    Essentially there's no way you'll have to spend a certain amount per month, because purchases won't be timed (with perhaps exceptions of bank access items or something) because once you make a purchase, that's it you have that item or feature forever, not just the current month.

    Think of it like this: if you end up believing that some of these cash shop items are necessary and should be a basic feature of the game, buy it and pretend it's your box cost.
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    brewsterxbrewsterx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Where did this come from!? How did I not see this :(

    Sorry! I know you got your answer in a different thread but I guess I'll repeat it over here.

    Again sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I don't know how I didn't see this thread.

    The problem that I see is that a few things in the founders packs aren't "cosmetic only". Have a special racial bonus in the $200 one and a pet that is combat ready. With the next tier down you get a pet that's combat ready also. Sure, it matters if those pets are worth having around for fights or not, but if they are then they've already broken their "cosmetic only" statement. Some would say the weapon/item from the level 60 chest and even the starting ac amulet would be breaking that, and it might be, but it would be another wait and see deal. If those items are actual boosts to your character, if the pet is almost as good as having another person in your group....then they've completely negated their statements about not having a pay to win system.
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    asdfasdfgfasdfasdfgf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    If you don't want to pay a red cent, but still live a lavish life in-game become a UGC Foundry provider. Players can donate Astral Diamonds to you for providing quality, rewarding, fun content.
    brewsterx wrote: »
    The problem that I see is that a few things in the founders packs aren't "cosmetic only". Have a special racial bonus in the $200 one and a pet that is combat ready. With the next tier down you get a pet that's combat ready also. Sure, it matters if those pets are worth having around for fights or not, but if they are then they've already broken their "cosmetic only" statement. Some would say the weapon/item from the level 60 chest and even the starting ac amulet would be breaking that, and it might be, but it would be another wait and see deal. If those items are actual boosts to your character, if the pet is almost as good as having another person in your group....then they've completely negated their statements about not having a pay to win system.

    Pretty sure if the donators are receiving pets, there will probably be a main storyline quest that rewards you with a pet. Will it be as good? Maybe. Only time will tell.
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    providenttprovidentt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    asdfasdfgf wrote: »
    Players can donate Astral Diamonds to you for providing quality, rewarding, fun content.

    I was not aware that this was a thing. If this is going to be in Neverwinter, you sir, have made my day.
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    asdfasdfgfasdfasdfgf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    providentt wrote: »
    I was not aware that this was a thing. You sir, have made my day.

    Check out my game footage thread, hours of videos answering a lot of the questions asked on these forums.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    The problem that I see is that a few things in the founders packs aren't "cosmetic only". Have a special racial bonus in the $200 one and a pet that is combat ready. With the next tier down you get a pet that's combat ready also. Sure, it matters if those pets are worth having around for fights or not, but if they are then they've already broken their "cosmetic only" statement. Some would say the weapon/item from the level 60 chest and even the starting ac amulet would be breaking that, and it might be, but it would be another wait and see deal. If those items are actual boosts to your character, if the pet is almost as good as having another person in your group....then they've completely negated their statements about not having a pay to win system.

    They have already confirmed you will be able to get companions in the game. You simply get a unique looking panther from the Founders Pack.
    Maybe they fudged up and made Guen 10x stronger than any free pet...but I kind of doubt that. In which case the companion is a cosmetic only pet.

    As for the random weapon and some free items...Let's see...you took the time to level up to level 60. I highly doubt that one item will make or break a character at level 60. Now if they gave away a specific item and tempted players with that specific item I could see your point but they are not.

    We still know nothing about the actual cash shop. However the actual Founders content is something I do not, in any way shape or form, see as pay to win. Some minor convenience I am sure but absolutely no pay to win.

    And as asdfasdfgf confirmed, Astral Diamonds are confirmed to be in the game as the cash equivalent to STO's Dilithium.
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    keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    The problem that I see is that a few things in the founders packs aren't "cosmetic only". Have a special racial bonus in the $200 one and a pet that is combat ready. With the next tier down you get a pet that's combat ready also. Sure, it matters if those pets are worth having around for fights or not, but if they are then they've already broken their "cosmetic only" statement. Some would say the weapon/item from the level 60 chest and even the starting ac amulet would be breaking that, and it might be, but it would be another wait and see deal. If those items are actual boosts to your character, if the pet is almost as good as having another person in your group....then they've completely negated their statements about not having a pay to win system.

    They said the game would not be pay to win, but I never saw them say that all things in the Founders packages would be only cosmetic these are two totally different things.
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    brewsterxbrewsterx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    keirkin wrote: »
    They said the game would not be pay to win, but I never saw them say that all things in the Founders packages would be only cosmetic these are two totally different things.

    That's very true. My main issue is the lack of information across the board. I really, really want to buy a pack but I can't justify doing it without knowing even a few details about the game. And if these pets and items are things easily obtainable in game, then Cryptic should probably address this. Let people know that they'll get similar, in effect, items/companions that these packs give. Honestly, it's just the lack of basic information that's got a lot of people on the fence about buying a pack. I don't need to know every detail about the game, but a couple of basic things would be nice.
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    trollololloltrollolollol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Its pretty no-brainer, of course they cant get 400k+ sub so they need more money than monthy fees. I still think AAA titles still stays on sub fees like Elder Scroll Online.

    What sucks all F2P games vary alot. Some are quite fair to the customers, and some are total rip offs. You never know.
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    arythorarythor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 315 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    My main issue is the lack of information across the board. I really, really want to buy a pack but I can't justify doing it without knowing even a few details about the game.

    Expect a lot of information starting February 8! I am sure that the packs will be available up to launch, perhaps even after, so you can certainly wait to see what information comes out of the beta weekends and what Cryptic reveals in the coming months and make your decision based on that.
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    trollololloltrollolollol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Btw, there never going to be pure F2P games. Maybe some tv-companies could pull off something like that but game devs I doubt. Or actually who knows as far I know Sony's next gen console has somekind of advertisement thing is built inside of it. APB tried it but didnt work as far I know.
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    brewsterxbrewsterx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    arythor wrote: »
    Expect a lot of information starting February 8! I am sure that the packs will be available up to launch, perhaps even after, so you can certainly wait to see what information comes out of the beta weekends and what Cryptic reveals in the coming months and make your decision based on that.

    The game has a launch date of "Early 2013". So no, you won't see much information before launch. If they're holding to a Q1 launch date, then this isn't beta. Not enough time to change much of anything between beta weekends and launch.
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    brewsterxbrewsterx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A friend and I were discussing this earlier today. We both plan on playing, and we both want it to be something very good. But, these words summed it up best for me. This is purely in relation to the founder's packs. His words: "I own a large car manufacturer and I'm coming out with a new model in six months. It's going to cost $50,000 at launch. I'll sell you one now for $30,000 but I can't tell you anything about the car. You pay me now and I'll make sure you're at the top of the list when they come out. All sales are final."
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    arythorarythor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 315 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    So no, you won't see much information before launch.

    Thousands of players are going to be playing the beta weekends. Even if there is an NDA, do you honestly think there will not be hundreds of leaks complete with videos, screenshots, and data dumps listing everything there is to know? You know, sort of like with every single other MMORPG leading up to launch?

    There is going to be so much information coming out of those beta weekends, illicit or otherwise, that you will have no trouble knowing all the details you need.

    P.S. I am not endorsing leaks that are in violation of NDAs, I simply am not naive and realize they will occur, just like I am sure Cryptic does.
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    keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    A friend and I were discussing this earlier today. We both plan on playing, and we both want it to be something very good. But, these words summed it up best for me. This is purely in relation to the founder's packs. His words: "I own a large car manufacturer and I'm coming out with a new model in six months. It's going to cost $50,000 at launch. I'll sell you one now for $30,000 but I can't tell you anything about the car. You pay me now and I'll make sure you're at the top of the list when they come out. All sales are final."

    Ummm there is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> load of information out there about NW, how it works, how it plays than "I am making a car". They have said so much more than "I am making a MMO", try watching any one of 30 or 40 videos on game play on youtube or any of the HUGE number of interviews. Such an amazingly bad comparison.
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    keirkinkeirkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    So no, you won't see much information before launch.

    You know there is going to be an open beta right? In most cases that happens you know, before launch. Most F2P games have extensive open betas lasting weeks to months before launch. So I would imagine you will be able to find out staggering amounts of information before launch.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    providentt wrote: »
    I was not aware that this was a thing. If this is going to be in Neverwinter, you sir, have made my day.

    It is.
    brewsterx wrote: »
    That's very true. My main issue is the lack of information across the board. I really, really want to buy a pack but I can't justify doing it without knowing even a few details about the game. And if these pets and items are things easily obtainable in game, then Cryptic should probably address this. Let people know that they'll get similar, in effect, items/companions that these packs give. Honestly, it's just the lack of basic information that's got a lot of people on the fence about buying a pack. I don't need to know every detail about the game, but a couple of basic things would be nice.

    The purchased items including companions may possibly be "unique" but other companions will be obtainable free in game and have equivalent attack powers. It will be up to the players to find items and other enhancements OUTSIDE of the Cryptic store (ie questing, auction house, etc) to augment their companions.
    brewsterx wrote: »
    The game has a launch date of "Early 2013". So no, you won't see much information before launch. If they're holding to a Q1 launch date, then this isn't beta. Not enough time to change much of anything between beta weekends and launch.

    They never said Q1. They said Early 2013. Please don't assume early=1st quarter.
    arythor wrote: »
    Thousands of players are going to be playing the beta weekends. Even if there is an NDA, do you honestly think there will not be hundreds of leaks complete with videos, screenshots, and data dumps listing everything there is to know? You know, sort of like with every single other MMORPG leading up to launch?

    There is going to be so much information coming out of those beta weekends, illicit or otherwise, that you will have no trouble knowing all the details you need.

    P.S. I am not endorsing leaks that are in violation of NDAs, I simply am not naive and realize they will occur, just like I am sure Cryptic does.
    keirkin wrote: »
    You know there is going to be an open beta right? In most cases that happens you know, before launch. Most F2P games have extensive open betas lasting weeks to months before launch. So I would imagine you will be able to find out staggering amounts of information before launch.

    To everybody: Well DUH :)
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    kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Where did this come from!? How did I not see this :(

    Sorry! I know you got your answer in a different thread but I guess I'll repeat it over here.
    With the true Free to Play Model you have no benefit over any other player. You will purchase cosmetic or convenience items only rather than power. This is what Cryptic has claimed and promised to do with Neverwinter and in my most humble opinion they stuck to their word on the Founder's Packs.

    Again sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I don't know how I didn't see this thread.
    The drow Renegade of the Hero of the North pack has a different racial power than the stock drow, and the Renegade is unique to the Founders pack per Cryptic. So either you clearly can purchase power, or the Renegade is not unique to the Founders pack and can be gotten for free.

    One can take their pick of how to reconcile that with what Cryptic says.
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    arythorarythor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 315 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    One can take their pick of how to reconcile that with what Cryptic says.

    I believe you are confusing what "purchasing power" means in the context of a free-to-play game by confusing options or variety with power. There is a large difference between having an exclusive racial ability, which is balanced against other racial abilities, and being more powerful. Cryptic never said players who never spend any money will have access to every single thing in the game, merely that they will be as powerful and be able to progress without any of the obstructions that most free-to-play games have in place.

    In short, there is nothing to reconcile.
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    tinbender02tinbender02 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 209 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    They have already confirmed you will be able to get companions in the game. You simply get a unique looking panther from the Founders Pack.
    Maybe they fudged up and made Guen 10x stronger than any free pet...but I kind of doubt that. In which case the companion is a cosmetic only pet.

    As for the random weapon and some free items...Let's see...you took the time to level up to level 60. I highly doubt that one item will make or break a character at level 60. Now if they gave away a specific item and tempted players with that specific item I could see your point but they are not.

    We still know nothing about the actual cash shop. However the actual Founders content is something I do not, in any way shape or form, see as pay to win. Some minor convenience I am sure but absolutely no pay to win.

    And as asdfasdfgf confirmed, Astral Diamonds are confirmed to be in the game as the cash equivalent to STO's Dilithium.

    Doesn't matter if it can be found in the game something that provides, for the lack of a better word, power is still power. Are you buying exclusive power, no, but to say something that aids an attack is only cosmetic seems a little wrong to me. As for the unique enchantment on the weapon that doesn't sound like something found in the game.

    Now that said do I think it is game breaking or it will effect my enjoyment of the game if I don't buy said items, not one bit. One thing I will not do is buy a masterwork sword with enchantment and say it is cosmetic only. I do think everyone should be able to enjoy the game the way they want and that includes buying the founders pack or buying a bit of power earlier than you might find it,if you want.
    *sniffs* Me want ranger
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    daventry23daventry23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 103 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    The problem that I see is that a few things in the founders packs aren't "cosmetic only". Have a special racial bonus in the $200 one and a pet that is combat ready. With the next tier down you get a pet that's combat ready also. Sure, it matters if those pets are worth having around for fights or not, but if they are then they've already broken their "cosmetic only" statement. Some would say the weapon/item from the level 60 chest and even the starting ac amulet would be breaking that, and it might be, but it would be another wait and see deal. If those items are actual boosts to your character, if the pet is almost as good as having another person in your group....then they've completely negated their statements about not having a pay to win system.

    Honestly ? LOL
    1. Racial Bonus's in " any " game for that matter never make or break a game or you would not have diversity among races.
    2. Combat-ready-pets , so you have a pet big deal. Maybe players all get pets as they go through the game. Maybe you can just buy one at any given time, or a quest reward. Worst case you can buy a pet from the cash shop to avoid the 200$ price tag for maybe only 5$.
    3. Item from the level 60 chest, I have a feeling won't be worth while and short lived. By the time you hit 60 you may have something better or they added content with better gear perhaps even upped the level cap you just never know.
    4. the +1 ac amulet .... i'm not even going to comment on. By lvl 10-15 or so you will probably already have something better 1 armor wont make or break anything.

    Lastly on the pet deal, I read and saw in a video characters have a " companions " tab and I believe I saw you can hire an npc and gear them up to help you fight similar to the " pet " maybe even better if you can ex: get a cleric healer npc to help buff / heal.
    Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.
    H. P. Lovecraft
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    daventry23daventry23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 103 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    brewsterx wrote: »
    A friend and I were discussing this earlier today. We both plan on playing, and we both want it to be something very good. But, these words summed it up best for me. This is purely in relation to the founder's packs. His words: "I own a large car manufacturer and I'm coming out with a new model in six months. It's going to cost $50,000 at launch. I'll sell you one now for $30,000 but I can't tell you anything about the car. You pay me now and I'll make sure you're at the top of the list when they come out. All sales are final."

    LOL its so true, sad.... but true.
    I bought a founders pack for firefall not knowing anything , watching videos ( very few ) and all then I got in game and it wasn't at all like the videos it flat out sucked. Video showed typical mmo questing etc but in a fps kinda world I get in game they did away with questing and went to all event type missions its junk im out 75$. Now do I jump on board and lose 200!!!!!!! im being more careful this time. Show me some proof to earn my money.
    Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.
    H. P. Lovecraft
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Doesn't matter if it can be found in the game something that provides, for the lack of a better word, power is still power. Are you buying exclusive power, no, but to say something that aids an attack is only cosmetic seems a little wrong to me. As for the unique enchantment on the weapon that doesn't sound like something found in the game.

    Now that said do I think it is game breaking or it will effect my enjoyment of the game if I don't buy said items, not one bit. One thing I will not do is buy a masterwork sword with enchantment and say it is cosmetic only. I do think everyone should be able to enjoy the game the way they want and that includes buying the founders pack or buying a bit of power earlier than you might find it,if you want.

    They are selling options as anybody knows. Not power.
    They sold an exclusive pet. Free players will have other pets.

    This one we actually can compare to cars. They're giving cars to all their players for free. You can get Chevy, Ford, BMW...whatever brand you want for free. As long as the panther and wolf aren't Ferrari's and everybody is able to get comparable companions in game it's still very much a cosmetic item.
    You may prefer ford while I prefer Chevy. You may like a white car while I prefer a black one. The option itself doesn't make it more powerful.

    Please hold off thinking it's pay to win until you actually play the game. I assure you it's very unlikely the panther, wolf or one racial ability will make or break the game. I would probably start laughing hysterically before I got angry just because I'd be so flaberghasted if the panther was god-mode compared to the rest of the companions.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    .... I would probably start laughing hysterically before I got angry just because I'd be so flaberghasted if the panther was god-mode compared to the rest of the companions.

    The car wont do anything. The car will just twinkle and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> rainbows - nothing gamebreaking in my eyes. But only that car can do that and that is the catch.

    *voices are heard*

    "This is my pet. They may be many like it, but this one is mine."
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    tinbender02tinbender02 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 209 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    They are selling options as anybody knows. Not power.
    They sold an exclusive pet. Free players will have other pets.

    This one we actually can compare to cars. They're giving cars to all their players for free. You can get Chevy, Ford, BMW...whatever brand you want for free. As long as the panther and wolf aren't Ferrari's and everybody is able to get comparable companions in game it's still very much a cosmetic item.
    You may prefer ford while I prefer Chevy. You may like a white car while I prefer a black one. The option itself doesn't make it more powerful.

    Please hold off thinking it's pay to win until you actually play the game. I assure you it's very unlikely the panther, wolf or one racial ability will make or break the game. I would probably start laughing hysterically before I got angry just because I'd be so flaberghasted if the panther was god-mode compared to the rest of the companions.

    Never once said pay to win as a matter of fact went out of my way to make sure that wasn't said. I'll say it plainer this time. I do not think it is game breaking i.e. it is not pay to win.

    Never said they were selling overwhelming power. I'm just not blinding myself to the fact that I will start off a bit stronger than someone who didn't buy anything. I'm not sure what is soo hard to understand about that "fact".

    I do think part of the understanding problem for me is I think that we are using different definitions for power and mere convienence.
    *sniffs* Me want ranger
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    kamaliiciouskamaliicious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    arythor wrote: »
    I believe you are confusing what "purchasing power" means in the context of a free-to-play game by confusing options or variety with power. There is a large difference between having an exclusive racial ability, which is balanced against other racial abilities, and being more powerful. Cryptic never said players who never spend any money will have access to every single thing in the game, merely that they will be as powerful and be able to progress without any of the obstructions that most free-to-play games have in place.

    In short, there is nothing to reconcile.
    It's something you can't get for free (being Founders Pack unique). Per Cryptic they're only selling "cosmetic only" things, but the power is not cosmetic as it has a game effect (even if it's not super-powered +10 of doom). So yes, it's a power you bought that can only be gotten by buying it.
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