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Rolling for Loot?

mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
So being super excited for this game as I am, I was just watching the new german beta video and couldn't help but notice that players have to roll for loot. Now I realize this has been the standard in MMOs for a long while, but if anyone here plays GW2, I think you'll realize that having individual loot drops is a much more rewarding and enjoyable system.

To many of you, the idea of this may be foreign. You may enjoy competing with others for loot. However, since this was implemented by GW2, it has been lauded by the majority of the player base as a huge step forward for the MMO genere and nobody wants to go back to rolling for loot.

The reason is relatively simple. It sucks when you go through a massive dungeon, risking your life and time, only to be shafted by those ppl who roll "Need" on everything. Individual loot eliminates this problem and ensures that your time has been well spent and feels rewarding.

If any Devs are reading this, for the love of all that is good in this world, please don't make us roll against each other for loot. Lower the drop rates for higher quality gear to compensate if you must. But as the playerbase of GW2 demonstrates, most MMO players consider this an outdated system and do not want it after trying the alternative. Please make your cutting edge game truly cutting edge in practice and not just in claim. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading this WoT.
Post edited by mostrandomist on


  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    Actually comparing to GW2 is terrible since there is no "phat lewtz" in GW2 in dungeons. All gear is craftable if your looking for stats and dungeons is mostly for cosmetic appeal and even then you grind out tokens. GW2 actually is the most grindy if you looking at the Legendary items. And lack of look pulls is one of the reasons people left GW2, lack of char progression. Exception to this would be the augment or gear infusion or whatever that stuff was called that allowed players to improve their gear.

    As Andy put it doing dungeons gets you "phat lewtz" in NW, DDO is a much better comparison if you want to talk bout individual loot pulls. With that in mind originally I was all bout separate loot table but after DDO I much prefer a rolled BoP mechanic as you would be doing a raid for the 30th time and still not have gotten what you wanted.
  • morbicmorbic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Actually someplace they stated they are doing a hybrid of both models. You get your own individual loot from defeating the boss and then there is a chest that nobody knows the contents of that is rolled on as part of the mystery of what is in the chest experience.
  • mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited January 2013
    oh a hybrid sounds cool. Although I suppose the good stuff that you'll actually be going for will be whats rolled on... which kinda defeats atleast half the purpose of not rolling for loot, but retains the inability to be shafted completely.
  • mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited January 2013
    Also this just isn't true. When you run a dungeon there are chances to find exotic items, which may have the stats you're looking for equivilent to what you can purchase with the dungeon tokens. Furthermore the new fractal dungeons do have "phat lewtz" that you can only get by them dropping in the dungeon or have a *chance* at crafting. It's really not terrible to compare an mmo feature that the majority of ppl seem to enjoy to an mmo doing the same (loot drops in dungeons). Btw the difference in stats on legendary and exotic items are almost nil, the difference is mostly in asthetics.
  • morbicmorbic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Nah, I think they stated that the loot off the bosses will be of the same caliber. It is just that somebody else gets a chance for random unknown loot from a chest.

    Check the Raids section of Truth's Newcomer FAQ

  • mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited January 2013
    morbic wrote: »
    Nah, I think they stated that the loot off the bosses will be of the same caliber. It is just that somebody else gets a chance for random unknown loot from a chest.

    Check the Raids section of Truth's Newcomer FAQ


    Hey that sounds great, thanks for the info =)
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    And I can't share what hasn't been released but there are other group options besides the "need or greed" roll. Since it was displayed I can say that's Cryptic's default, but the party leader has opter options to choose from. lot of very cool options I have personally seen.
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    And I can't share what hasn't been released but there are other group options besides the "need or greed" roll. Since it was displayed I can say that's Cryptic's default, but the party leader has opter options to choose from. lot of very cool options I have personally seen.

    Nice, I like having options. In a few games I've played, you can set a master looter, or rolling for items of certain "grades" etc, etc. Look forward to seeing Cryptics take on this.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sounds like party leader, round robin and/or free for all which I can neither confirm nor deny if any/all are in.
  • ryvvikryvvik Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 966 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
  • jez777jez777 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Very cool to make options for party leader to decide.
  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hmmm, OT a bit, bit I see that loot will be following the "color coded" quality/grade model.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    To OP(opening post) Guild Wars 2 has the worst loot system of all MMO:s that I have played! In less then 2 weeks I max my character in power and then there is NOTHING to do except try to do for something for **** cosmetic gear! Even my casual brother dislikes Guild Wars 2 though it has to do a lot with that I refuse to play it even with him anymore.
    Actually comparing to GW2 is terrible since there is no "phat lewtz" in GW2 in dungeons. All gear is craftable if your looking for stats and dungeons is mostly for cosmetic appeal and even then you grind out tokens. GW2 actually is the most grindy if you looking at the Legendary items. And lack of look pulls is one of the reasons people left GW2, lack of char progression. Exception to this would be the augment or gear infusion or whatever that stuff was called that allowed players to improve their gear.

    As Andy put it doing dungeons gets you "phat lewtz" in NW, DDO is a much better comparison if you want to talk bout individual loot pulls. With that in mind originally I was all bout separate loot table but after DDO I much prefer a rolled BoP mechanic as you would be doing a raid for the 30th time and still not have gotten what you wanted.
    You got it good. Anyway Neverwinter does not need to be so hardcore in loot policy as WOW which is everlasting lootmill(never max character), but if you play for 40 hours/week then you should not max your character in powerprogression before many months have passed. I plan to have many characters.
  • mnaticmnatic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 233 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I too do not miss this mechanic, however it is a neccesary evil i suppose. The game however should roll for you and then distripute to characters that are elligable for the item. No off spec or alt rolling.
    God just thinking about WOW makes me angry

    *rubs ears and says woooosaaarrrrrrr*
  • bertosanchezbertosanchez Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    IMHO this is what the system should be like:

    Need Roll - Bind on pickup

    Greed Roll - Bind on equip

    Now, I've seen threads where gamers talk about the fact that dungeons can be time consuming and why is it an issue if I Need Roll something cross-class for an alt or auction house and blah blah blah...

    This is why I think my idea (which is no novel idea by the way) has merit. If you Need Roll something then you are doing so because YOU PLAN TO EQUIP IT IMMEDIATELY. If you are trying to be a jerk and just Need Roll everything then you get a bunch of absolutely useless items you can vendor for a few silver...hardly worth your time. Now, if nobody needs the item then you can always Greed Roll on it and get something that you CAN use on an alt or sell on the AH. My thinking is that the guys who Need on everything are actually penalized by the opportunity cost of choosing Greed instead...meaning that by Needing it they get a few silver guaranteed but by Greeding it they have at least a 20% chance (assuming nobody passes...which some people do because they just don't feel like cluttering up their inventory or dealing with the AH) to get something that they can SELL on AH, TRADE, or USE ON AN ALT. If I'm given that chance for an item with value as opposed to a bound item that I can only vendor then I'm taking the chance any day because there is a lot more potential reward. Not only that, but it promotes a better community for group events and doesn't make it impossible to get gear for your class. This also helps reduce competition between classes because if I don't plan on equipping the item NOW then I will not Need Roll it and get a soul bound item that I have no intention of using.
  • balkoth1balkoth1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Guild Wars 2 "loot system" has nothing to do with the "gear progression". Those are two very different things. So before anyone makes posts complaining that GW2's gear progression stopped at max level. Understand that the way it handled distributing loot and the way it gave you stats are just apples and oranges.

    The loot system in games like GW2 and Diablo 3 (and I don't even like D3) are mechanically superior to that of NWO. Instead of rolling for the best loot, people have thier own loot tables and I have seen people willingly give over their own loot to other players if they wanted it (they would link it in the chat and say "anyone want this?", rather then fighting over it with a Need/Greed system.
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