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PnP in NW



  • xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes PnP and Video games are two separate entities. But that doesn't mean you cant mold them together to make something all new. As for your last comment. I've never been the sort of person who picks up a stick and says "hmm just a stick and nothing else." I was the kid who made stuff with that stick or pretended it was a sword. If everybody went threw life using everything in only they way it was made to be used you my friend wouldn't be able to type that message on this forum. Because the internet would have never existed.

    If this foundry is as big a deal as I hope it will be. We will find some ingenious developers using the tools we are given in innovative ways that they weren't originally intended for, to make great and unique content for us all to enjoy.
    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
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