Luckily, we will have advanced dungeon finder, grouping tool and guilds to use. We may need player tags like "elitist raider","laidback camper", "aestheticist backstabber" or something like that to help us discriminate.
this post gave me an idea, dungeon finder should allow ppl to tag themselves for how they want to play the dungeon
this would make dungeons more successful and more fun
tags could be smth like this
no tag - just as your average dungeon finder, finder adds 1 or 2 "newbies" max
"pro" - player who has completed dungeon x times or has x achievement,would allow for faster runs and less newbies getting on your nerves when you just want to run a fast dungeon and be on your way, should be account wide so you have easier time running on your alts
"mentor" - somebody who could qualify for "pro" but feels like either helping new players on a dungeon, teaching them or willing to take ppl through dungeon for a quest etc. maybe adding some small rewards for playing as a mentor
"newbie" - who lacks experience in chosen dungeon, if player pool queued for the dungeon allows it then parties are made form 1 "mentor" and 4 newbies. best way to learn.
"role players" - so they can have fun without being yelled at for being slow, RPing stuff, "wrong" gear/skill choices etc.