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Community Voice-Chat Invite Getting Off Topic

kittymofokittymofo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2012 in General Discussion (PC)
Aeternys's thread is getting off topic and some people are acting rude. Yes bumping may be a violation but so is going off topic in someone's thread. Of course this is a PWE game and on the PWI forums I don't see the CM,GMs or mods enforce the bumping issue. I do see them enforcing going off topic. Aeternys is making a guild. Aeternys is trying to make a place for people to go chat and hangout. You don't have to join his guild to chat with the group. You don't want check out it out? Fine, after reading the thread just leave and don't even reply. There shouldn't be any hostility or negativity because someone is trying to do something nice or helpful for the community.

I've been playing Perfect World International for almost 4 years. Community sucks nowadays. Played DDO and I thought the community was way better there. I was thinking since we'll have DDO players and other D&D fans the community won't be <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I could be wrong. I can tell already I'll be bumping heads with some of you in the game. I'm 36 and I just want to play a great game with some cool people. Is that too much to ask for? I think at this point I'd rather be guildless when the game starts.

Btw name dropping other games is also against PWE policy but I don't see anyone getting all crazy about that. b:bye
Post edited by kittymofo on


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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    But is making a thread saying it's going off topic such a wise idea? This could have been posted on that thread itself.

    And reviewing the policies I don't see on this board's policies where it specifically says we can't speak about other games. Not speak about hidden source material as in Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files or copyrighted materials maybe, but not "name dropping" games.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    PWI has a much more active forum base which more than likely plays a role in certain rules being lax. Personally I don't mind bumping threads and wouldn't get on anybody's case about it but once a day, especially at this point in time with such a limited user-base, is kind of excessive and that is all Truthseeker meant with his post.

    The thread has been less than well off and for that Aeternys has my deepest condolences. We were only given the power and permissions to enforce rules a few hours ago otherwise I would have stepped in and defended the thread much sooner.
    It truly needed it.

    I'm sorry you feel the way you feel about the current community but posting this doesn't make the situation any better. Try to give us a chance to get our bearings together and understand that from now on we will have some moderators to keep the hostilities down.

    Nothing good can come from this thread though so I am afraid I am going to lock it. If you want feel free to PM me any concerns and I'll be happy to respond to them.
    Again, please be patient. Things should only get better from this point on and let me know if they don't!
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