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No Eladrin?

aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion (PC)
To me at least, Eladrin is one of the coolest races. I never heard of this variant of Elf until 4e. But I like it. Fey Step is very interesting, and I for one would love to play one of these for that reason alone.
The races for Neverwinter are named here: http://nw.perfectworld.com/about/races . Does this mean no more will be added? Or is this just a starting point? I've never liked the Tiefling, but very much like the Eladrin.
Post edited by aescleal on


  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Eladrin are also called ''high elves'' so if you can be sub-races you'll most likely get eladrin, and why you dont like Tiefling could you tell?
    I am inactive and I know it
  • dabozerdabozer Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I wonder how racial abilities will factor in, if at all. From what they've said about classes so far, they each have special evasion abilities. For example, wizards have a short range teleport (if I remember correctly). So hypothetically if we have Eladrin, and they have Fey Step, how would that differ from the class abilities? And how can it be incorporated in a way that is not redundant?
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Eladrin are also called ''high elves'' so if you can be sub-races you'll most likely get eladrin, and why you dont like Tiefling could you tell?

    Yes, I do hope sub-races are in. Or will be soon after release.
    Tieflings, I've just never embraced them. I'm not much interested in the fiend/devil races for player races. What can I say. I don't mind others playing them any more than I mind them playing Drow, which I also don't enjoy playing. I guess I prefer to stick to the neutral & goodly races.
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    dabozer wrote: »
    I wonder how racial abilities will factor in, if at all. From what they've said about classes so far, they each have special evasion abilities. For example, wizards have a short range teleport (if I remember correctly). So hypothetically if we have Eladrin, and they have Fey Step, how would that differ from the class abilities? And how can it be incorporated in a way that is not redundant?

    I don't see how it would need to be much different from how you are saying it. A different visual effect maybe? But aside from that, would it be a big deal?

    I just wonder the reasoning Cryptic has for not adding them? And will they add them in the future?
  • singularitariansingularitarian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Elf sub-races would be wood elf and wild elf. Eladrin sub-races would be moon elf and sun elf. In no way is eladrin a sub-race of elf.

    I imagine that eladrin will be a race in the store... as I wish the drow were, as well, if only to somewhat limit the use of them both.
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I personally like drows cause they're not like almost every elf race is in almost every fantasy world. Majority from them are evil, that makes 'em awesome to me cause elf races are almost always ''goody''
    I am inactive and I know it
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I wouldn't mind if Eladrin were in the store, I'd pay for that. And I couldn't agree more about Drow being there. DDO is over run with Drow, but their place in society is different in that world. And for that matter, Tiefling could be as well, as I foresee Neverwinter being full of Drow and Tiefling players everywhere.
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    aescleal wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind if Eladrin were in the store, I'd pay for that. And I couldn't agree more about Drow being there. DDO is over run with Drow, but their place in society is different in that world. And for that matter, Tiefling could be as well, as I foresee Neverwinter being full of Drow and Tiefling players everywhere.

    Thats my problem, I'd like to be drow myself but if streets are full with drows (like they'll most likley be) I'll just go back to meh dwarf/half-elf/human cause i dont want to be one of massive army of drows at surface :/
    I am inactive and I know it
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    More reasons to add Deva as I would be one of the few using them. b:victory
    Let's hope for races and classes not in the shop, huh? XD
  • dabozerdabozer Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    aescleal wrote: »
    I don't see how it would need to be much different from how you are saying it. A different visual effect maybe? But aside from that, would it be a big deal?

    Not a big deal at all - I'm in no way suggesting that they shouldn't incorporate it, just wondering if they will, and how beneficial it would be in the action-based combat system where a short-range teleport ability is already available to all classes in some form as an "at-will" means of strategically navigating the battlefield.

    Keep in mind, I'm not super-familiar with how Fey Step works in PNP. My knowledge of it comes from the Facebook game. But in that iteration at least, it is a once-per-encounter version of something that sounds like it is available in unlimited supply for everyone already in this game. I'd like to see it incorporated - I just want it to still be useful. Maybe it has a recharge, but has a longer range than the typical dodge maneuvers?

    You know what? I'm just thinking with my fingers at this point - the subject isn't Fey Step, it's Eladrin in general. And to that, I agree - I hope they're included, though I would agree with speculation that they'll probably be a cash shop item.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    devs have already confirmed that more races will be added with time and they will lister to community. So if you want eldarin, make sure to get more support from community so they are prioritized over other races.
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What are the 4e Forgotten Realms core races?
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    aescleal wrote: »
    What are the 4e Forgotten Realms core races?
    Drow, Genasi and those from the Player's Handbooks (human, half-elf, elf, eladrin, dwarf...).
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    shiaika wrote: »
    Drow, Genasi and those from the Player's Handbooks (human, half-elf, elf, eladrin, dwarf...).

    ... tiefling and dragonborn.

    EDIT:and ofcourse, halflings. Missed them as was looking at my eye level.

    EDIT2: @Anglomyr Ni I didn't. They were already counted by shiaka. (They must have burped after beer, hard not to take notice)
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Is there any other difference in forms of dwarf and halfling expect that dwarves are heavier and they got beard? How you forgot halflings!? xD
    I am inactive and I know it
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So, core races in Forgotten Realms are:

    Drow, Gensai, Tiefling, Dragonborn, Human, Half-elf, Eladrin, Dwarf, Halfling.

    Then shouldn't all 9 races be included as part of the initial launch? And since they are core, why would any of them end up in the store? Neverwinter is F2P. It's a F2P model from the start, not a game that was converted. Ya, I don't like that much. I'd buy a race to play if that's how it had to be, but I won't be impressed if that's what they make me do.
  • qumi0qumi0 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Wizards generally made a weird split between elves into elves and eladrin, but in forgotten realms there are still known as elves.

    Pls, no Deva. Deva are something completely out of place for me. They were supposed to take place of Aasimar, but I never liked them. I would prefer to have Aasimar (just like Tieflings are a prodigy of demons/devils, Aasimar are a prodigy of celestials).
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    aescleal wrote: »
    Then shouldn't all 9 races be included as part of the initial launch?

    No. There is no reason why other races shouldn't be or if only these races should be, or any race should be. Game is 4e based, not a strict copy of 4e.

    It maybe free, if tone of devs is to be considered, but free or not will depend on economics of the game. A game cannot run in debt.
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    qumi0 wrote: »
    Wizards generally made a weird split between elves into elves and eladrin, but in forgotten realms there are still known as elves.

    Pls, no Deva. Deva are something completely out of place for me. They were supposed to take place of Aasimar, but I never liked them. I would prefer to have Aasimar (just like Tieflings are a prodigy of demons/devils, Aasimar are a prodigy of celestials).
    Eladrin and Elves are "just" elves in FR (and keep their traditional FR looks, I suppose?) but thanks to 4E they are more different than some subelven types (I miss Avariels!!).

    Personally I thought that Aasimar were quite "meh", honestly. Deva seem more interesting as a race. That said, I don't see why we couldn't have both in 4E but I'm not Wizards.

    Tiefling are equally boring as Aasimar. At least their new unified look gives them some personality as a race but to a certain point: a) it was better when they could have different demonic/devilish traits in their bodies, b) they should have been replaced (if the replacement was really needed) by another race much like Deva did to the Aaasimar (why replace only one? Aasimar could have used an update as the Tiefling did!! Like using the corrupt Deva!).

    Oh, FR races:
    Common: Drow, Genasi, Dragonborn, Dwarves, Eladrin, Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings, Humans, Tieflings.
    Supporting cast: Gnomes, Goblins, Lycanthropes and Shifters, Half-Orcs and Orcs, Devas, Goliaths, Shades.

    From there, priorities can be given and nothing prevents Cryptic from adding other races like Thri-Kreen or Minotaurs (not likely Mul or Warforged? as they seem quite scenario specific).
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    More partial to Aismer than Eladrin... actually never heard of Eladrin until DDO. But as I understand it Aismer are kinda out the window in 4e or something. But I despise the Eladrin because sooo sick of Elves everywhere. Already there are 2 elven races... normal elves and drow that's enough for a long time. Dragonborn should be the first new inclusion but when they do I'm betting we'll see nothing but Dragonborn left n right. Would be nice if you had to be "reborn" in order to have a dragonborn which is my understanding of the dragonborn is that that are reborn after swearing allegiance to their dragon or whatever.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    ...But as I understand it Aismer are kinda out the window in 4e...

    Aasimars are devas - just name changed and a little bit of change in fluff. (Devas are reincarnation of gods while aasimars were half-child of gods like tiefling being half-child of devils). However it is known that apart from asmodeus, no other god is much interfering with mortals so there was a plot hole with fluff of assimars so they made the devas as asexual reincarnations of gods.
  • singularitariansingularitarian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    qumi0 wrote: »
    Wizards generally made a weird split between elves into elves and eladrin, but in forgotten realms there are still known as elves.
    But they're still eladrin. Different appearance, ability scores, feats, powers... they're as separate as the drow, colloquial terminology aside. I hope they're not condensed to just ?elf?, and I doubt they are, considering how exclusively the description on the races page applies to elves and not eladrin, ?protecting natural beauty? and nonsense like that.
    qumi0 wrote: »
    Pls, no Deva. Deva are something completely out of place for me. They were supposed to take place of Aasimar, but I never liked them. I would prefer to have Aasimar (just like Tieflings are a prodigy of demons/devils, Aasimar are a prodigy of celestials).
    Aasimar is the Mulhorandi word for the deva, according to the FRPG.
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So it's likely a no for Eladrin eh? Sounds like many are not interested much in them and prefer more exotic races. I for one hope for Eladrin when Neverwinter goes live.
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Would be nice if you had to be "reborn" in order to have a dragonborn which is my understanding of the dragonborn is that that are reborn after swearing allegiance to their dragon or whatever.
    That was 3E. The 4E Dragonborn were created by/from the blood of the killed Io*. Another "update" but I like the dragonborn and hope to see them here asap. I suppose that many would prefer an horde of dragonborn players rather than an horde of drow ones. :p

    * actually died and his two halfs became Tiamat and Bahamut... lore lore lore**
    ** I don't remember the FR dragonborn though but was something similar, I think
    Edit 2:
    Hmm, book only says that Dragonborn are a fusion of dragon and human. Maybe some Wizards magazine says more?
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    qumi0 wrote: »
    Pls, no Deva. Deva are something completely out of place for me. They were supposed to take place of Aasimar, but I never liked them. I would prefer to have Aasimar (just like Tieflings are a prodigy of demons/devils, Aasimar are a prodigy of celestials).

    Oh! I missed this post!

    I also like Aasimars more than devas (aasimars being my fav race) but devas are more in sync with the lore of D&D.

    gods do not interact physically with mortals, unlike devils. So aasimars being of half-blooded heritage of gods was something not convincing. Devas are comparatively more convincing. But, yes I share the sentiment that I don't like the idea of reincarnated god a lot.
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Weird...I always thought that dragonborns are childs of a dragon and ''mortal'' race :/
    I am inactive and I know it
  • arajirarajir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    shiaika wrote: »
    Eladrin and Elves are "just" elves in FR (and keep their traditional FR looks, I suppose?) but thanks to 4E they are more different than some subelven types (I miss Avariels!!).

    Personally I thought that Aasimar were quite "meh", honestly. Deva seem more interesting as a race. That said, I don't see why we couldn't have both in 4E but I'm not Wizards.

    Tiefling are equally boring as Aasimar. At least their new unified look gives them some personality as a race but to a certain point: a) it was better when they could have different demonic/devilish traits in their bodies, b) they should have been replaced (if the replacement was really needed) by another race much like Deva did to the Aaasimar (why replace only one? Aasimar could have used an update as the Tiefling did!! Like using the corrupt Deva!).

    Oh, FR races:
    Common: Drow, Genasi, Dragonborn, Dwarves, Eladrin, Elves, Half-Elves, Halflings, Humans, Tieflings.
    Supporting cast: Gnomes, Goblins, Lycanthropes and Shifters, Half-Orcs and Orcs, Devas, Goliaths, Shades.

    From there, priorities can be given and nothing prevents Cryptic from adding other races like Thri-Kreen or Minotaurs (not likely Mul or Warforged? as they seem quite scenario specific).
    Strictly speaking Shadar-Kai are also part of the lore (the Shadowfell is in, especially true for Neverwinter that has a sister city there; also they are common in Netheril).
    Also FR Warforged aren't entirely unheard of, though vastly different from Eberron Lore: they are Gondsman the legendary mechanical men created by Gond to serve among his clergy long ago.
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    arajir wrote: »
    Strictly speaking Shadar-Kai are also part of the lore (the Shadowfell is in, especially true for Neverwinter that has a sister city there; also they are common in Netheril).
    Also FR Warforged aren't entirely unheard of, though vastly different from Eberron Lore: they are Gondsman the legendary mechanical men created by Gond to serve among his clergy long ago.
    You are correct but I just listed what the Forgotten Realms' Players' Handbook lists in it. Any race should be possible as long as it has the proper FR lore-bath even if planar travel between campaign scenarios was impossible (which is not).

    The list from that manual is actually a quite nice selection if we get it here. Only dragonborn would require some extra work in the 3d models (I don't think we would see lycanthropes). We would not get minotaurs, wildens, shardminds or githzerais from the PHs but we would still get some interesting races.

    I wouldn't mind getting Kobolds as race and Bard as class. No special reason, really.
  • foxybatfoxybat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Forget Eladrin, it's a high crime that Halflings are not included.

    Seriously. Human, dwarf, elf, halfing. That's the minimum core races for anything D&D ever.
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    foxybat wrote: »
    Forget Eladrin, it's a high crime that Halflings are not included.

    Seriously. Human, dwarf, elf, halfing. That's the minimum core races for anything D&D ever.

    Some vids looked like a halfling. At 0:18 that looked like a halfling to me. Looked to slender for a fugly dwarf but kinda hard to tell for sure.
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