Hi guys! Im newone here. But i m pretty active in the NWN2 persistance world Dalelands Forggotten realms. And by the way call me Rofler...any questions asks send me in tell. By the way im from Kazakhstan,
Ahead your irony yes im Little brother of Borat :D:D. I cannot wait when beta test will starts
Lolth Kyor Malla!!!! I hope drows will be looks much better. In the previous parts of the game they (drows) looks ugly...
By the way if someone will explain how to add avatar and additional info for account will be cool...
If you still want to change it for 2-3 days, go to 'User CP' on left top; then from left margin choose 'Edit Avatar', then choose custom avatar -> upload it from link or from your computer and you are good to go.