Hello all, on here I got stuck with technical13 / technica1l3. I'm fairly well known in the DDO world as ShoeMaker. I've been playing DDO for a couple years. I started on the Khyber server, migrated to Argonnessen, and finally to Cannith. I am fairly well known on all servers through my work on the
DDOwiki as
ShoeMaker or Technical_13. I've heard about NeverWinter a few times and figured I would come see what it is all about.
As you can see from my sig, its LeslieWest_GuitarGod from the DDO forums. I too am checking out Neverwinter, even though I am no fan of 4e, I can see this will be (it already is) a vibrant community and hope the game will be great. The devs here listen, and I'm sure you'll find that Cryptic bares many similarities to Turbine. This is DDO with 4e rules, yet Cryptic was wise enough to separate itself early on by saying its simply 4e "inspired' LOL Maybe learning a bit from the whitewashing Turbine took for insinuating DDO was going to closely follow 3.5 rules!
Good times ahead, welcome aboard!
PS: They are still in alpha, but still adamant game will go through alpha/closed beta/open beta stress test then live by November. We shall see...