I'm afraid the game's not out yet. We're still waiting on it. Nevertheless, there is still hope: get hired by Cryptic's Neverwinter team. Then you can play now!
I'm afraid the game's not out yet. We're still waiting on it. Nevertheless, there is still hope: get hired by Cryptic's Neverwinter team. Then you can play now!
Pick me pick me!
Seriously, the game had a major revamp after being released from Atari and its restrictions and acquired by Perfect World Entertainment. This weekend, the PAX convention will be one of the first places to have the public see the game in its new full (not restricted so they are calling it) MMO (instead of its restricted co-op) form.
Beta keys and such are expected soon after with the game's release in late 2012 (but no specifics are out as to when that is for either.)
Pick me pick me!
Seriously, the game had a major revamp after being released from Atari and its restrictions and acquired by Perfect World Entertainment. This weekend, the PAX convention will be one of the first places to have the public see the game in its new full (not restricted so they are calling it) MMO (instead of its restricted co-op) form.
Beta keys and such are expected soon after with the game's release in late 2012 (but no specifics are out as to when that is for either.)