Greetings, everyone. I'm a long-time GM for various game systems and campaigns, including a Neverwinter campaign that is just about to wrap up Heroic Arc. I am definitely looking forward to immersing myself in the city via this MMO. Just a shame I did not have this as a resource sooner.
Greetings, everyone. I'm a long-time GM for various game systems and campaigns, including a Neverwinter campaign that is just about to wrap up Heroic Arc. I am definitely looking forward to immersing myself in the city via this MMO. Just a shame I did not have this as a resource sooner.
I hope this means you'll be one of those who can create a great story for future player-creatable foundry games, but any Neverwinter participation by new members here is appreciated. Welcome to the community diachy!
I hope this means you'll be one of those who can create a great story for future player-creatable foundry games, but any Neverwinter participation by new members here is appreciated. Welcome to the community diachy!