Hi all, looking forward to seeing what Neverwinter has to offer and I have enjoyed reading some of your threads so thought I had better de-lurk. I started out my MMO career looking for an online version of D&D and ended up in EQ. I naturally moved to EQII which, despite short forays into Vanguard and Rift beta's, has held my interest for the past ten years. Not really seen anything to match EQ yet but Im hoping this might be it.
Played AD&D (2nd ed) for about 5 years, BG, BGII etc, read the dragonlance chronicles .. the usual list of interests. The thing I remember, though, is that feeling of excitement when I was a kid and I was given the D&D basic set for Christmas, the one with the red box and the huge red dragon on the cover. My parents couldn't drag me away from it for days! Coming onto these forums I get the same feeling of excitement. I am looking forward to the days ahead
Greetings fellow fighting man and magic user player!
Thanks for de-lurking HR and hope to see you on the threads more often.
And may our MMO/D&D quest for the ultimate experience ring true.