Hello all. I ve played D&D for 20 years, Read Every Forgoten Realms novel there is, Played Ultima online from the begining for 7 years. Also tested the D&D Eberron MMORPG. I am now a CO liffer. Just downloaded the client for STO....and I cant spell

. I love this stuff.
I have played D&D for about 32 yars and nine months give or take. Read some FR and some DL, preferring Greenwood and Salvatore, but give an honorable mention to Laura and Tracy Hickman. I saw the modern birth of MMORPG and am a lifetime "recovering Evercrack addict." Some games I have come and gone on (SWG one I'd rather never mention again,) including DDO (got full core classes yet?) I love and revere D&D and hope this combines what Baldur's Gate and NW did for the computer game of D&D for the 4th edition. If not, I can say I enjoied the ride to gold.