Hiyas folks from Minnesota. I come in from a bit of an older generation of dnd players (fighter, magic-user, cleric, dwarf, elf, halfling) remember races and classes combined? Hahahaha. the game looks really nice and i hope to get to know some of you folks well enough in the next year or so soes i dont always have to use hirelings (bah, who wants to PAY for mercs when you can have youre buddies do it for free?) I am also hoping to get a lot better understanding of the 4E ruleset that the game is based off of in the meantime.
lets see: currently playing on a regular basis - Settlers of Catan Cities and Knights, Starcraft 2 (just the campaign and AI enemies, im terrible at playing noncomputer thinkers bwhahahaa), LOTRO, Diablo2 and WC3
every once in a while games - DragonAgeOrigins, Age of Conan (i like to check in to see just how choppy my play is once every coupla months), Oblivion, WH40k 2, Civ5, and NWN2.
gave up- WoW, NWN (never did really get a handle on how to join in on a persistent world campaign or how to download mods/campaign settings, it just looked to be a bit too daunting of a task for my puny brain), Settlers of Catan Online, Spore (played it through once and it just didnt hold any interest), all of my console (plystion and xbox - no upgraded consoles at my house, boo. just pc now) games are collecting dust. One oldie-but-a-goodie i could like to get out is the Warhammer fantasy Shadow of the Horned Rat RTS for the playstation that was superhard back in the day that i havent had the gumption to hook the old console up to give it one more crack.
Looking forward to- Diablo3, Skyrim, the SC2 expansions, this game, and anything that has to do with a possible remake or expansion of the old Dune 2000 RTS. Im sure that there's other titles i would love to play around with also, but i do have to complete about 9 more college courses in order to receive my BA at this "semi-late" stage of the game-of-life, soes ive really been trying hard to limit my intake of pc-videogame-coolity lately.
I guess that's all for now, Cheers folks, and we'll see y'all around the forums and hopefully around our game before too long!