Hi folks. BlueEyedDevil here. I would just like to say I am really excited to see a Forgotten Realms online game setting. I can't wait to play the game. I have participated in a couple of open Betas (LoTRO,DCUO) and I would LOVE to participate in a Neverwinter Beta. Anyway, here's hoping I see everyone there.
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r555555555555555Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Hi folks. BlueEyedDevil here. I would just like to say I am really excited to see a Forgotten Realms online game setting. I can't wait to play the game. I have participated in a couple of open Betas (LoTRO,DCUO) and I would LOVE to participate in a Neverwinter Beta. Anyway, here's hoping I see everyone there.
I finally found it. Didn't realize I posted this on the last day of June last year but, it was June none the less.
I finally found it. Didn't realize I posted this on the last day of June last year but, it was June none the less.