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Hi I am TarponCrest...

Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2011 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)

I am TarponCrest, I am kind of a loner, but very chatty when engaged. I love to play PnP and Nwn1. Despite this I do not consider myself a good roleplayer, so I often prefer to engage in solo adventures to not spoil others game. This does not mean I will not join parties, on the contrary but I am just as engaged and having fun solo as I would be in a group.

My imagination is way out there and well I seem to never get board of my own thoughts. I tend to like adventure/exploring while hacking and slashing, and that turns away many hard core role players that want a strict dose of Rping.

I can also say that I love to build characters, I actually prefer to plan a character and then develop it to see how well that concept worked (far from a role playing idea I know). I would say that I am a power gamer but I do not think that is correct as I do not look for the "best" immortal character to be king of the mountain, but rather a character that is really fun and unique while maximizing its "base" potential. which not always reflects a God like character, but more of a character that is real good at what it's meant to be good at.

I am looking forward to seeing this game develop and eventually getting a chance to play with the community.

If they make some type of Druid/shifter or anything that can shapechange you can be assured I will be rping that most of the time.

"I shall not be created nor destroyed only transformed".
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