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Hello all it's Azimn! (formerly st4rscream) NWN changed my life

Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2011 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)
Hey everyone, I know I am super excited to see this product coming together. I wanted to just pitch in who I am and my past with the franchise.

NWN changed my life.

No really it did. I bought my first PC just to play NWN. I started making my own adventures and was hooked. Quickly just making levels was not enough and I started to use my experience with photoshop to re-texture models from the game.
I worked on several NWN projects but the only one that is still around is nwnravenloft.
I made many of the custom monsters for that game, including the death knight, were-ravens, and even Count Strahd himself.

I later did my capstone for my bachelor's using the Aurora toolset and designed a western game, which led to me teaching 3d modeling and photoshop and now I am working on my thesis at UAT in game production and management in which I am making an MMORPG as part of it.

All of this my entire career sprang from NWN. So you can say I am pretty excited about this game!
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    :eek: That is amazing and very inspirational! My current dabblings in D&D helped to partially re-ignite my dreams of becoming a history teacher! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Azimn you rock! Very interesting story you have. Hope everything goes your way.:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 5,050,278 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2011
    Thanks guys! It is great to see another teacher!
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