The Redeemed Citadel is a special campaign that offered a Reforger's Blessing purchase unlocking the milestone(s) purchased for progress to be made at the players chosen pace and time. I found the original posting for the special event posted at . In paragraph 6 sentence 1 states:
If you're not sure you'll be able to complete the goals in time: a reforger's blessing will be available in the zen market that allows the bearer to earn personal progress at their own pace, even after a milestone ends. It also reaffirms in paragraph 8 sentance 3:
And of course, those who purchased a blessing may earn personal progress whensoever they choose.
I purchased the bundle milestone pack before milestone 1 ended unlocking all 4 milestones. After taking a break from the game I've come back to find that I'm not able to continue progressing the milestones for this campaign. I submitted a support ticked and attached 9 screenshots showing a completed quest earning 100 currency that should count towards the milestone progressions as well as each milestone before (a) and after (b) the quest turn in. The screenshots clearly show that the reforger's blessing has been unlocked (which can only happen upon purchase) on all 4 milestones for this special event. Having paid for the milestone unlock the special campaign post clearly states that I have paid for these rewards for each character on my account and the racial unlock that comes with it.
I am submitting this here as per the request of the GM who responded to my support ticket. Please fix this.