I have always found the Item Refinement window rather misleading. It shows "100% CHANCE" but will not allow me to upgrade the item. It doesn't matter what the item is, the "Upgrade" button remains disabled. The mechanics here makes no sense to me.

Now, I know the hate is inbound because I'm stupid & the "Epic Enchanting Stones" are missing. However, the point that I'm trying to make is, how is it even possible to be anywhere above "0% Chance" when any of the req'd ingredients/materials are missing? Shouldn't the "% Chance" remain at 0% until the all the req'd stuff is accounted for?
Like dump the req'd ingredients into an array then ...
flg_Reqd_Items = False
for each itm in arry_Reqd_Items
if itm.count >= reqd.count then flg_Reqd_Items = True
next itm
if flg_Reqd_Items = True then Chance = Calc_Chance else Chance = "0%"
Is the current system actually logical ... or is this an actual bug that needs to be fixed?
DarkMain the Kind
My question was not ... what's missing here? ... or ... why can't I upgrade this item?
I even acknowledged the missing ingredients. Of all the questions that I asked, the general question is ... why display a "100% Chance" when there are missing ingredients, it clearly shouldn't be possible to even upgrade the item, AND the "Upgrade" button is disabled?
If you have missing ingredients, then I'd think that it should display "0% Chance".
IDK how else to re-phrase my question so that it makes more sense.
The % chance of success it totally dependent upon the type of mote you have slotted. Coal Motes are 100%. Other motes much less. No mote is 0%.
It has nothing to do with the missing ingredients. Those are reflected in the disabled Upgrade button.
Since you did not fulfil the requirement, the button is disable regardless the chance is 1%, 10% or 100%.
If you fulfil the requirement, the button will be enable regardless you get 1%, 10%, 100% chance.