Just did a usual 5 round run in Arena.
On round 4 we had like 6 bosses, it was almost party wipe, but we've made it.
Then on round 5 we saw Sylvan Stag (or something like that) with many legs. The Sylvan Stag was instakiling everyone, including tank.
It is just bad luck or it's by design?
Earlier I was doing Arena weekly on many toons, it was quite easy and fun.
The difficulty seems to differ not only by increasing each round, but also depending upon the type of mobs. I've been experiencing this from the beginning, not just this week. That is, in one run round 5 might be a cake-walk while another time I'm popping potions every cooldown. And, I usually solo it on my main, so it isn't a group composition / power thing either.
And yeah, that one boss with the stag and other animals does seem particularly nasty.
Yes, I met the Stag and its gang before. I could only kill 3 and I had to give up. However, it did give me the credit for the 5th round though.