I've noticed I'm missing crafting materials when I craft a lot of something (leather visors) every time the delivery box is full. When I start crafting visors, 2 leather are immediately taken from my supply. Every time one is finished another immediately starts and 2 more are taken. When the box is full production of the visor stops, but 2 leather are still removed to start the next one once the box is emptied. When I empty the box, instead of using the 2 leather it alreadty removed, the game removes 2 more leather. Today I purchased 160 leather, which makes 80 visors. It costs 5 morale to finish one immediately, so my 400 morale should make 80 visors. When all my 160 leather are gone I have 77 visors and 15 morale left over. When I fill the box the first time with 24 visors (48 leather) it shows I have 110 leather left, the 48 used and the 2 removed for the next one. I empty the box and that number immediately drops to 108, no visor has been made yet and the 2 it removed to start the next one before I emptied the box are just gone.