I noticed on the forums that you are doing improvement to the Barbarian which is needed, but it seems like the main focus is on encounter powers. The at-will powers are being ignored and they need work too. For example, Relentless Slash, which is a main power of the Barbarian, magnitutde should be increased by at least 40 and the range should be increased to at least another 10 feet. By making this change, it can be on more equal with other classes. Also, that woudl help Barbarian get into groups more. The added effect on relentless slash should be increased to 7.5% for him and 2.5% for the group.
Secondly, Brass Strike magnitutde should be increased by 40 and the cast time should be cut down to .28 seconds to make it more relvant to other classes. Also, Not So Fast encounter power radius should increased by 10 ft, so it can compete with classes like the rogue when it comes to range.
Next, Blood Letter encounter power doesn't make any sense with the self based damage when tyou have other classes like the rogue and guardian figther who can do bleed damage and the Barbarian can't. That power should be bleed damage to the emenies since it's called blood letter, not sefl-damage. I know this ability is similar to a Barbarian ability in 5e but the game is not structured towards 5e and the Barbarian isn't overpowered in the game like in 5e. You shouldn't be doing so much damage to yourself.
Lastly, The Frenzy encounter power cast time should cut down to .68 seconds to make the class more relevant. War cast time should be cut down to .55 seconds and its range should be increased by at least 10 ft to make it more useable when dealing with multiple enemies. Also magnitutde should be increase by 50 and added effect should by two seconds.
If you have a chance, please look at these because Barbarian can't be invited into groups and I have been playing this game since its been released.
It is the feat bloodspiller that gives extra damage, shorter cooldown with the price of damage yourself and lose the heal.
If you use that feat, the tooltip is changed to:
The current self damage is 'tiny'. The self damage did not bother me.
Regarding "bleed effect" I suggested in another post that it be applied to the ax storm, it would be a nice buff. Another nice buff would be a poison on daggers that applies slow, thus activating Trample of the fallen, but in mode 16 all bleed and poison effects were almost completely removed.